b3ta.com user English Bloke82
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» Pathological Liars

Liar Liar, mother loving Liar!
Right where do I begin with this bloke. I was at, lets say, Ussex Eniversity from 01 to 04. Nice time, drunk time but was made more insterestng in the first year by a guy who I knew who for the love of god could not stop lying, and the beauty was his lies were so inconsistent!
A list as follows:
1. He had a pimped out VW Beatle, exposed engine, lowered etc… but had to leave it at his parents house when he came down south. Later on that year on a drive around Colchester, driving behind a beatle he said “Man I would love one of those” to which he was posed the question “Mate I thought you said you had one?” His response. “ Err,, yea, that what I meant, I want another one”
2. He knew Less Than Jake when they were a small band starting up from Leicester, thought this was impressive but strange. Googled said band, and was amazed that Florida and Leicester could be mixed up.
3. During Reading 2000 when Daphne and Celeste were around he was able to walk through a crowd of angry and fairly drunk rockers, with a curry and launch it at them. Like a modern day Moses.
4. He was the 2nd best Karate expert in the UK and the guy who beat him to the to spot also went to our Uni, when asked why he didn’t speak to him something about bad history. My mate later spoke to said champion on the UK, he had no recollection of being in a Karate competition and hated the liar, just as he was a bell end.
5. His dad had 5 PHd’s, then it went down to 4 later. Must have lost one behind a sofa.

Length, according to him massive, but then again......
(Sun 2nd Dec 2007, 22:24, More)

» Why should you be fired from your job?

I forgot to say when I was a lifeguard, instead of scooping kids poo out of the pool, I just mashed it up with the broom and watched it float away.
Length? Short and smelling of poo!
Also used to throw kids in the pool and turn up to hungover i couldn't see, how no one drowned I will never know!
(Fri 10th Aug 2007, 15:21, More)

» Why should you be fired from your job?

Estate Agents
I work in IT for an estate agents, last christmas party I called them all a bunch of cunts.
MD found out, somehow still have a job.
Length? Short but wide!
(Fri 10th Aug 2007, 9:08, More)