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Home » Question of the Week » First World Problems » Post 1546153 | Search
This is a question First World Problems

Onemunki says: We live in a world of genuine tragedy, starvation and terror. So, after hearing stories of cruise line passengers complaining at the air conditioning breaking down, what stories of sheer single-minded self-pity get your goat?

(, Thu 1 Mar 2012, 12:00)
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We've been stopped at a number of international airports
in Canada and the US because my stepson's surname is different to mine and we might have abducted the five foot five rugby playing teenager and brought him along with our seven year old! Mrs no.5 being a well versed lawyer dealing amongst other things with prevention of international travel for children during nasty custody disputes et al has to bite her lip not to tell them how much twaddle they speak as to what constitutes valid permission/requirements etc. She says it is best to nod politely take along the aforementioned 'easy to forge but for god's sake don't forge it' letter from (in this case) his father and act dumb.
(, Thu 1 Mar 2012, 14:20, Reply)

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