What is going on?
Lightguy was walking home when he saw a fox eating a cat. As he watched, it threw up on the cat and then continued eating, having doused it in its own marinade.
Only this morning, Rachelswipe saw a tramp hock up a bright green loogy, only for a pigeon to hop over on its withered stumps and peck it up joyfully.
Are these the end times? What horrible stuff have you seen recently?
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 10:36)
This question is now closed.

Drum rolling tobacco... nobody should ever smoke it
its only about 45p cheaper than the nice stuff, if you do smoke it your incredibly cheap
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:43, Reply)

I fell flat on the floor face first and in the shock wondered why my arm had changed shape. I pushed the jutting angle of my arm back into place and it popped back up. The bone had come through the skin and my arm started to bleed.
At was at this point I started to freak out somewhat.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:41, Reply)

This isnt too horrific, I suppose, but if you imagine the sheer AGONY of the creature in question....
I was walking down a long winding lane, when suddenly, a very quick car came hurtling round the corner, straight into a bird that had just launched itself from the hedgerow.
The bird survived, but had had a wing ripped off and was clearly in a very distressed state.
I knew it wasnt going to make it, as I watched it do the 'Homer Simpson Woop Woop' circular victory dance in the middle of the road, but couldnt bring myself to finish the little bugger off.
I waited, for about ten minutes, as a stream of cars came along and somehow proceeded to miss the bird every fucking time.
This poor little thing was screeching its head off, so I decided to finish what a sports car had started.
Did i do the manly thing and wring its neck? no.
I took a Jonny Wilkinson style run up and hoofed the fucker down the road. It didnt die, but a lot of poo came out of it.
After about five hoofs, it finally landed on its neck and died \o/.
Im not proud, but I am amused.
length? about 300 metres of left foot wizardry.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:31, Reply)

Cat dragged Terry the Terrapin out of the tank in the night and left it on the stairs. I came down to breakfast in the morning with bare feet....crunch....squish. Just hope he was already dead. The sensation of treading on the poor chap will with never leave me.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:20, Reply)

My wife (or ex-girlfriend as I like to think of her) once bought me a lovely bottle of Frijj milkshake as a present (back in my student days this was a fine prize) and I shook it up, opened it, and took a big swig.
What luck! After a few chugs, I got a mouthful of the solidified chocolate sludge from the bottom, which had been mixed up but not dissolved by my shaking. I began to cheerfully chew when my spider sense started tingling.
Something was not right.
I removed from my mouth the remains of the centimetre thick green disk of mould which had formed on the top of the milkshake. The rest had been swallowed. The best before date was weeks ago.
I retched and gagged for about a week following that incident.
Mrs. Neko, you're fired!
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:16, Reply)

Sometime last year, my boyfriend and I helped some friends move. The boyfriend of the couple was a photographer, and at the end of the day, he pulled out his laptop to show us some of his photos. Unfortunately, what he showed us was a slideshow of war photos he'd taken, in various wars, of people missing limbs, lying on the ground with half their heads blown off, and many other horrific shots (yeah, he did warn us first, so it's really our fault for looking). The sheer number of these photos that he had was terrible. Not that he photographed it, as the point of his photos was to call attention to the tragedy, but the fact that things like that exist. The really horrible part is that I think I was the only one there who was affected by it, everyone else there just considered it interesting, and one of the movers actually sat there asking questions about what kind of camera he was using. People have become so desensitized...
edit: Just to clarify, these were atrocious war crimes/innocent civilian type photos, not dying honorably in the defence of my country photos... Not that I approve of war in any way, really, but it is different if you go and sign up for it...
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:06, Reply)

Saw some pron at a mate's house in uni a couple of years ago. Some of you may have seen this.
it starts off with one guy and two girls, the guy is fucking the girl doggy and then slips it in her arse. She tells him to come, which he does, and then she stands up and lets the cum dribble out into the other girl (2)'s mouth. She then kisses the guy, giving him a mouthful of buttjuice. He proceeds to go down on girl one, forcing the mouthful of cum up her flaccid vag. Another girl (3) enters the scene and starts going down on girl one. Girl one spurts the cum all over girl three's face, and girls 1 and 2, as well as man lick it off. Delightful.
Oh, and there was a naked 25 stone man on Weston beach in Devon, but that was more nauseating than horrific.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:05, Reply)

