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This is a link post Consumer robot-ape torso
The future is now.

The title of the video translates as "my most recent purchase".
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:22, Reply)
This is a normal post This seriously disturbs me.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:25, Reply)
This is a normal post I agree
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 10:06, Reply)
This is a normal post For all your ape-based fellatio needs.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:28, Reply)
This is a normal post hahaha!

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 8:24, Reply)
This is a normal post That looks like the last
room you see, just before you die.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:44, Reply)
This is a normal post This...
was a failed product from Wow Wee robots, also an Elvis head that faired a bit better, they failed due to extreme expense, pointlessness, and damn it WHY would anyone want that in their home!?


See also Wow Wee Alive Pets that people just never took to, they seem to only want their plasticy robots, not the uncanny valley 'real' stuff they keep trying to do.

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 8:09, Reply)
This is a normal post Is it only me
that's seeing a Lady Gaga likeness?
(, Wed 9 Mar 2011, 9:08, Reply)
This is a link post 'Suffocation' band - bind torture kill NSFW
If you ever go on a killing spree, listen to this while doing it :D
nsfw due to violent lyrics
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:57, Reply)
This is a normal post Old >>> new
If you're going to be going on a Suffocation-induced killing spree, you should be listening to the slam in Liege of Inveracity instead.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:30, Reply)
This is a normal post They are amazing live, saw them at Bloodstock last year

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:00, Reply)
This is a normal post Slowly we rot!
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 7:08, Reply)
This is a link post Misery Bear's Comic Relief... I made this!
...with a bit of a special guest.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:38, Reply)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:48, Reply)
This is a normal post Jesus Christ, that's dark

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:52, Reply)
This is a normal post You can adjust your monitor's brightness for that.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:56, Reply)
This is a normal post I heart you Misery Bear

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:53, Reply)
This is a normal post Winning
That's brilliant
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:55, Reply)
This is a normal post hahaha excellent stuff.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Gosh.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:56, Reply)
This is a normal post Oh don't
Misery Bear always gets me.

What's that background music, by the way, is it Brian Eno?
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:00, Reply)
This is a normal post Sigur Ros for the ambienty bit, off the 1st album

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:08, Reply)
This is a normal post Cheers
I should add that I'm a massive fan. Good work!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:17, Reply)
This is a normal post All of the woo, and much of the yay.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:02, Reply)
This is a normal post I always thought that Moss
was a bit of a mentalist. Poor MB. :-(
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:15, Reply)
This is a normal post Fantastic as always
Love your work.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:48, Reply)
This is a normal post bloody hell
I am equally impressed by your film making, good fortune and now startling business associates.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 8:51, Reply)
This is a normal post Stunning fun

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 8:51, Reply)
This is a normal post Fantastic!!
So what's Miss Moss like? Did she give you some Topshop vouchers?
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 9:28, Reply)
This is a normal post Oh that's fantastic :D

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 10:18, Reply)
This is a normal post I love this

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 10:59, Reply)
This is a normal post You met Kate Moss!
No fair!

Incidentally, why is Misery so miserable?
Is it because he has to rock about in his swish north london swank pad all by himself?
His kitchen's bigger than my flat!
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 12:17, Reply)
This is a normal post Brilliant, as always!
This is the best one yet - I've sponsored the wee fella :)
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 12:48, Reply)
This is a normal post Fucking superb :)

(, Wed 9 Mar 2011, 15:19, Reply)
This is a normal post he should meet grumbly bear some time
(, Fri 11 Mar 2011, 1:10, Reply)
This is a link post Slow Loris is Slow
and extremely cute...and mirrors how tired I feel (and quite possibly how much I love my tiny, shiny umbrella)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:19, Reply)
This is a normal post I haz beenz playn wiht umbrellaz for egiht hourz now...canz i sleeps?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:26, Reply)
This is a normal post Being cute on YouTube has not helped this particular species.
The exotic pet trade leapt on the aaah-factor of a slow loris being tickled, and a vulnerable species took one step closer to becoming endangered.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:37, Reply)
This is a normal post And I must agree with this

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:48, Reply)
This is a normal post I do want one though.
but if thats the limit of it's function It would become very boring very quickly. I think I'll just invest in a dancing bear.

