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IHateSprouts tells us they once avoided getting caught up in an IRA bomb attack by missing a train. Tell us how you've dodged the Grim Reaper, or simply avoided a bit of trouble.

(, Thu 19 Aug 2010, 12:31)
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If you had been killed (or let's be kind, injured) the roads would have become just that little bit safer for the rest of us.
(, Thu 19 Aug 2010, 14:20, 1 reply)
Yesterday I did the journey from London to a little NW town averaging at around 70-75mph on the motorway and 45-50mph on the A-Roads. I had my family in the car and seven years driving experience. I have the most powerful car I have ever owned but I am also driving it like the slowest!

Rewind seven years ago when I had just passed my test and I got an Astra Turbo Diesel. I was doing a Masters degree at Lancaster University and lived in Heysham. Now anyone who knows Lancaster's one way system will know it is quicker to go via a 14-mile detour via Halton, Caton and half-a-dozen other hamlets than to go via Lancaster - which I did daily. At around 90-100mph. In rain I would moderate that to around 70mph and in snow/ice around 50mph. I remember one particular day getting to some crossroads, braking and the car sliding without even slowing down, missing a passing car by inches.
That wasn't the only occasion I nearly killed myself...but over the twelve months, I didnt.

And having driven like an irresponsible cock for twelve months and nearly killing myself (but not quite doing so), I learnt how not do drive.

And somewhat perversely, I am a better driver now for it.
(, Mon 23 Aug 2010, 22:46, closed)

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