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This is a question Evil Pranks

As a student Joel Veitch attached a hose from the sink into my bed. I slowly woke thinking I'd pissed myself. I had the last laugh though. He had to pay for my ruined mattress.

What's the most evil prank you've ever played on someone?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 14:01)
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The Who Bird
has reminded me of this one

in halls, my floor (all guys) and the floor above (all girls) had a bit of a prank war going on. I say it was a war, but it was more like us pulling pranks and them doing stupid things like putting loads of salt in the sugar of someone unrelated to the war....

One particularly incident revolved around the song "Build me up buttercup" which they played almost incessantly.

One of our number had been seeing one of the girls from the floor above and had got her room key while she was away for the weekend.

Using this opportunity we snuck into her room and set the aforementioned song to play at full volume on the stereo at 6:30 in the morning.

as everyone knows, if students wake up before 10am they turn to stone, then dust, then a strange porridge-like substance, then a slug.

Unfortunately, the main targets of our prank slept through the hideous racket, and it awoke the two people who had nothing to do with it....

Sorry Grace and Antonia!
(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 16:20, 8 replies)
Grace and Antonia?
Did you go to a university for rich teenagers from Berkshire? Their boyfriends, Tarquin and Julian, must have been most upset!
(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 16:23, closed)
I went to Cardiff Uni, stayed in the cheapest halls

Antonia was an american, and grace was from "lestah" (leicester)

however, the current Mrs Vipros (who I met there) is a moderately wealthy then-teenager from Berkshire
(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 16:25, closed)
Cardiff Uni seems like a nice place.
I saw badly Drawn Boy there in 2000. I was at the somewhat less salubrious Glamorgan uni up in Ponty.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 16:30, closed)
it is a nice place
if you don't mind short people, students and horizontal rain

my friend Ferret went to Glamorgan. people there insisted on calling him Andy though. fools
(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 16:39, closed)
Cardiff Uni
I'm there (here?) now, it is a nice place. But the horizontal rain can be a problem. Out of curiosity which halls of residence was it? I was in Senghennydd Court, where the decor was clearly influenced by prison cells.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 19:19, closed)
I was at Uni Hall
is it even open anymore?

they had been threatening that "this year is the last year" for years

my girlfriend was in Senghenydd (sp?) pretty convenient for the engineering department

Uni Hall was even more prison inspired than the others, but by virtue of being further away and not full of Talybont scum is the best halls by a mile. cheap as hell too
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 8:27, closed)
Uni hall is still there, a bus trip away in the middle of nowhere. I always feel a little sorry for all the first years waiting for the bus outside the union as everyone else just staggers home...

There's a whole new section of Talybont now as well, it's pretty much taking over that part of the city. And they all have internet installed in most halls of residence! How rude, hot water was considered a treat for us!
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 9:35, closed)
glad to hear it is still there
getting the bus? losers. I thoroughly enjoyed my 40 minute forced march to get to Trevithick.

and internet!

we didn't even have proper showers, just those bloody push button ones. (which they changed as soon as my year left. bastards)
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 9:56, closed)

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