"I'd like to give that dodo off the 5 Alive adverts a good kicking," says tom.joad. And luckily, there's tasty, tasty Cillit Bang to clean up the blood stains when you've finished. Tell us about TV adverts.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:17)
This question is now closed.

I don't know whether it's just a matter of familiarity and acculturation, but British adverts strike me as being, on the whole, better than foreign ones - especially American ones.
Case in point: anyone remember the Reisen adverts? (Reisen. The Chocolate Chew! No, I never saw it in the shops, either.) It was one of the most awful ads I've ever seen - lots of people simply smiling like Jack Nicholson's Joker, for no apparent reason, to the sound of a terrible, terrible song. I'd put up a YouTube link, but I don't want to have to see the ad again.
No story; no joke; just the most unsophisticated association of nasty chocolate with middle-class, white-bread, all-American happiness, and shot in a really strange way to boot.
Televisual and cultural mogadon. Horrific.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:28, 3 replies)

There was an advert on in the 1980s which I only ever remember seeing at the cinema. It was for Schweppes (or Diamond White?) and was a surrealist video using the song "In the canyons of your mind" by the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. I loved it so much.
The Kerry Katona adverts for Iceland made me want to punch the tv to sharp shards and then stab myself in my eyes, but I was mildly amused by the increasing shrillness and speed of her speech as the adverts progressed, as if the director was making her do it faster and faster in an effort to get her out of his sight as soon as humanly possible.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:28, 2 replies)

Was one for cigars. It had a dusky young maiden rolling a cigar on her thigh while sitting on rocks by the sea.
It must have been in the early seventies but I can't find it anywhere.
However, having replayed it from memory I'll just be off for a short while.....
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:26, Reply)

What about those ads for the 'beaver trimmer' on TV? (Wilkinson sword quattro)
Not very subtle references to bush trimming. Makes me laugh.
There's a version of it in the Metro today, shows some artfully trimmed trees, one of which is an inverted triangle, strategically placed in front of a female statue.
Click here to see, NSFWish I suppose
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:12, Reply)

Probably already been posted but i LOVED This advert till it was banned! It spawned so many one liners too! "Connie, lets hit the mat"
Eating Pot noodle, Motorhead, Rave visuals, the AWESOME Phil Hartman -what more do you want?
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:12, 2 replies)

I get really tired of ads that big corporations come up with, and relentlessly bombard us with. Ford with their Ka advert is one of them - I don't find it in the least interesting, but I am forced to watch it 3 times an hour.
Samsung do it too. Characterless and bland, but repeated 1,500 times in the space of 6 weeks.
It takes about a week to filter through into conscious irritation, but after that point I have to switch off / over (sometimes to find it's on the other channel). At that point PG tips make more from their stupid ads than they do.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:10, 2 replies)

She prescribed exercise, a diet that's wise and a bit of diddly dum.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:08, Reply)

I must have seen it hundreds of times as a kid, but it had gone in so deep it didn't even touch the sides. Deeply weird.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:02, 3 replies)

Which makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. I wish all adverts were more like it.
"I am disrespectful to dirt!"
"For lucky best wash, use Mr Sparkle"
Can't remember the name of the fish/bulb company though.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:02, 1 reply)

Dear lord those Renault Clio adverts were irritating, But I loved them anyway as Estelle Skornik is possibly the finest woman to grace my TV screen.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 10:00, 9 replies)

I wanna Trio and I want one now.
Not one, not two, but three things in it!
Chocolate, biscuit and de caramel too!
I want a Trio and I want one now!
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:56, 3 replies)

Went something like this:
"We were poor in them days but we always had a fresh egg apiece for our tea".
Stuck in our heads to the extent that we don't have fryups anymore, we have "egg apiece".
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:50, Reply)

One of my all time most hated adverts is the one where there is a bunch of 20 somethings in their living room, and they order a pizza. There's a knock at the door, but instead of pizza, there's just a grinning loon with 2 tubes of 'pizza' flavoured pringles, who proceeds to dance into their living room singing 'pizza, pizza!'.
What's worse, they all fucking love it! I'd be livid.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:48, 2 replies)

