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This is a question Faking it

Rakky writes, "We've all done it. From qualifications to orgasms, everyone likes to play 'let's pretend' once in a while."

So when have you faked it? Did you get away with it? Or were your mendacious ways exposed?

(, Thu 10 Jul 2008, 15:16)
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friend of mine..
came up with a good one:

1) when feeling "tired and emotional", turn up for work. Leave at about lunchtime and go home, saying you feel woozy.

2) take next day off "sick". self-certificate if needs be.

3) when you go back to work, be seen to eat red meat and/or spinach-heavy dishes and just claim you had/have a touch of anaemia. In dire cases you can go to the doctor, and lead with "I feel lethargic and get light headed at times. I don't eat much red meat and spinach, could I be a touch anaemic?". The doctor will say it's possible and recommend you eat more red meat, spinach, etc (and in some cases that you drink Guiness/some other stout for the iron in it), before they say "keep an eye on it and if it gets worse we'll look into it". Bingo, one carte blanche for the odd sickie. Genius!
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 11:29, Reply)

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