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B3ta-Brand™ office products, anyone?
Inspired by this post by Pinklefish last night, and made using her kindly donated pen template.
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:22,
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brilliant stuff
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:24,
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matsimpsk ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:24,
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JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:30,
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I even managed to spell houpla right on that one, which is a bit of a first for me :/
matsimpsk ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:32,
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wouldn't worry
the spelling of most words is flexible... that's the beauty of B3ta.
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:40,
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dsf adsf afg fg. That should always be spelt correctly. :)
kaydup ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:54,
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which is a good example
because you didn't ;)and neither did I when I made a pic of it, oh the shame!
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 17:08,
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You sure ?
Could have sworn that was the correct spelling. I've even seen Fnord spell it as such. Ah well. :) Edit : Ah yes, I missed off the g. Dsf adsfg afg fg :)
kaydup ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 17:23,
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filthy furtive pens!
yay! btw, mr here - i'm in the 10k club now.
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:24,
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well done sir!
didn't you only pass 8000 when I'd just hit 10K? I think that implies you're actually speeding up!
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:25,
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i've absolutely no idea when i hit 8k
as well you know.
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:26,
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might be a few weeks before i get 10k
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:26,
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I'm happy to hand off my crown...
I think I gave it to Kitty Meow Meow actually, now she'll have to pass it to you - and soon MI will deserve it!
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:27,
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Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:28,
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Mother Inferior
silly boy!
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:29,
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ah yes
she's been here ten days longer than me though but she's been posting more recently
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:30,
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i've been here
plenty longer than you. You excessively posting bastard.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:32,
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yes but you're
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:32,
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prettier than you?
well, maybe.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:33,
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except in most pictures
i'm gurning.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:33,
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what's it to you?
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:37,
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Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:39,
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no, never
we wouldn't talk about you behind your back...
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:37,
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mission: impossible
tom cruise is a lurker.
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:30,
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i used to be
a pretty prolific poster.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:30,
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but now you're a handsome prolific poster
oh, how age changes us.
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:31,
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how true.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:32,
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i wish anyway.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:33,
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I remember at easter
we were about level... we still are, despite individual ups and downs in our rates - we're not the same person, are we? (p.s. my last post was 12480, woo for irrelevant milestones!)
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:33,
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hmm, how rare.
and i hardly posted at all when i first joined.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:34,
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meaning i must have started posting properly
when you first joined.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:35,
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Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:36,
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I scooted ahead early
then eased back to almost human levels... my average is about 60+ per day, although I know I've done hundreds some days then gone weeks without posting.
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:36,
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i just worked it out, and i'm only at about 36 a day. mind you, when i started, all this was fields.
bananaman ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:39,
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Fields? Pah!
You were lucky! I had to wade through primodial soup!
The Duke Of Your Fingers feels like an old man... mmm, tasty! ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:44,
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I average under 5 a day.
goat thinks you're shit ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:40,
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Your posting rate is scary.
Maybe we should break your fingers and slow you down.
goat thinks you're shit ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:27,
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or make him a get a job
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:30,
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I'm unemployed as well.
I'm just normally an antisocial bastard.
goat thinks you're shit ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:32,
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if you get me one
i'll take it. i might get a night shift at asda, easy money.
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:33,
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it seems easy
trust me, at four am it most certainly isn't.
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:35,
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thrust you? i just might try ;). but yeh, i might try and can always resign
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:39,
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"Would you
like fries with that?"
s0WmVHAwZgpG ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:39,
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one of us!
one of us! one of us!
bananaman ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:26,
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i'll never be like you.
you hear me? NEVER!
martian ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:27,
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i hate every ape i see,
from chimpanaaaay to chimpanzee
bananaman ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:35,
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so long
as we can nick em from the stionary cuboard
siamese twins utd. ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:25,
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I think
it's obligatory to do this...
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:26,
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farverlous! WOO!
pinklefish ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:25,
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thank you
without you, this pen would never have existed... shame the magic donkey doesn't appear to be around again , eh?
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:38,
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Never mind puppy
have this instead:
pinklefish ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 17:09,
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that's really marvelous !
Yay you !
oCo ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:25,
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buy that for a dollar (or 5)
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:26,
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Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:26,
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That is a touch of quality.
Tart Monkey ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:28,
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houplah !
Tedmus ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:28,
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I still have my tennents sweetheart stout
screwdriver that does that. hours of fun
thediscokingpin ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:29,
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i'll have 3 please
lampoon now lives in new zealand ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:30,
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yay! yay! yay!
I'll take five! that's bloody fucking marvelous
sosumi ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:31,
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did i mention how yay that is?
well, it is. So there.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:39,
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thanks again kind sirrah
and to all of you who I've not thanked individually... my thanks also to my family, my friends, my agent, the Academy (of course), and God, without whom we'd all be lost for swearwords.
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 16:43,
archived )
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