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This is a question Corporate Idiocy

Comedian Al Murray recounts a run-in with industrial-scale stupidity: "Car insurance company rang, without having sent me a renewal letter, asking for money. Made them answer security questions." In the same vein, tell us your stories about pointless paperwork and corporate quarter-wits

(, Thu 23 Feb 2012, 12:13)
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A right bunch of bankers
I chose my bank nearly 19 years ago as I didn't want to co-operate (can you see what I did there) with banks who invest money in bad things. So, drawn in by the promise that any money I had would be spent on rainbow coloured unicorns and kittens, I made my choice.

Oh God. I'm sure all banks screw up, but this one has done some doozies on me over the years. But here's the worst.

I used to have a joint account with my partner, and when we split up, I kept the account, and she kept a credit card account with the bank but took her current account elsewhere. For around 2 years the bank would happily send my statements to her, her credit card statements to me, which had it not been an amicable split could have been fairly awkward.

However it was an amicable split, in that we decided that was best for our daughter's sake. So, we used to go on family holidays together once a year. 5 years after the break-up, we were on one such holiday when my ex had her credit card stolen. So, she reports it to the bank.

Next day, when I tried to use my credit card with the bank - which had always only been mine, never had a second card holder...well, you can guess.

So, we're in Spain, thankfully we have one working card left between us.

Get back to the UK, and basically the bank just shrug their shoulders, can't explain why this has happened, offer £30 compensation or something equally daft.

Still I got my revenge. Have run up £10K on the cards and thanks to lack of work, can't pay them back. I imagine they'll send the boys round to her place not mine...
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 10:46, 17 replies)
You totally showed them what a Thieving Pikey you are !!
Still best of luck with your revised credit score and lack of borrowing skillzorz for the forseeable future.
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 10:57, closed)
always makes me laugh - the "good luck getting more debt with your credit score fucked up" line.
Surely, they're doing you a favour?
Bank - "here, have some cash that you can't pay back that we'll eventually get by holding your first-born to ransom and along the way skin the arse out of your bank account and any future cash you might have along the way. Oh, and fuck up royally at every given oppertunity"
Unfortunate Bastard - "Oh ok then, arn't I the lucky one being able to enter into such a deal with relative ease"

Then, one day, you make a tiny mistake and the lovely banking people do you a favour by telling all their mates not to lend you any money any more at the aforementioned deal.

It's brilliant if you ask me. Why would anyone want to owe someone like that money in the first place? I simply don't get how stopping someone from dealing with a bunch of incompetent cunts is a punishment.
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 11:15, closed)
Yes, all very amusing,
until you need to buy a house, or make some other large purchase.
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 11:29, closed)
Have you thought
of saving up for things that you want, rather than borrowing it from someone? Borrowing will cost you more in the long run - you understand that right?
(, Mon 27 Feb 2012, 16:42, closed)
Great, it's a financial planning skills tutorial for those afflicted with Downs Syndrome by dchurch
Banks don't really go out of their way to lend to those unable to make the repayments, whatever editorial from the Morning Star you've been reading may say. The unfortunate bastards of the scenario are the remaining customers who are able to meet the financial obligations that they've signed up to, however pay increased interest rates to cover lifes losers like the Immortal Jenkins. He's loud and he's proud he went out of his way to screw his 'ethical' bank, that he ethically banked with, based on his own amazing ethics. Why not wrap your Morning Star up in your Kaftan and shove it up your arsehole.
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 11:38, closed)
Lyons you twat
READ THE FUCKING POST. It states that I can't pay back my commitments BECAUSE I AM OUT OF WORK. I didn't deliberately decide to get unemployed, you cretin. I've also paid back in the course of banking with them well over £40K in loans the fees / interest on which (plus the banking charges paid over the years, and credit card interest) makes us pretty much even.

Please - for the good of everyone else - cut your fucking fingers off if that's the only thing that will stop you posting here. Your snide put-downs aren't funny.
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 11:49, closed)
Yeah come on rory, you jobless should stick together.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 11:55, closed)
Have you explained your ethical reasoning to the bank as yet, you know that you're all square now
you fucking Deacon, no wonder you're unemployable
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 12:11, closed)

(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 12:25, closed)

(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 12:32, closed)
Oh dear, another person who's read about 'trolls' in the Daily Mail, without quite understanding what they are

(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 12:36, closed)
You so funny my unemployed mentally retarded friend.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 15:05, closed)
snee snee

(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 17:48, closed)
rory you have lost a lot of your internet anger by george.
Only a little while ago you would go mental at the slightest comment.

I am proud of you Rory. No more being the trolled troll.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 18:07, closed)
Keep eating the crayons Rory

(, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 17:29, closed)
I would pay to be a fly on the wall of the bank when
you or your ex (as it seems your accounts are intrinsically linked) put in your next personal loan/mortgage application.
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 12:10, closed)
bankrupcy sucks
Good luck avoiding it. I hope you get another job.
First step is to let them know you are in trouble. Communication is really important - they might freeze your interest. Then you can renegotiate the loan. Talk to CAB, about settling the outstanding amount.
ACT NOW - don't put it off.
(, Sun 26 Feb 2012, 13:37, closed)

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