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This is a normal post cool
feel free to liberally sprinkle the word 'Jews' into any other sentence she uses in the future when quoting her then.

(not trying to defend her here, but this thing about replacing words when quoting immediately undermines the credibility of the person doing the quoting.)
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 12:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post WTF are you talking about?
A quote is a quote. If you insert words or replace words it's not a quote. Stupid fucking spastic.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 12:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post we have a winner!
ding ding ding

and don't act coy, you know you were implying she meant Jews when she said Israelis, and you aren't the only one implying or explicitly saying that it's what she said.

and I wouldn't have to point such stupidly fucking obvious things if you would stop misrepresenting people, or could even just serve up the full pint of your mind piss without spilling half of it down your trousers.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 12:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fuck stupid lying cunt.
she said "The Jews are rallying". She used the word "Jews". Not "Israelis", "Jews". The exact word she used was "Jews". Fact. Google it you ill informed lying cunt.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 13:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post its still right there, several posts up
see the post that started this chain, where eViLegion says:
"said that she thought Jews in Isreal should be relocated to the US"?

that is not the same thing as (stupidly) suggesting Israel be subsumed into America, which would presumably entail some sort of optional relocation for EVERY Israeli, rather than just Jewish Israelis.
(I understand the actual post, just had the text "problem solved")

that she has talked about Jews in other contexts is not something I am disputing.... or talking about.

in this case (you know- the one I was actually talking about) it's pretty simple, so stop muddying the waters between talking about Israel and talking about 'The Jews', you simpleton.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 18:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post also
what's with the attitude?
do you expect you can just tire people out with your shitty insults and 'win an argument' that way?

if you actually have a serious point to make, I suspect most people here will listen even if you DONT call them a cunt.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 18:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post There were more than one offending social media posts.
I know the one you were referring to. It didn't mention Jews. Another one did. You called me a liar when you said she never referred to Jews. She did. The attitude is uncool. But you're not fully appraised of all the facts so I got very angry and obnoxious. I'm sick of all the apologists, especially when they only know about one part of the story.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 18:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post fair enough
I'm not defending her comments, just want to make sure that if she is expelled, that its for the things she actually said.
and no, I don't know everything she said.

if only the sum of all her communications is considered anti-semitic, then lets say she that she said A, B and C. but can we not mash them together to save time.

"You called me a liar when you said she never referred to Jews"
also, I never call you a liar, and I didn't say that she never referred to Jews.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 19:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post OK. I have been very rude and obnoxious,
But your IMPLICATION, and not my inference, was crystal clear. Rest easy knowing that my egregious insults reflect very badly on me. My flaws are legion. Nevertheless, your fatous sixth common room Marxism is more tedious than toothache. However my aggressive and offensive replies to yours do undermine my credibility. You're still a cunt though, comrade. But I bear you no ill will in reality. I hope you and yours live long and prosper.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 20:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Who's being coy now?

(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 14:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post It really doesn't matter whether she said Jews or Israelis.
Racism is racism whether it's based on skin colour, ethnicity, religion, or nationality.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 14:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post You're missing the point.
She's been pulled up on several social media posts. In the relocate Israel to America one, the word Jew isn't used, so some idiots are saying it's not naughty. However in another post she does use the word Jews, whereas had she used the word Israelis it wouldn't really been an issue, it was about a vote on something.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 15:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm pretty sure I'm not missing the point...
...since I'm definitely agreeing with you...?
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 16:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post No!
Can't you see I'm in full on argument mode? I've gone full retard.
(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 17:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post I see.

(, Fri 29 Apr 2016, 21:01, , Reply)