Not really, I do think it's very cruel taking animals outside of their natural habitat..
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:50, Reply)
This is a normal post That's the reason I keep all my dancing bears
chained up in the woods.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 7:30, Reply)
This is a normal post haha

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 8:33, Reply)
This is a normal post Ooh.
Simon Smith grows up.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 8:54, Reply)
This is a normal post endangered eh?
better get one quick!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:54, Reply)
This is a normal post then we
put it back in the fridge behind us, and find some other animal to eat..
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:40, Reply)
This is a normal post That is the most ridiculously cute thing I've seen in ages

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:28, Reply)
This is a normal post Handled correctly...
...the doubtless appeal of these creatures as pets could solve its endangerment issues no end. Keeping them illegal and restricted instead of embarking upon legitimate breeding programs to meet consumer demand is a negative thing. There could be one in every home! Not to mention sugar gliders, mouse lemurs and tons of other cute but endangered animals. After all, who the fuck heard of Degu's before Pets at Home started stocking them? & Syrian Hamsters barely existed before being popularised as pets.*

*May contain traces of facetiousness.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:22, Reply)
This is a normal post actually
I think you make a lot of sense.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 18:29, Reply)
This is a normal post So damm cute
But they have Poisonous elbows!

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:27, Reply)
This is a normal post SAUCE!

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 20:00, Reply)
This is a normal post
Reminds me of Wile E Coyote.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:38, Reply)
This is a normal post hahaha!
Look at the Loris Wiki


Look at the pic on the right, it's like a fluffly version of bohemian rhapsody!
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 9:12, Reply)
This is a normal post haha

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 17:55, Reply)
This is a normal post .
(, Wed 9 Mar 2011, 10:12, Reply)
This is a link post My husband was in shock. I cried for days on end. I was absolutely devastated. The child has been suffering from anxiety since the incident took place
I just hope the child never has to experience the onset of dusk.

A whole 10 seconds!

Were they afraid he'd drink their kerry-oot?
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:52, Reply)
This is a normal post My freezer is in the cupboard under the stairs!
Every time I go and get an ice lolly it leaves me traumatised and I can't speak for TEN YEARS.

Wow, I'd have loved to have been hidden in an overhead locker when I was wee- it would have been great fun to have the plane crew be that up for games. What exactly scared them all?? It's a cupboard that happens to be higher than normal cupboards.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:05, Reply)
This is a normal post well
I can understand why the 17-Month Old, who, not seconds before was enjoying a game of peek-a-boo with his dad was taken away from him and placed in complete darkness would be traumatised by the experience.
Certainly being in the overhead locker would be dangerous, what if the plane hit some unexpected turbulence, the kid would have been thrown around like a sack of potatoes.

I can understand how the parents would be shocked, maybe scared for their child.

I can't understand why they would have been 'in shock', and 'devastated'. It's just hyperbole. Screams of artificially increasing the damage done in order to get a settlement...
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 11:41, Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:05, Reply)
This is a normal post That's pathetic
.. but I do like the 'More travel ideas' button
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:46, Reply)
This is a link post What would a pirate call a horse?
*picks up about half way through*
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:43, Reply)
This is a normal post I like it!

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:53, Reply)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:56, Reply)
This is a normal post Given the stupid names horses get iven
this is meat and potatoes to a pro like him

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
This is a normal post
Done far better (and far more British!) a few years back...

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 13:18, Reply)
This is a link post if the orbit of the planets in our solar system could be turned into sound.
it may sound sorta like this.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:39, Reply)
This is a normal post i think it would most likely sound like
this. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYHrO5z7VXs
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:52, Reply)
This is a normal post Truly
it is the music of the celestial spheres!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:24, Reply)
This is a normal post Nominative Determinism in the URL
"MY HrO5z" , so it's not perfect, but neither's your face.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 12:03, Reply)
This is a link post Terry Scott's legs
Whilst partaking in a guilty spot of Terry & June yesterday I was rather surprised to say the least at a scene where Terry Scott takes his strides off, only to reveal the hairless legs of an anorexic 13 year old girl. How can such a portly chappie possess such paltry pins? My missus summed it perfectly - "He looks like a fucking potato balanced on two cocktail sticks." Apologies for the shit photo quality.
Anyway, just thought I'd share.

update: Hope there wasn't anything really wrong with him or I'll feel a proper cuntychops.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:28, Reply)
This is a normal post Terrifying.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:49, Reply)
This is a normal post I think
you can say without a doubt that there is something medically wrong, and that you are in fact poking fun at someone with what could be argued as a debilitating disorder.

However saying that, yeah that is kinda funky looking.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:50, Reply)
This is a normal post Looks like a false one to me!
Juuuuuuuuuune, where's the sock for my dodgy leg????
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:01, Reply)
This is a normal post :(
*looks heavenward* Soz Terry. Didn't mean to laugh at your gimpy limbs.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:08, Reply)
This is a normal post don't you besmirch the memory of Penfold, you fiend!

