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Question from bangthedrum

(, Thu 30 May 2013, 15:27)
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Photoshop7 stopped running on Vista, it just crashes my machine every time I run it.
I'm either unlucky or stupid (take your pick) for running Vista but if you know how to make this work (that computability mode stuff isn't working out, nor uninstall/re-install) I'll make some content, honest.
(, Sun 2 Jun 2013, 18:12, 7 replies)

Not much to go on. Is there anything in the event log?
(, Sun 2 Jun 2013, 18:17, closed)
maybe it's using a portion of memory that is wonky- try doing a BIOS level memory audit
and/or try reseating the DIMMs
(, Sun 2 Jun 2013, 18:30, closed)
Advice being the cheapest commodity in the known universe...
Make sure windows and any adobe software is up to date.

Uninstall PSP, delete any temp files and also the 'scratch' file if you have one. CCleaner is good for this like bleach is good for toilets. Go carefully with it. 'fix all' button will kill it or cure it.

The latest VGA drivers for your graphics card might not be the best for an older setup. Google will have heard of it and message boards will have opinions on the best 'stable' combination.

Or put Win 7 on?
(, Sun 2 Jun 2013, 19:05, closed)
Also, turn disk indexing off, it makes Vista run like a bag of spanners.

As above, install CCleaner and run the registry clean bit. Also go in and get rid of all but the last couple of system restore points. Then run a defrag.
(, Sun 2 Jun 2013, 20:45, closed)
Thanks for the leads!
I'm going to go load up on chow mien for strength and then try a few of these, cheers!
(, Sun 2 Jun 2013, 23:36, closed)
And also the adobe software removal tool
I'm not sure of the legality of this product, or if it is even official, but I had similar issues with it just not working even after re-installs etc. I got mine from a website that shouldnt be mentioned.
(, Mon 3 Jun 2013, 11:42, closed)

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