There you are innocently going about your day when suddenly a particular song transports you back to a specific time and place.
For me, Animotion's Obssession instantly brings back the fear and nerves of school exams. And you? Tell us all about it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 10:56)
This question is now closed.

Distillers - Hall of Mirrors. Always reminds me of my glorious 2nd year at Aberystwyth uni. Countless nights in many bars, usually winding up in The Bay.
Green Day - Basket Case/Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit. Always reminds of the itme I spent hanging around a local rock club when I was 16/17. Those two songs were played constantly by crap local bands as they are easy to play. Had some great nights in that club and many rough Tuesday mornings following it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:57, Reply)

never fails to bring back memories of the time I bludgeoned Busted into tiny pieces with a pickaxe and fed their remains to giraffes at the zoo by secreting them in leaves. But that may have just been a sweet, sweet dream.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:56, Reply)

by House of Pain. I'm a female football fan, I get pleasure from seeing the attempts at singing/rapping that song accompanied by a group of their mates jumping around.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:53, Reply)

You Spin Me (right round) - Dead or Alive reminds me of being in 5th year at School.
Blue Monday - New Order reminds me of Interailing around Europe in the 80's.
Relax - Frankie goes to Holywood reminds me of going to Amsterdam at the age of 15 (what an education)
The Kyoto Song (2nd track of Inbetween Days) - The Cure reminds me of going down on the girl I lost my V plates to.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:53, Reply)

Well, here we go, a lil list
Anything buy eminem from about 8 years ago- sittin in my bedroom with my first girlfriend after comin out
Boulavard of broken dreams- ironicly having my nose broken at work
She f**kin hates me- a rather eventful trip to paris, my first squashed frog (Cocktail)
Any thing by meatloaf- My mothers constant nagging in the car
Easteneders theme- My dad ssaying "Change the channel Ria"
How odd
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:46, Reply)

... when I hear "True" by Spandau Ballet. Had it as a 12" on endless replay while the white-blonde Jill and I made love all afternoon on New Years Day. L.A. sunshine filtered through the drapes, rumpled sheets and the smell of sex.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:43, Reply)

When I was waiting at the airport to see my sister off who was going to France (I'm in Australia so that's a big thing....) for three months, it was on in the background.
Whenever I hear it I'm transported right back to then. Thankfully I don't tend to hear it that often though - not the best song ever.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:42, Reply)

I have no real reason to like or dislike Barry Manilow, but Copacabana ALWAYS reminds me of the sketch they did on the Muppets...some big, showy Muppet was Lola and Rico was played by a monster.
I also remember their depiction of "the Gambler." It made me think the song was really scary.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:26, Reply)

When I was around three, my parents split up. A year or so after that, Human League's "Don't You Want Me" was a hit. And, one day, while we were driving around, my dad told me "The next time you hear this song, you tell your mommy that this song is about me and her, okay?"
And then, one day, it was on the radio while I was helping her tidy around the house. And I told her. And then she got upset and had to leave the room.
Thanks, Dad. Now that's in my head every time the damned song is on.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 21:04, Reply)

When I was first getting into the chilis about two years ago, I downloaded everything off the californication album as a taster. At the same time, I had a massive addiction to neopets. So now, whenever I hear anything off the Californication album, I ironically think of Neopets.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:59, Reply)

..what it reminds me off, but every time I hear 'Hot for Teacher' by Van Halen I can't help but smile.
I've taken to playing 1984 in the car on the way to work, so if you see a white Mondeo weaving along the M180 at pub o'clock.. it's probably me.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:58, Reply)

By (the goddess) Shania Twain.
My girlfriend lives three hours away, and this song was stuck in my head the entire drive one day. It was during that trip when I began getting serious that she would make a perfect Mrs. Setim. Perfect spring day, not too cold, not too hot, just perfect (I alomst used this as a reply to "Beautiful Moments" a couple weeks ago).
Forever and always starts June 11!
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:56, Reply)

1a, alice in chains - junkhead, after a mates funeral after an acid overdose
1, jack off jill - strawberry gashes/fear of dying, first gf
2, mindless self indulgence - powerkiss, 2nd gf
3, gg allin - bite it you scum, kicking a blokes arse only to be jumped by his mates
4, chumbawumba - mary mary (stigmatic mix), first 2 years of uni before the hedonism died
5, mad capsule markets - good girls/ fly high, the wonderful 6 am watching the sun come up during the summer after being up all night and dancing like pricks or cheap speed and beer
6, nofx - american errorist, sitting round with my flatmates at 4 am hoping bush hadnt got a second term then going to the 24 hour garage and demanding booze
7, vandals - anarchy burger, the best gig i ever went to (at rock city)
8, black sabbath - iron man , sitting in milton keynes bowl just got dark fires all round the edge, a spliff and black sabbath on stage
9, anti-nowhere league - streets of london, the grandad i never met and have no recollection, i guess some romantiscised bollox about a middleaged captain in world war 2
10, sick on the bus - all over again, every night out in nottingham where i drink my fair share
too long eh? well go fuck yourself you lazy sod
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:53, Reply)

dad used to have a Blondie tape in the car (an '89 Chevy Camero, even tho we live in England. if you play Gran Turismo, you'll understand) so whenever i hear Heart of Glass it takes me back to lazy summer days in the car. And, also reminds me that it provoked me to call my teacher at primary school a Pain in the Arse. nice.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:51, Reply)

