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Home » Question of the Week » Where Did It All Go Wrong? » Post 1882402 | Search
This is a question Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Woocfot asks: Tell us all about that turning point in your life when it started going downhill. Yeah, that drunken conversation with my dad when he suggested I become a civil servant. Dammit, I could have been an astronaut

(, Thu 28 Feb 2013, 11:32)
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My life has been greatly enhanced
ever since I discovered Mumsnet, courtesy of reading B3TA intra-user insults.

There are some rather uptight sweary Mums out there. Some of the exchanges would put rivalries on this site to shame.
(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 14:00, 15 replies)
Yay for fixed search!
This is what got me hooked...SnowytheRabbit had a great Mumsnet link, some time back; a high maintenance Mumsnet user was whining that her husband insisted on eating her substandard cake, and he then had the audacity to compliment her! What an arsehole. Fancy being married to a nice polite man, it must be a lving hell! Pure gold.
(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 14:08, closed)
"This thread has 1000 messages"
You bastard, I'm meant to,be spring-cleaning this weekend and now I'm going to be addicted to mumsnet for the afternoon.


"Why should I empty the bin and fix the oven? They are his jobs."
(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 14:50, closed)

(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 15:00, closed)
Poor bloke

(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 17:25, closed)
Troll thread, alas.

(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 18:16, closed)
and heterosexual
(, Sun 3 Mar 2013, 19:41, closed)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, mumsnet is the worst site on the entire internet.

(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 14:18, closed)

I agree, it is pretty awful, but every now and then there's some rather (unintentionally) funny stuff.
(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 14:35, closed)
I love it.
It is like watching a bitchy car crash in po-faced, middle-class, bigoted-but-unaware-of-the-fact slow motion.
(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 14:40, closed)

(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 14:43, closed)
i think it's pronounced "chilluns"

(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 15:09, closed)
Actually...*twirls the end of moustache*
(, Sun 3 Mar 2013, 1:14, closed)
It's the having to have the "Acronyms"
open in another tab just so I can understand it that shits me.
(, Sat 2 Mar 2013, 21:46, closed)
You too, eh?
They're a bunch of raving nutters, and you get everything from the spectacularly stupid screwing up their own lives (think "Chat" or Take a Break") to the screaming harpies and the obsessively self-promoting. As well as "Am I Being Unreasonable", the education discussions are well worth reading for all the boasts disguised as questions, and "Relationships" for the loonies who think writing their husbands a letter to explain that he is supposed to take the bins out will stop him longing for other women.

Addictive trainwreckage.
(, Sun 3 Mar 2013, 1:19, closed)

and "Relationships" for the loonies who think writing their husbands a letter to explain that he is supposed to take stay about the bins out will stop him longing for other women.

Sorry. It was there & I just had to do it.
Oh before I forget - [insert OkCupid joke here]
(, Sun 3 Mar 2013, 1:51, closed)

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