b3ta.com user charlytune
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Best answers to questions:

» Urban Legends

does this count?
I once managed to convince my very gullible friend Jo that there was a meteorite on its way to south London. It went something like this:
me: so have you been evacuated then?
jo: huh?
me: you know, cos of the meteorite?
jo: huh?
me: you know, it was on the news last night? didn't the police come to your house last night to evacuate you?
jo: [more panicky] huh?
me: god jo don't you know anything, there's a big meteorite on it's way to Norbury, everyone from there has been evacuated. it's hitting in 2 days.
jo: oh my god (etc etc).
Next day in school Jo tiumphantly announced that there was no meteorite. how had she finally worked this out? she'd gone home and told her equally gullible parents about their impending doom, they then proceeded to harass the local police about why thay hadn't been evacuated (I believe her Dad at one point accused them of evacuating white people first and leaving Indian families to their doom).
After about three hours thay worked it out.
It could have turned into a nice bit of local panic if only the rest of Norbury , South Norwood and Streatham were as gullible as Jo and her family.ah well.
(Tue 10th Jan 2006, 19:21, More)

» Child Labour

oh, and (#2)
I talked parents into letting me & 2 mates demolish our shed for £100 when I was 16. unfortunately because we thought it was the right of a working person to have a fag every 5 mins, a spliff every 20, and 3 trips to the pub a day, it took us all week. £33 each for a weeks work left us at about £20 short after leisure activities. we proper fucked that shed tho.
(Sun 19th Feb 2006, 0:54, More)

» Lies I told on my CV

my sacking as manager of a pub (sacked by my mates no less) was turned into a redunancy on my CV (with compliance from aforementioned bastard mates) when applying for an event management job. i basically said that due to budget restrictions the owners had decided not to have a manger, & do it all themselves. interview went great, i was one of only 5 applicants & was convinced i was getting it. but didn't. found out later that the guy who got the job was the same bloke who had been made manager after me. arse.
(Mon 10th Jul 2006, 19:07, More)

» Child Labour

oh, and..
Does being made to wear your cousins flares well into the eighties count? My Mum has never forgiven me for informing my little brother that flare were like, well sad, and not cool. cos he refused to wear them. and she then had to buy him a shell suit cos there were no other clothes in the house apart from cast-offs. and he was 12 and therefore stupid, and thought shell suits were desirable. pink and green shell suit at that. Now THAT'S child abuse. whether you're a willing victim or not....
(Sun 19th Feb 2006, 0:47, More)

» Child Labour

My self-righteous mum, in the late 80's, decide to stop getting the Sunday Times "because of the poor paper boys breaking their backs". regardless of the fact that they never tipped the poor paper boys more than a pound at Christmas, and that the Times is a right-oriented paper & the p's are meant to be goody-goody sit-on-the-fence namby-pamby liberals that took the Guardian the rest of the week. Having said that, the Observer IS SHIT.
(Sun 19th Feb 2006, 0:43, More)
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