March 1992 - I was doing my basic training with the Royal Artillery at Woolwich Barracks. After all the beasting we had one rather relaxed evening, all sitting in the halls bulling our boots. All strangers to each other, but in the last few days flung into turmoil and complete trusted camaradary. We sat, polishing our boots, and just listening to this song as it whipsered from the radio. A lovely moment - it was then I felt I had to share something with the group - something personal and close. So Idecided to inform that due to a mix of the cracking biscuits laden in our rat packs, and a fear of shitting in the field and having to carry it in my bergen, that I had gone without a dump for a whole week.
The subsequent despatch to the loo, followed by the most satisfying of dump I have ever had, and subsequent stench to the dorm area always is reminded by that beautiful number. I wonder if they thought of that when they penned the lyrics?
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:44, Reply)

I have deep problems and issues with Radiohead, and the song "Creep". This, ALWAYS seemed to be the soundtrack to the end of a night out when I got finished by this girl I was really into.
And, seeing her rub my nose in it by scoring with some other bloke continuously every weekend. F**king slapper. F**king b*st*rd sh*tty lame ass w*nk band. Dammit!!
*shakes fist at sky and curses, despite it being 3 years ago and I know have someone a s**tload better*
Ahem....sorry dudes, had to get that off my chest.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:41, Reply)

Jøga, by Björk, takes me back to the time i was standing on top of a mountain in north wales, with no-one else for a mile in any direction, looking at the most amazing panorama.
Republica's Ready To Go reminds me of a weekend spent half-drunk, and riding the rollercoasters in blackpool, and seeing the sun set from the top of (what was then) the worlds tallest rollercoaster, before plunging groundwards at 90 miles an hour, with the adrenalin pumping through me.
ahhh, good times...
parmesan: 'Closing Time' reminds me of sitting on the steps outside my local pub as they kicked us out on my 20th, singing loudly
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:39, Reply)

MY dads mate plays bass for edbanger and the nosebleeds and gave me the odd lesson here and there.
He taught me the bass line to voodoo child and then picked up his guitar and proceeded to do a amazing solo and singing.
Everytime i hear voodoo child i picture a 40 odd year old bald white man instead of jimi
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:38, Reply)

"Sit Down" by James reminds me when, listening to the radio, it came on and I decided not to kill myself when I was a kid, as I realised I would be letting the bullies win.
On a jollier note "The Bad Touch" by the Bloodhound Gang (yes, not the subtlest tune of all time) was the last tune I heard before my girlfriend asked me out five years ago and, oddly enough, the first I heard afterwards.
Yeah, it is a crap tune, init?
A tune called "Closing Time" by Semisonic reminds me of my first job as a barman, as it would invariably be playing when I got to bed after closing up. Crap job, but I did lose 3/4 stone in weight while I was there, so it wasn't all that bad.
[Edit] "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel is the first song I can remember liking. Well, other than Bar-bar Black Sheep, anyway...
[Edit] "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit (yes, well...) "Intergalactic" by the Beastie Boys, "Jump Around" by House of Pain and "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson reminds me of the fantastic, yet dark, dingy, sweaty and watery-pint "Futureworld" night at Ziggy's in York. Always a rockin' good night - such as when a mate was propositioned by two girls simultaneously - he was a babbling wreck on the way back to campus from the sheer shock of it. Very funny.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:25, Reply)

I had a ritual when i was in college many moons ago. I religious played either Carcass "Heartwork " album, or Entombed "Clandestine", or Obituary "The End Complete", or Bolt Throwers "The IVth Crusade" to college. Not forgetting Cathedral "The Ethereal Mirror". Played religiously, on the way to, or back from college.
Playing these takes me back to the mid 1990s, when I first got into metal, and there was none of this nu metal baggy trouser nonsense and other things masquerading as "metal". Fond memories, good mates, various college larks, etc. Pure class, personally...
Things were less complicated then, and have faded to the sands of time. But never forgotten... *develops lump in throat and tear in ones eye*
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:21, Reply)

