My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

not the normal sectarian muck they usually plaster about the walls.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 14:01, Reply)

on the side of my local church.
not MY local church.
below it.
been there MONTHS it has!
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 14:01, Reply)

There's a small basketball court on Witton Lane opposite Villa Park and beneath one of the baskets is a small wall upon which is sprayed:
Is that when you sneakily kick someone in the nuts?
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:59, Reply)

Someone had written the classic
To which, in a different hand, some wag had written beneath:
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:58, Reply)

some grungy pub, in Wolverhampton, I was a bit messed up through lager, and entering a cubicle I was greeted by the scariest loo ever.
lid up, with massive googly eyes markered onto it with 'evil' pointy eyebrows, and all around the rim were triangle 'teeth', and over the front edge, a big red tongue reaching the floor!
fucked me right up.
shud of took a photo!!
SOMEONE must have come across this as well.
I hope it wasnt just me :-(
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:56, Reply)

The Gay Village is just off Deansgate on a road unfortunately called "Canal Street".
Every time they clean the road sign it is only a matter of days before some Scally or Townie with a bottle of Tipp-Ex removes the first letter of each word ... Not exactly original, but funny.
Probably bindun.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:52, Reply)

..but its still pretty fucking hilarious.
Somewhere in Reading/Didcot around there, backing onto the railway is a large warehouse, with a very large, distinctive sign.
It reads, in eight foot letters:
(Think about it phonetically....)
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:51, Reply)

Someone has obviously got pissed, forgotten that the 24 hour mini mart is no longer there, walked down there, and got annoyed to discover it gone.
So, in 4 foot high letters, they've written:
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:49, Reply)

Albert Bridge, between Battersea and Chelsea, is not particularly well constructed. There is a weight restriction, and soldiers are instructed not to walk in their normal fashion. On the upstream south side, there is a sign that reads:
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:47, Reply)

I also love this one...
for those of you that are going blind from self love, it says "If you voted Liberal I will hunt you down and kill you. I don't know where you live, but I'm very good at research"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:47, Reply)

... was in the toilet at his college
Some (presumably Asian) student had tagged his name on the bog door: RAJU
Underneath someone else had written: BRINGS THE ITALIAN OUT IN YOU
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:44, Reply)

daddy was a donkey's post below reminded me of one I saw 10 years or so back painted in large white letters over a 20m stretch of wall next to the A90 leading north out of a rough part of Dundee:
"Fuck yous I am innocent"
Perhaps commenting on a miscarriage of justice?
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:44, Reply)

Back in my golden (parched, dried, dying) motherland of Australia there is a take away chicken chain called "red rooster". www.redrooster.com.au/
It always amazed me how accurate the bogans (chavs)were with their projectiles, as pretty much every outlet ended up being hailed as "red rooter"
Do I need to explain what rooting is?*
*'Merkins and Canadians take note, it's not digging around for things... well... maybe it is.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:43, Reply)

Youngs pub outside covent garden (marquis of somewere) Middle of punk and usual slogan was anarchy in the UK. In the loo was a well rendered British isles map with an arrow in it labelled "archery in the UK"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:43, Reply)

I live in deepest darkest Cornwall and graffiti isn't that widespread, but when it turns up, it generally amuses me...memorable ones...
A sign in Pool reads "Pool Is The Future" (a bare faced lie if ever I saw one)...this is regularly defaced to "Poo Is The Future" which is more appropriate to the area...
The "Welcome to Redruth" sign had "You're" added to it leaving it to read "You're Welcome To Redruth" (which is fair enough, but why anyone would accept that offer is beyond me)
During the whole Bosnia conflict thingy the St Day signs had "Twinned with Bosnia" added to them (almost believe-able)
We also have a sort of retard IRA here fighting for Cornish independence called An Gof (Cornish for "I Am Backward" probably)...they'd spray painted a bridge near Truro with "FREE KERNOW", unfortunately to paint it on the bridge the "artist" had to hang over the side to write it resulting in it being written in 2 foot high upsidedown letters...
and my favourite (only because I'd had some problems with this guy in the past) was "BIG JIM SHAGS SHEEP" written in 2 foot high letters across the side of Redruth Cinema...
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:43, Reply)

