Heckles II
It was my privilege the other month to see a particularly foul and abusive heckler literally chased out of a comedy club by enraged punters. So: Comedy nights, staff meetings, football matches. Tell us of epic or rubbish heckles.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 14:36)
Are there no windows in this place?
maggied Riding the Gravy Train on, Sat 21 Jun 2014, 16:39,
2 replies)
Because you live in Cupertino?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Mon 23 Jun 2014, 10:02,
A place with no Windows and no Doctors..
maggied Riding the Gravy Train on, Mon 23 Jun 2014, 20:51,