b3ta.com user PenguinGirl
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Profile for PenguinGirl:
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I've enjoyed b3ta for years. I'm in the US.

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» Out of my depth

Drowning is fun!
When I was 4 or 5 I couldn't touch bottom below the slide in the neighborhood pool, but my 6 year-old neighbor could... on tiptoes. I thought it would be a good idea to have her stand at the bottom of the slide and catch me as I came careening down. Of course we both went under, had to be dragged out by the lifeguards.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had poor water saftey assumptions when I was young.

Some years later, I was 12 I think, I thought putting my hair over my face while I tanned instead of putting on sunscreen would prevent me from burning. I was burned in a zebra-fashion on the face for a week.
(Thu 14th Oct 2004, 18:35, More)