b3ta.com user squiffy raa raa pompousbottom
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» The Onosecond

A while back
some friends and i discovered that if you send a text message to a land line, then the phone rings, and a comedy computerised woman tries to read whatever you had sent!

On one particularly drunken night out (after the initial comedy of sending each other stupid texts in halls of residence had worn off...) i tried to send a message to one such friend (who had been trying to contact me) letting him know where i was, along the lines of "i've just been sick on my shoes and then pissed on a tramp", but i managed to send it home to my own parents.

Despite the fact i signed off the message with my name, i'm not sure if they realised it was me...
(Thu 26th May 2005, 23:37, More)

» It was a great holiday, but...

In a fit of child-like enthusiasm while on a family holiday in the algarve, i decided to take a small dingy out for a sail. apparently i had forgotten how to, and in force 5-6 offshore winds, i eventually found myself so far out at sea that i could only just still see land- the shoddy portugese rescue boat had no petrol. It took 3 hours to come and get me, by which time i had taken down the sails and sat whimpering with the curious combination of being fucking cold (from wind chill) and sunburned.
(Thu 21st Apr 2005, 11:02, More)