When I was at school I worked Saturdays with a local vet. He let me get really hands on with stuff, and I saw and did some really cool things. But you also see some horrible stuff.
On a farm visit to a cow calving, the calf had already died inside the cow. The way it was taken out, was by the vet putting steel rope into the cow, and wrapping it round the calf. The 2 ends of the rope would then hang out the cows vagina. Then the vet would use the rope to saw throught the calf. He would do this in order to behead the calf, and then cut each of the limbs off. To see a cow give birth to different bits of a calf was horrible. Cow survived though.
I also was there for a lambing. The Lamb was dead, and the mother was getting there. The vet was pulling hard on the lamb, and it was about halfway out. But as he pulled, the body of this tiny white lamb ripped apart, and his guts, liver, stomach and all came spilling out. The vet then had to try and clean out the sheeps womb. The sheep didn't survive.
The third thing is a cow after retaining the afterbirth. As soon as we walked into the shed the smell hit me. I have a strong stomach, so slightly gagged, but kept my cool. Cue this old irish farmer laughing at the young girl almost being sick. But anyway, there was a small bit of rotting placenta hanging out of the cow. But as soon as the vet started to clean out the rest the smell intensified. It was suffocating. Farmer stopped his jokes about the wee girl then! As the vet washed it out, black sludge, and chunks of rotten, well, meat came pouring out of the cow. It was vile. The thought of that all fermenting inside her was awful, the poor thing. Her vagina had to be flushed until the water ran clear. It took a long time.
But, after all of this the thing that horrified me most was a human mother SUCKING THE SNOT out of a babies nose.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:04, Reply)

In the middle of summer, looking after house + pets while rest of family off enjoying themselves in Sri Lanka... one day a small bird hits the conservatory. I leave it alone and dead, expecting a cat to take it away.
5 days later, I open the conservatory door to let our cat our and am overpowered with a stench. Look down and the bird is now on the step I was about to stand on, barely recognisable, covered with flies and maggots, the bird wriggling all by itself.
I closed the door pretty quick and stayed indoors for a while...
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 14:00, Reply)

Either my mate literally eating the dribble of a very sloppy cocker spaniel, in exchange for a pack of fags (James you scumbag lol)...
Or Jean-Claude Van Damme's acting *shivers*
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:57, Reply)

In what... 1996 or something, stumbled upon some ftp site... in the incoming/ directory... 100's of images... intrigued, I pick one randomly...
...and it's a photo of a soldier lying on a hospital bed with half his head blown off.
I closed it pretty quick and went for some fresh air.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:56, Reply)

Sounds like the first scene from Albert Dupontel's Irreversible.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:54, Reply)

Probably sounds silly now, but when I was about 12, dad took me to the driving range. He was a keen golfer, and I think he wanted me to take up the sport... after this incident, I was sufficiently put off!
There I was, trying to hit this golf ball down the range. Dad was behind me talking to another golfer.
I swing at this ball with all my might... I miss... the club carrys on round... There is the most sickening *CRACK* I've ever heard.
I look round to see my father lying on the floor with blood pissing out of his face. His glasses were in bits next to him.
I honestly thought I'd killed him. I think I just fell down onto the floor in tears, I don't think my mind really knew how to react.
He was actually ok. The tough old bastard refuses an ambulance and insists on driving home again (to drop me off) before driving himself to the hospital to get stitches. Still with blood dribbling down his face from a big slice just above his eye socket.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:53, Reply)

