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This is a question Dumb things you've done

What's the stupidest thing you've ever done to yourself?

We're keeping this one open for two weeks to allow you to get up to stupid stuff and send it in.

(, Thu 20 Dec 2007, 12:36)
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Well, it's not a dumb thing I've done...
more a dumb thing my parents have said, repeatedly.

I'm English, from England, but for this year I am studying in Oklahoma, USA. Not one, not twice, but indeed thrice I have been asked by my dear, dim parents whether summer in Oklahoma happens at the same time as summer in England (and likewise with winter).

The first time, I patiently explained that since the USA and England are both in the northern hemisphere, the seasons are the same.

The second time, I was incredulous and once again explained the venerable relationship between hemisphere and season. I also made a point of saying 'I told you this a couple of weeks ago'.

The third time, exasperated, I resorted to the Simpsons classic: '...and hot snow falls up'.
(, Thu 3 Jan 2008, 0:35, Reply)

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