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:04, Reply)
This is a normal post I can only apologise

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:09, Reply)
This is a link post Smartwater being not so smart
A total trainwreck of an ad trying to be clever about viral videos.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:27, Reply)
This is a normal post That was absolutely awful.
I feel dirty for watching it. You should feel dirty for helping to spread it, despite the fact that you say how much of a trainwreck it is. I'm going to go cry now. And not drink smartwater.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:42, Reply)
This is a normal post I bet you'll
think of her the next time you have a wank! She's a Jew but my god she's a hot one...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:53, Reply)
This is a normal post What?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:00, Reply)
This is a normal post ?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:05, Reply)
This is a normal post que?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:45, Reply)
This is a normal post Excellent point, with just three minor faults:
1) She's not Jewish.
2) Your comment implies you're an insensitive bigot, even if you're being 'ironic' in an internet-type way.
3) She isn't Jewish.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 5:29, Reply)
This is a normal post You forgot 4
She's not hot.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 7:39, Reply)
This is a normal post genuine lol at 1:59 though

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:50, Reply)
This is a normal post I got about two thirds of the way through
before the brimming brown fluid shot out of the screen right up my nose and into my mouth and eyes
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:54, Reply)
This is a normal post I don't know about you tube
but how does a video with 305 views have 3000 votes? Someone is lying to us (I suspect killian. Leopards/spots n'all)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:43, Reply)
This is a normal post I think views only gets updated every so often.
I see a lot of comments along the lines of "Thumbs Up if you're viewer number 304!"
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:28, Reply)
This is a normal post If Jennifer Anniston...
...fucked her dad, then fucked the resultant offspring of that incestuous fuck...that kid would probably be the outcome.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:29, Reply)
This is a normal post I thought Smartwater
was that luminous dye stuff that you get sprayed with if you try and rob a security van that won't come off.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:11, Reply)
This is a normal post Exactly my thoughts

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:14, Reply)
This is a normal post Thats what I was expecting it to be about
Couldn't understand why on earth Jennifer Aniston was the poster girl for it
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 10:24, Reply)
This is a link post Quality merchandise
Blog documenting funny unlicensed toys and products
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:16, Reply)
This is a normal post ACE!
i neeed so many of these!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:22, Reply)
This is a normal post So...beautiful....
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:39, Reply)
This is a normal post "Let's fence against the earth!"
Excellent stuff.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:52, Reply)
This is a normal post Beautiful crap
and so many wants!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:26, Reply)
This is a normal post Christ!
That backpack is frigging AWESOME!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:02, Reply)
This is a normal post I R Obama
And I Certify this Blockberry is genuine
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:38, Reply)
This is a normal post why oh why
does Darth Vader need a police motorbike?

(, Wed 9 Mar 2011, 20:06, Reply)
This is a link post been single for a few years now NSFW
so decided to take a leaf out his book

nsfw due to bad language
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:12, Reply)
This is a link post The muzzle man: World Ski Championship I made this!
even though norway won gold there was a bigger victory going on behind the fences. the dreaded horse was once again beaten with a baking tray.

enjoy and stay tuned!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:40, Reply)
This is a normal post HAHAHA!
Great crowd reaction!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:24, Reply)
This is a normal post *clang*
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:37, Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah
The actual horse in the previous one was remarkably un-spooked, but humans are WIMPS
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 12:44, Reply)
This is a normal post where did you get that mask??

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:25, Reply)
This is a normal post I'd just like to know how you make it clang so.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 23:09, Reply)
This is a normal post Steel cup in the tip of the muzzle
just like a safety shoe
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:38, Reply)
This is a normal post Sound recorded
with a Canon Eos 7d accually. Hitting a the tray with a huge knife, or "Brødkniv" as we say in Norway:)
(, Wed 9 Mar 2011, 13:20, Reply)
This is a normal post HULLOO
hahahaha! Lovin' the crowd screams on this one :)
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 17:05, Reply)
This is a normal post why doesnt this
get old. hahahaha
(, Wed 9 Mar 2011, 13:08, Reply)
This is a link post Mr B, gentleman rhymer, on thee radiogram.
EDIT: heres the real thing. and so now will be GC but i aint no deleting scum
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:30, Reply)
This is a normal post Fucking Love it!
The Shamen, Orbital, Inner City, Reel 2 Reel, SL2 aka Slipmat & Lime, Prodigy etc.
Classic's and a classic of a post!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:43, Reply)
This is a normal post wicked awesome
I saw him in Manchester once and he was aces : )
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:58, Reply)
This is a normal post That man is a genius
absolutely brilliant
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 0:17, Reply)
This is a normal post Quite!