50 year old Man collapses,
I phone an ambulance,
They arrive,
Turns out its was a heart attack,
Paramedics use the defibrillator,
High electric current melts his bright red polyester cagoule to the floor (well, it left a red stain on the floor which i put down to hardcore meltage),
Man dies anyway.
Like i said, horrific.... A RED FUCKING CAGOULE!
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:52, Reply)

Sounds like the beginning of a joke I know, but I watched a video of one of the women puking into the mouth of another, who then proceeds to shit in her mouth...sounds tame I know but even after seeing the Russian soldier having his head cut off by a Chechen Rebel and numerous beheadings, shootings, set fire to's and other ne'er do wells, I'd have to say this was the most horrific thing.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:43, Reply)

In a previous place of work, we had a carpark which was invaded by gypsies. I had the misfortune/fortune to witness a very large travelling lady lay a very large cable in an ice-cream container, smack, bang in the middle of our car park. She didn't even go behind her caravan. I'm not sure why she did this (perhaps she didn't want to stink out her caravan) but I am even less sure as to why she took the piping hot turd back into her caravan (perhaps to stink out her caravan)
I wish I had the guts to ask her but I was afraid, I was very, very afraid.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:41, Reply)

I once covered a nursing shift at a ward I hadn't worked on before. I was looking after an oldish man who'd had a stroke and who could no longer talk or move himself around much. I'd been told he could still eat and drink so I went to take him some food and help him to eat it. He looked at me with worried eyes as I brought a spoonful of food up to his mouth and didn't seem to want to take it. I noticed a really horrible smell from his mouth so I gloved up and had a look inside with a torch. What I saw (and smelt) will never be erased from my memory. His mouth was full of rotting food that had obviously been there for days. It had turned to grey sludge like you might find in your drain if you haven't cleaned it for a couple of years. Stuck in the sludge was the odd bit of carrot and vegetables from more recent meals. People had obviously been shoveling food into his mouth but not bothering to check if he was actually swallowing the food and not bothering to clean his mouth every day. I cleaned out his mouth immediately and I had to pull out chunks of this grey jellyish yuck from his cheeks, from his gums and from behind his teeth. The smell was unbelievable and I've never been so close to puking at work before or since. The poor man had been sat with that stuff caked in his mouth probably for days or even weeks. No wonder his eyes looked worried. I reported the incident and the ward was shut down not long afterwards (not just because of this incident - there'd been a whole string of similar things).
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:39, Reply)

When I was a young lass I lived in a farming community in NZ's king country. We were townies and our mum was the school teacher. We had some friends that lived on a large farm that had a backpackers lodge on it. They were lovely people but thought nothing of what people would traditionally consider "gross".
They invited me and my little sister to come out on a hunting expedition with them one night which we thought would be cool. We sat atop the back of a Ute and were pretending we weren't shit scared as the older brothers sped over paddocks and up and down steep gullys while we held on for dear life.
I didn't realise before going that the ute were were sat on would play host to about 4 dead goats that kicked intermittently and stared at me accusingly with their dull scary eyes whilst the stench of death and billy goat piss surrounded me. I watched a cute bunny spasming in the throes of death, bleeding everywhere. The best thing, however, was the solid thump of numerous possum carcasses hitting the ground after being shot in the trees (you shine a torch on the trees and wait for their eyes to catch the light.. aim, fire... thump) then go grab the carcass for skinning and whatever country folk do with the dead possums.
Well, a couple of the newly dead possums were added to the pile of death on the back of the ute where me, my little sister and my young friend were perched. As we were headed back to the house/backpackers my friend noticed one of the dead possums seemed to be giving birth. About 3 or 4 little pink shiny possum poos emerged from the corpse. Of course my young friend got a case of the sads, and being a young country girl picked up the mucousy mess and watched the possum foetuses die in her hands. We had a mini possum funeral right there and then for the newborns and then like dust unto the wind hurled them off the back of the truck into the windshield of the vehicle behind.
It was gross and slimey. Can still smell the dead animals. ew.
I also stepped in stinky rotting rabbit guts whilst playing hide and seek in their house. The most horrifying thing about that it was dark and i tasted it. Not sure if the backpackers is still open. Probably not.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:38, Reply)