They weren't particularly funny at the beginning & they certainly aren't now. It has also spawned my work colleagues saying "Oh Yes" like the Churchill dog which isn't annoying, honest.
I did like the John Smiths advert & the bloke in the pub with the hands free (You're barred!!).
It is a bloke I work with.
Mention too for the Adios advert & the woman with the greatest arse on tv.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:47, Reply)

Or chips?
Daddy... or chips?
Daddy or chips?
Daddy or chips?
Daddy or chips?
Daddy or chips?
Daddy or chips?
Daddy or chips?
Daddy or chips?
Daddy or chips?
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:40, 3 replies)

This advert is brilliant
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:39, Reply)

The specsavers ad from a few years back with the Sloths. Used to have me guffawing like an idiot every time.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:32, Reply)

I think this was a sofa advert, damned funny though.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:32, Reply)

Arghghhghghg fuck off
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:20, 2 replies)

Love this very big ad for beer:
Oh - and this is very clever too - watch o the end…
And I've always loved this. I want to be that man…

( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:08, 5 replies)

Does anyone else remember an ad for Heinz Beans, where a little girl asks her mother "If I eat all my beans, will I grow up to be Prime Minister?", to which her mum replies "Yes, Margaret, I think you will" before taking the beans away?
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:46, 2 replies)

because of this ad, this actually caused me to have my first hard-on at the age of 9.
she's hot.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:45, 1 reply)

When I was a toddler during the early 1970s, there was an advert extolling the health benefits of eating Heinz soup with the catchy lyrics:
Heinz soup a day
Heinz soup a day
Heinz soup a day
So, I'd be sitting in my high chair, a plate of food in front of me, saying "I'm not eating this shit mother, fetch me something decent and be quick about it". She would LIE and tell me that it was "Heinz soup a day" and I would gobble it all up double quick.
She pulled the same stunt as a young woman working as a nanny, told the posh kid that parsnips were "white carrots" in order to get him to eat them. I didn't fall for that one, parsnips are evil.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:40, 4 replies)

My friend was in Queensland as a youngster, and related to me some PSAs for dengue fever prevention.
An ocker old farmer walks around his station tipping over water collection points and so on, and is seen in a hospital (hat in hands) as a very ill person is wheeled off to uncertain fate, warning the viewer that "dengue c'n moik ya real crook."
The payoff line was "So, get ridda dengue now, 'ey?" in that slow 'n' easy Aussie country rumble. We both actually live in Australia now and often say this (in the requisite thick Strine) to make each other laugh. Just something about the rhythm of the phrase, the thick accent, the word "dengue".
But... I've never actually SEEN it. Please help this pitiful wretch find his long lost funnymaker.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:38, Reply)

Now obviously, the PG Tips/Chimp ads are today frowned on for percieved animal cruelty, but the classic Mr Shifta/piano ad was the longest running advert ANYWHERE in THE WORLD.
And it still makes me chuckle.
And the Brooke Bond series was ace too (ice skating chimps FTW!)
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:32, 1 reply)

plus it was back on tv a little recently
but my favorite is this one...
ah nostalgia
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:28, 1 reply)

That one on the radio. "Sort aht yer vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan insurance". Oh, so everyone who drives a van is a thick working-class idiot who talks like a faaaaackin' twaaaaaaat?
And every single haircair/skincare advert ever. "They call it the £30 American Dream cream!" Yes, but you're still ugly. So there. Fucking vain bitches.
Oh, and you know what else? Fucking shaver adverts. "Ooh, your skin's so smooth, it makes me want to fuck you" says the blonde dolly, standing behind her smug-looking little weed of a man rubbing her hands on his cheeks. Fuck off. Women like beards. It's a fact.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:27, 2 replies)

They say 80% of women who tested the product agreed. Then in tiny print at the bottom they reveal the sample size was 97. Makes my inner statistician weep that does.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:14, 2 replies)

...on the Glade advert where the kid wants to do a poo at Paul's house.
No need, people. No need.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 8:01, Reply)

Not sure how many Australians have already put this forward, just the phrase "Sic 'em rex" is enpough to make most Aussie blokes of a certian age smile.
( , Fri 16 Apr 2010, 7:07, Reply)
This question is now closed.