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Home » Question of the Week » That's when I knew it was over... » Post 36414 | Search
This is a question That's when I knew it was over...

Nice and simple this week. Just tell us the exact moment you knew that relationship, that job or that penchant for custard-dipped young boys was over.

(, Thu 21 Jul 2005, 10:45)
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i knew it was over when..
First i must set the scene. My father works in england and spends most of the week there, so that's one parent out of the way. My mother goes to bed early (10-ish) and sleeps a heavy, possibly tranquiliser induced, sleep until about 9 the next morning. This of course left my adolsecent self with a large night time period in which i was free to roam streets and parties without them ever catching a drift of it, as by 8:30 i was safely tucked up back in bed.

However, eventualy my cover was blown when one night i forgot myself and fell asleep on my mate's sofa. I woke up at the crack of noon and realised i was fucked. But not only did i receive the expected bollocking...my mother had called the police when she found me missing, who, by ringing every number in my phone (which i had unfortunately left by me bed) eventually located me. In a house full of students. In a dodgy area. Reeking of dope, and with several other psychedelic substances in view. Including a huge poster saying "Fuck the Pigs!" complete with two huge piggies getting down to it in cop uniforms. My carefree days were definitely at an end.
(, Sat 23 Jul 2005, 3:11, Reply)

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