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This is a normal post Imagine if the same gag was on Fox News

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 14:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't watch FOX news so can't imagine it
It's pretty hard to find here in the UK
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 14:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fox news generally keeps its sexual harrassment off-camera

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 14:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post ha!

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 14:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm not asking you to base your decision on actually having watched Fox News, but rather the perception of Fox News, especially around here.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't think this would be permitted on "right leaning" news outlets.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 14:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't see why not
or maybe my perception of how fox news is perceived differs to your perceived perception.
It's a shit "news" service as far as I know, but I don't recall anyone saying they can't have camp entertainers on doing pranks with seats
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 14:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post Maybe so.
My perception is that had Fox News done it, the rest of the media would have blown up at such a joke as proof that they hated gays.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post You are imagining people will hate something because of something that hasn't happened
based on your belief of what other people believe.
Perhaps its time to stop thinking that way and just concentrate on reality
How could people think Fox hate gays if they hired a camp comedian to perform his own act? Surely that would show that they support such performances?
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post I see your point.
I have friends who think it's wrong to out a man. But if the guy is conservative, they think it's their duty.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't know your friends, but I'd guess it's because of the hypocrisy of supporting a party that is anti-gay will being closeted rubs them up the wrong way

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post So being outed is virtuous if you disagree with a person's political views.
This explains the people who are morally opposed to the death penalty, "except for Donald Trump. I hope that bastard fries for his crimes."

Very selective.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post I didn't say it was virtuous. In fact I was suggesting the opposite, that it would take a certain amount of hypocrisy shoved in your face to do something that nasty
I wouldn't do it because I couldnt give a fuck. But if I was somebody who deeply cared about gay marriage rights, for example, it'd probably piss me off to learn that a closeted gay bloke was supporting the denial of those rights
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post The outing seems the most hypocritical.
I have read a lot that republicans hate gays, but there are a lot of gay people who support them.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post it would be hypocritical if you were somebody that advocated not outing people but secretedly outed them
do you see how hypocrisy works?
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Are you saying it's only hypocrisy if they do it in secret?
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post no. did you actually think that, or did it just seem like something to say in response?

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post The outing isn't hypocritical
being a gay politician saying being gay is wrong and bringing in anti-gay laws is.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think generally outing someone is a nasty thing to do.
But some people think nasty actions are justified in retaliation for nastier actions. It's not a new phenomenon in this world
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post It seems like you're justifying the hypocrisy only as long as you agree with their political view.
I know it happens. It just seems some people ignore bad things when their side does it.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post And some people go to great lengths to justify their own biases by pointing out the biases of others.

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Are you trying to point out a bias?

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Cool whataboutism bro.

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think we're just disagreeing with your use of the word hypocrisy

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post well, I don't know your gay-conservative outing friends, or what their motivations are. I'm not really in a position to pass judgement on them
but I noticed from several of your posts that you seem to keep some sort of scoreboard in your head of perceived unfairness to the right, and this behaviour seems very common to conservatives. either this one comparing a talk show to some imaginary scenario where positions were reversed and the unfair outcome, or when the right does receive criticism how the left would have escaped something similar.
It sort of hoping for a karmic balance when you feel under attack, but it often involves imagined equivalencies that I don't find particularly matched or likely.
I have a father-in-law a little to the right of ghengis khan who does this all the time. It's a type of exagerated victimhood
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post I just think if a thing is bad for one party, it should be bad for both. I hate the equivalencies and so, yes, I try to point them out.
It's the same mindset that awarded Obama a Nobel Peace Prize for "what he was going to do" and spurned protests against Trump for "what he was going to do".

And people pass judgment on less information than I've given you here. I think that feeling put upon is not limited to one way of thinking or the other.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post By that logic...
What do you suggest the republican tv people will get away with that the Democrat tv people will be given a hard time over, like you started this thread with?
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post No, I thought it was the democrat people getting away with things, not the other way around.
But there is a fine stable of nut cases on the "right" side (I don't know if the republicans would claim them) like Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and the like. I think their craziness side lines them thankfully, but they are such small players comparatively.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes, you started saying the Democrats get away with this
So in your mindset of fairness, what do you now suggest the Republicans would get away with?
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's hard to tell because they hold so little of mainstream media.
In reality, republicans have become the boogeyman party.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post if you think having a gay comedian making ass jokes on breakfast tv is wrong
then it's wrong in of itself, and not because it would have been wrong or right on Fox. By mentioning Fox it's they and you as conservatives that become the victim, not the gay comedian or poor viewer. Do you see? The comedian or incident ceases to be important, it becomes a cipher to say "I'm a conservative and look at how hard done by I am"
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think it's boorish, I don't know that I would say it is wrong.
I do think that perspective for right and wrong would change for some people depending on who originated the gag.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post yes, the incident was irrelevant.
what you really meant was "here is an example of Fox news being the victim, even if it is only an hypothetical scenario. They, and by extension myself as a conservative, are really victims here"
But it's quite hard to see them as victims, with shows like Hannity and O'Reilly relentlessly attacking people, though that doesn't stop them trying to play the card when they receive criticism. After spending the primaries relentless attacking people Trump himself does the same, accusing others of a witch hunt (despite his son's damning email), a fake news conspiricy, and so on. Claiming victimhood deflects criticm and prevents self examination.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think he meant 'this clip simultaneously enrages and arouses me'
'I blame Hillary'
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Do you realize how hard it is to read when the comments get this far over? I mean, I can barely decide whether to turn my head right or left. See what I did there?

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post absolutely, a person is entitled to their own privacy
but like you I can understand how frustrating it is if staying closeted has a negative effect on equal rights and stuff
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think by and large, big issues are handled with more aplomb, be it homosexuality, mental illness and freedom of religion
Too often people are categorized because of laziness and because of political strategy - the democrats are much better at marketing than republicans and have been able to saddle many social ills on them (e.g., Sen. Robert Byrd, proud democrat and former Klansmen, and fillibusterer of the Civil Rights Act)

Things are typically more nuanced than portrayed in news and advocacy groups media, which to me, makes the selective hypocrisy that much more nefarious.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have no idea what you are refering to
you clearly have a catalogue of incidences in your head that I have little chance of guessing.
What has this Senator got to do with anything for example?
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post The senator was championed as the conscience of the senate.
I don't think repubs would keep a former klansmen in office, but none were so in your face about it, so we won't know.
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post Who's outing who?
And why should gay conservatives be outed?
(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hard to find? Nope. I think the words you were looking for are 'Repulsive in the UK'.

(, Fri 21 Jul 2017, 16:09, , Reply)