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swiftyisNOTevil writes, "I have recently become obsessed with the BBC Three show 'The Real Hustle' - personally, I think of it as a 'How To' show for aspiring con artists."

Have you carried out a successful con? Perhaps you hustled a few quid off a stranger, or defrauded a multi-national company. Or have you been taken for the wide-eyed, naive rube that you are?

(, Thu 18 Oct 2007, 13:02)
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on a cross channel ferry
..returning from a long trip on the continent i was at the bureaux de chance where the nice young lady mistakingly handed over £1750.00 for 1750.00 swiss francs. The exchange rate should have bought us about £800.00 at the time and we watched , smiled and took the dosh feeling rather happy with ourselves.....and that was it -we'd made a grand. was it a con? well not really but i suppose we could have said "excuse me but i think you're making a big mistake?" but we didn't. And we made a grand.
(, Fri 19 Oct 2007, 12:44, 4 replies)
I suspect
that the nice young lady probably got the sack for that. Or was made to pay it back or something.

Wouldn't worry me so much if it were just a company who'd lost the cash, but I'd hate that to happen to an individual.

Must get rid of this bloody conscience!
(, Fri 19 Oct 2007, 12:52, closed)
Serves her right, to be fair
Not really suited to the job if she's going to make mistakes like that, is she?
(, Fri 19 Oct 2007, 13:18, closed)
I think I would have kept it, I'm not sure.
(, Fri 19 Oct 2007, 15:36, closed)
Have loaded up on duty free, and Toblerones.
(, Fri 19 Oct 2007, 17:53, closed)

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