Always reminds me of the idle days I spent at College during first year.
And their hit "Shiny Happy People" brings to mind the following year, at the same college with the same friends. Just the memories of that period are by large depressing. There's something odd about hitting 17. We collectively shifted into angst mode and couldn't shake it off until our A-levels were over. Thinking about it, I'm lying. I only shook it off around three months ago...
PS: Why "Shiny Happy People" equates depression, I'll never know. Maybe it's because Mike Stipe doesn't look like a shiny happy person... ever.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:19, Reply)

I was playing Coldplay's "Clocks" while driving into a California sunset in September 2002, when I saw a strange contrail rapidly heading west into the sunset. First time I ever saw such a thing: a Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile heading from Vandenburg Air Force Base to Kwajalein Atoll, many thousands of miles away in the Pacific.
The missile was many hundreds of miles away, but with good visibility in the gloaming, it was possible to see the rocket stage. The contrail changed from dense smoke into a translucent glimmering perfect cone, as the upper stages of the missile ripped into the mesosphere. It was gorgeous and scary at the same time.
When I hear "Clocks", I sense nuclear annihilation is near and my time on this Earth is over.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:09, Reply)

For Me Fatty..
by Morrissey. It now reminds me of my ex-girlfriend. Because she was fat and i loved her, and now i dont. Curses.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 20:05, Reply)

I have one of those CD alarm clocks. You put a CD in, and set it to wake you up with a specific track. For TWO YEARS I was awakened every morning by Sepultura's "Mass Hypnosis". The CD never left the player in all that time.
After all that time, I can no longer hear the first few seconds of that song without having an incredibly strong feeling of, "Shit, I need to get up now." It's an almost Pavlovian reaction.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 19:47, Reply)

Some of the best.....
-my sister singing along with "It's a Heartache" by Bonnie Tyler but singing "It's a HARD EGG..." instead. My parents sitting in the front seat laughing and me sitting in the back crying "MAKE HER STOP!!" because I knew she was singing the wrong words.
-"Goody Two Shoes", "Strip", "Friend or Foe", "Puss in Boots" and "Baby, Let Me Scream at You" all by Adam Ant. Same sister and I made up our own dance routines to them and would entertain my mom and ourselves for hours while we perfected them.
-"Walking on Broken Glass" by Anne Lennox reminds me of a road trip with Mr. FB (before he was the hubby)and me making a bet he couldn't keep up with the beat of the song while doing the horizontal mambo....he not only won but it makes us laugh now when we hear it 12 years later.
First post! WOOHOO!!
I'd apologize for length..but I'd just be lying...
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 19:46, Reply)

by Starship reminds me of TFI Friday at Strathclyde Union. Used to be 50p a pint and my classes stopped at 1, so i'd be fucked by tea time and usually in bed for the end of Corrie. Magic!
Specifically, it reminds me of the day they changed the licencing laws in Glasgow, meaning you couldnt do happy hours any more. So off went 50p pints and vodkas for half an hour each, and in came £1 a pint. All day.
I've quit two quite good jobs for trying to make me work Fridays. The buggers...
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 19:33, Reply)

A friday night in 1986, I was getting ready to go out and meet my new girlfriend. Shaved, showered, hair sorted and feeling great I pulled on my jeans and did up the flies. AAAAAAARRGGHH! I caught the end of my 'soldier' in the zipper. The pain was unbearable.
I screamed for my roommate - who after she (yes she) had stopped laughing - bundled me into her car to take me to the hospital, the stereo came on and I heard Bronski Beat and Marc Almond singing "I Feel Love".
His falsetto seemed somewhat appropriate considering my condition, which again sent my flat-mate into hysterics.
*A footnote - a drunken night a few months later she asked me if my todger was scarred. I showed her the slight discolouration on my bellend and one thing led to another and we ended up doing naughties. Some slight reward I suppose.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 19:11, Reply)

I was about fifteen and working in a butcher's shop for something rubbish like thrupence ha'penny an hour. Capital Radio was constantly on and I think they had a loop of about three songs, all of which are now indelibly associated in my mind with wiping pig's blood off of freezer walls.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 18:50, Reply)

and most stem from my first year of uni because it was so emotional and i listened to music a lot.
the ones which affect me most are:
1) state of grace by seal - instantly takes me back to sitting in my best friend's room in halls. late at night and tearful.
2) kevlar soul by kent - a very piercing song, brings back all the crazy emotions i had as a fresher.
these are the ones that actually make me shiver every time i hear them.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 18:40, Reply)

Muskehounds are always ready!
One for all and all for one, helping everybody!
Ulysses, Ulysses!
Soaring through all the galaxies, in search of Earth. Flying into the niiight . . .
These things and similar are powerful reminders of everything that mattered to me then, and still does now.
While we're at it, where the hell are the Thundercats DVDs? What is the hold-up, people?
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 18:30, Reply)
This question is now closed.