b3ta.com user laniik
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» Terrible food

oh man i got this one down
so, setup is im staying in an old house near newquay. its tea time, so we break out the crackers and cheese (brie). so brie looks kind of like a slice of pizza, with white tops and bottoms and slightly yellowish insides. after spreading it on a couple crackers and taking a few bites, my sister screams. turns out that she spotted these little black dots moving in the brie.

yup. it turned out that we were eating a wedge of maggots. there was no cheese. none. just the white tops and bottoms and inside was a perfectly wedge shaped chunk of maggots with little tiny black heads moving around.

they tasted just like brie, as that was all that had eaten in their existence.

i still cant eat brie.
(Thu 17th May 2007, 19:58, More)