Hamilton. Steeltown. A fair-sized city, a bit on the blue-collar end of the spectrum. (Nice art gallery, though. But I digress.)
I was walking past a construction site, and all along the wooden fence were scattered angry graffiti about some guy named Levak. I don't remember any verbatim, but clearly some guy was seriously pissed off at Levak. I walked along, pondering about what Levak had done, the nature of the conflict. Perhaps some cultural clash, given the immigrant mix in that working-class area. Graffiti not terribly specific, though. Made it all a bit of a mystery.
About 15 minutes later (or more), the penny drops. Like a lot of working-class blue-collars, this guy was angry at Quebec separatist politican Rene Levesque.
How can you care enough to hate that much, and not care enough to learn the correct spelling?
EDIT: Not a defense of the late Levesque, whose PQ is dangerously divisive, hypocritical in their treatment of Quebec anglophones, and borderline racist. But I can at least describe the issues, and spell the fucker's name.
Length? A few city blocks, as I recall.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:35, Reply)

Can`t find the photo damn, but remember the first bilboard ads for "Stars Wars the movie (or was it motion picture?)
In Whitechapel, near London Hospital one on the main road had sprayed underneath "Ars Warts- the anagram"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:34, Reply)

"G.Fawkes is innocent"
Painted with white emulsion in 2 foot high letters on a railway bridge by Mile End Park in East London.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:34, Reply)

towards the bottom of a toilet cubical wall:
"You are now shitting at a 35.6 degree angle"
Thought that was good
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:32, Reply)

The walls of the Little Civic in Wolverhampton are covered in posters from various bands and singers. Some have played there and you get the feeling that some are an ironic piss take.
A moment of graffiti that made me laugh was on a Darren Hayes (former high pitched crooner with Savage Garden) poster. He was either peering out of, or peering in to, a tv screen. And someone had written 'twat' in pencil across his chest.
Made me and the missus laugh for ages.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:32, Reply)

On the side of the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts - 'Schubert is great' and someone underneath tagged '...and dead.'
I also like 'Goff are gay'. A perfect piece of scally-literature.
The school I was at was often abbrivated to SFX, of course everyone added a line to create the obvious. My favourite? 'Play cricket for SEX'.
I liked on in the toilets of the University of Leeds. Written on the bog-roll dispenser: 'Leeds Met degrees, please take one.'
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:32, Reply)

I saw on a toilet wall the other week
"10/03/07 - Chris Akabusa patted me on the fanny and whispered "Awooga" in my ear"
no further explanation to be given, you either get it or you don't
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:29, Reply)

I live in a nice area - Nothing posh, but certainly not the sort of gang-ravaged crack-crater that the Daily Mail would have you believe every town is becoming these days. Because of this, it seems that the 'youth' are new to the whole idea of anti-social behaviour.
My favourite piece of graffiti is on a fence just round the corner from my house. It has no wild colour scheme, no tag, no obscenities. In perfectly-formed upper- and lower-case letters, someone has simply sprayed
"I am the best"
The missus and I spotted this while we were house-hunting, and both immediately said "Awwww!". It was actually one of the deciding factors that made us want to live there...
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:27, Reply)

written on the side of a church on Park Road for much of the 80s was the single word: "Aids"
about a decade later the same church featured "god is a cunt" though oddly enough they cleared that one up a bit quicker.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:25, Reply)

On the way to Brighton from Tunbridge Wells, you pass by a town called Uckfield, and over the river Uck. The sign for the river used to be square, but now they've chopped it down so that there's no room for any extra letters.
Always used to make me chuckle.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:24, Reply)

Someone has wrote 'Tesconspiracy' on a wall in massive letters.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:24, Reply)

A huge white wall on Portobello Promenade in Edinburgh once had the following proudly sprayed in three-foot high blue paint:
"Wall! Huh! What is it good for?"
That made my day every time I walked past but the swine from the council painted over it. Philistines.
Another one is more vandalism than graffiti but still seems to fit here. There was a pub in Portobello High Street called The Glassblower which has recently changed its name (to The Central Bar if I remember right). Why the change? Pesky locals kept nicking the G and l from the sign :-)
Ooh, almost forgot - the first time me and the missus went to Prague we saw the word "BAWBAG" scrawled along the side of a lovely ancient building. Hooray for my fellow Scots and their vandalicious ways. Still got a photo of it somewhere, will have to dig it out...
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:18, Reply)

In the bogs of a pub in Oxford, someone had carved into the wall, in 2 inch high letters:
How enigmatic.
Dr S
Length - short but whiffy
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 13:14, Reply)
This question is now closed.