(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 2:12, Reply)
This is a normal post OMG!
Progen 91 (Move Any Mountain) extended rap!

Gets a click for this alone.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 11:01, Reply)
This is a link post skier miss the lift, or the other way around, cant decide..
funny as hell though, he even have som airtime..
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:03, Reply)
This is a link post Cat's Meow
Funny animated short. Both Vimeo & Le Tubes links get GC thumbs up despite high views.

Edit:- YES, it's another cat video...oh go on, have it, have it :-)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:54, Reply)
This is a normal post French-look hipsters deserve all the pain that's coming to them.
Nice one, kitty.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:15, Reply)
This is a normal post At 0:35 they used a sound that the Eye Maze games do.
Even animated cats are cute. ^-^
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:03, Reply)
This is a normal post YES!
It's another cat video! :-)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:21, Reply)
This is a normal post That does it
I'm hipster-bearding
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:00, Reply)
This is a link post WTC Attack September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:27, Reply)
This is a link post CATS!
Absolutely Cuckoo Cats!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:33, Reply)
This is a normal post There should be more cats on the internet. :)

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:48, Reply)
This is a normal post But
They're all over the place! Going meow, wanting cheezeburgers, jumping into walls, summoning the spirits of dead mouses. They even have their own day!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:58, Reply)
This is a normal post I agree.
There isn't NEARLY enough.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:00, Reply)
This is a normal post Yay!
Nice sly title, you got the song in my head before I pressed play, double the joy!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:01, Reply)
This is a normal post Lovely :)

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:13, Reply)
This is a link post this is Calvin.
He's 13 and is better than you
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 17:59, Reply)
This is a normal post Not in a 'growing pubes' contest,
I'd wager.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:02, Reply)
This is a normal post Only in a "I wish I'd never put all that shit in my face and can't get a job" contest.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:16, Reply)
This is a normal post He's a tiny nazi girl.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:02, Reply)
This is a normal post "swastika implant on my chest"
is in his want list - yet a decent pair of glasses and a haircut don't even get a mention.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:21, Reply)
This is a normal post fucking hell
I hope his parents let him get some tattoos soon, awesome ones of course, like the fucking pokemon hanging up on the wall behind him.
Hold on, he likes Satan yet says he's an atheist? someone smack this kid upside the head and tell him to do his homework
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:08, Reply)
This is a normal post He is being led astray by the media and stuff!
I blame television, music, unrealistic role models, video nasties, the blacks, the jews, and Ant & Dec.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:12, Reply)
This is a normal post i blame
rappers and GTA.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:23, Reply)
This is a normal post Atheist who likes satan...
Open-minded but doesn't like anyone.

I know someone who's either really going through puberty or needs a good slap about the head.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:15, Reply)
This is a normal post What a twat...
...his dog is cute though.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:19, Reply)
This is a normal post And the difference between the two is...?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:12, Reply)
This is a normal post He'll make a fine troll one day.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:16, Reply)
This is a normal post Those fucking hippies and their off-spring !!

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 18:59, Reply)
This is a normal post Stupid little prick and his fucking stupid piercings n shit
...oh wait.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:06, Reply)
This is a normal post Not in a fight he's not.
Why does him having a head full of extra holes make him better than me?

Is he being different like everyone else with extra holes, is he making some statement like everyone else with extra holes, is he your typical middle class spaz that can afford to be 'weird' like every other needy middle class kid that can afford to be 'weird'.

I've shat better things than him.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:34, Reply)
This is a normal post i hope they were poos
and not things you had swallowed.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:37, Reply)
This is a normal post It was mainly model trains and some dinky toys

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:42, Reply)
This is a normal post much as i feared.
and when i say feared i mean masturbated to the thought of.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:03, Reply)
This is a normal post Take that cat shit off your face.
You're a coat hanger not a test pipe -Mrs. Fuck
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:41, Reply)
This is a normal post not when i have a magnet hes not

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:27, Reply)
This is a normal post Would

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 21:40, Reply)
This is a normal post This is Calvin
He's 13 and tired of being bullied for his nerdiness, and, like most teenagers, has gone to a recognised emporium of counter-culture. After some window-shopping in Rap Inc. and GothLook, he settled on Piercings Piercings Piercings.

He is still being bullied.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 22:03, Reply)

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