So many powerful stories, many of which have moved me in all kinds of ways, but I can't bring myself to acknowledge them with a click of a button that says "I Like This".
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:37, Reply)

as I have seem to have an affinity with vomit. Top of this would be when I did the journey from rhyll to manchester in the boot of a vauxhall cavalier, e'd of me nut. Knew I was going to be sick, and miraculously managed to completely fill the 2 litre coke bottle in the back of the car, without making any other mess.
The look on the drivers face when he let me out and I handed him the warm bottle. Twas a picture.
HJowever, nastiest thing Ive seen was after a party in my student days. Some friends had moved into a new house (Partially frnished), and decided to have a party before they moved all of their stuff in.
The house had been sat empty for about three months.
A fine party was had, but at about 3 am, I rather badly burnt my hands picking up two beer bottles that had been sat in front of an open fire for hours.
I needed meat. Cold mince/steak is very good for soothing burns, and one of the girls who's house it was said she had turkey mince in the freezer.
Head down to the kitchen. Two fridge freezers. One left by former tennants, although I am unsure of which was which.
Now, bear in mind at this point I will have been boozing for 12 hours, had more than my fair share of pollen, and a pill or two as well. Essentailly, a happy mindset, but a fragile and unstable one.
Pick a freezer. One of those with the freezer compartment at the top. Prize the door open with my elbow.
Litres and litres of maggots pour out of the freezer compartment. It must have been full to the brim. It was like the freezer was vomiting beelzebubs children all over me. Then, this ammonia, rotting fish smell invades my poor olefactory systems.
I screamed. Like a big sissy.
The new tennants spent the next half hour sweeping maggots up, and opening the windows up. I eventually got my turkey mince, and sat in trauma, unable to roll one up to help blot the experience from my memory, due to my fantastic meat mittens.
I never open strangers freezers now.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:34, Reply)

This took place on the 192 bus from Stockport to Manchester (as anyone familiar with the route will agree, pretty horrific in itself)
Just as I had paid the bus driver my fare, the tramp sitting in the front biddies-and-disabled seat decided to relieve his innards of the burden of cider and discarded chips in seemingly never-ending waterfall of puke, while his appalled travelling companions looked on.
I sat upstairs :)
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:34, Reply)

Not me my mate was there in the Paras (Army) whenever that war was kicking off. He said they were getting 15 quid for bring dead bodies back to a makeshift morgue, so this one body was half in half out of a bush so they tied a rope round its feet, noose like, and started to pull it out. Both feet popped off he said..... urghhhh
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:32, Reply)

I used to work graveyard shift at a gas station located at a busy intersection on a highway that went through the town at a reduced speed. The intersection occurred in the middle of what was a fairly broad S-turn, peaking right in the middle of the intersection and both curving and dropping away on either side.
Drivers would always speed and it was a typical sight to see cars zoom through, misjudge the curve and end up on the center concrete median, all four wheels off the ground as the car beached itself, resting on the oilpan and transmission and requiring the use of two tow-trucks to remove them.
This one night, some git in a Mazda RX-7 convertible flew through the intersection (literally) at 120 kmh, shot over the concrete median just high enough to mostly clear, but one of the rear tires clipped the median sending the car into a Dukes-of-Hazard-esque roll causing the car to land upside down.
The vehicle was moving at such a high rate of speed that it continued to slide upside down for another 220 feet, leaving a great pink smear of blood, flesh and brain tissue along the entire length of the skid. The police and ambulance attendants were all seen heaving into the bushes along the side of the road.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:27, Reply)

I once helped someone to clear up their garden. When I chopped back some of the shrubbery I found a cold, stiff dead cat that had obviously been there a while. I was staring at it, not quite sure what to do, when suddenly I noticed a movement at its head, and a big fat wasp crawled out of its mouth. Which is much more horrifying than it sounds.
( , Fri 22 Jun 2007, 13:25, Reply)
This question is now closed.