The boss showed me the shop floor, complete with loose floor tiles, out-of-date equipment and prospective colleagues eyeing me like a raw steak. "Christ, what a craphole", I said. I think that's the moment I blew it. Tell us how you didn't get the job.
Suggested by Field Marshall Dozington-Smythe (Ret.)
( , Thu 21 Nov 2013, 13:06)
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that we declare this /qotw an Amorous Badger Monumental Fail?
Surely, if there was an opportunity for him to trot out and repost AGAIN that sad, tired old pic of the post from AB's unoriginal and itself slightly creepy archives, where Albert Marshmallow proves himself to be a creepy sexpest by hacking into young ladies' webmail accounts in order to go looking for their nudey pics; wouldn't this week's /qotw be the most appropriate time and place?
Yet here we are on Sunday....
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 5:05, 35 replies)

( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 6:51, closed)

/qotw is another one of the mostly distracting tabs I have open most days whilst I'm working. I usually go on it whilst my family are either sleeping (I'm an early riser) or not at home (wife at work and kid at school).
At the moment, after a lazy Sunday (following a fairly busy week) they are watching a movie I don't want to, (City of Ember) and ironing clothes ready for next week.
But good on you for attempting to find another vector with which to attack me and my involvement with this site.
"Cheers" & well done to you. Hope you are proud of your effort and feel better for having posted it.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 7:30, closed)

it might jolt some fucking sense into you.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 7:51, closed)

that you're trying to tell me off for "attacking" you after I made a humorous response to your attempt to attack two other people.
Self-awareness isn't your strong suit is it?
( , Mon 25 Nov 2013, 11:03, closed)

May I enquire as to why you felt the need to post this? In the past you have expressed disquiet when other posters have made an entry in to QOTW merely to slag others off, yet you seem to be quite content to do so yourself.
Are you happy to hypocritical in this way? What do you feel you personally gain from this?
I now await some form of barely coherent response where you ask me to 'sell your book', rather than a considered answer to my questions.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 9:02, closed)

play their game.
Whether you win or lose is immaterial really isn't it?
In other words - if I had spent some time seeking out the RL details of a number of posters that have bullied and harassed me online (including you), I may have chosen to NOT post them because that is quite explicitly against the rules of this site and doing so would make me no better than you.
Then again I could just be a snide cunt. Like you.
EDIT: The "Sell my book" thing is just me giving you shit for the fact that you lambasted apeloverage repeatedly, on & on about his book after he posted the cover from Amazon. It was the best sales pitch ever. Sorry, I thought you'd figured that 1 out. Maybe I have overestimated you afterall.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 9:10, closed)

fucks sake. have you considered, i don't know, letting this go? i suspect you're at the stage where you tell people in real life about this moral war you're single-handedly waging on the collective scourge of the internet.
i also suspect that, much like the internet, real life doesn't give the faintest shit.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 11:42, closed)

just questioning your mental health, is all. i bet the winter nights just fly by in your house, what with you gibbering on about people on the internet.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 13:10, closed)

questioning anyone else's mental health is somewhat staggering to behold.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 20:21, closed)

never felt better. i wonder if i should write a twenty thousand word essay to an indifferent audience to explain that? seems to work for you.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 22:07, closed)

I would actually say that I post stories to a website based around telling tales dependent upon what the given topic is for that particular week.
It has very little to do with my mental or physical health.
Whatever floats your boat tho my dear.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 22:31, closed)

( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 12:35, closed)

I find his knowledge of past posts more than disturbing. He is everything weird and creepy about the internet.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 13:06, closed)

You normally complain when AB posts. This time you're whingeing about how he hasn't. It's at best tangential to the question, and strikes me as undermining your frequent point that you don't care about what he posts.
You're coming across as quite pathetic, frankly.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 13:34, closed)

( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 18:29, closed)

and then comment.
Your input has been taken on board.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 20:19, closed)

and it was a whinge from him/her.
Rather than be a snide prick like many of the other posters on this board and thread I thought I would simply say that I had 'heard' and understood what he/she was telling me.
No, I don't get off on this. I was simply attempting to make a point about some of the double standards displayed here by some of the posters. I was trying to be a bit funny (as in tongue in cheek) what with the old "comedy website lol" thing.
Sorry if you didn't get it. I'll try not to be so obtuse in future.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 21:14, closed)

Battered kinda got it in that he could see that I was being a hypocrite and Edenmonster clearly sees AB in the same light that I do.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 21:16, closed)

( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 22:30, closed)

Trust me when I tell you this - I would be more concerned if people with your attitude liked me than not.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 22:33, closed)

Sorry to be so frank.
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 22:53, closed)

My dreams of being the most popular person here haven't quite been dashed then.
Terrible bullying of Mr. Snow here!
( , Sun 24 Nov 2013, 23:02, closed)

I posted the above as a joke, a parody, a pisstake of the fact that AB has (I'm not kidding here) posted the pic I mentioned nearly a hundred times on this board.
My point was that considering the nature of the pic (and original post by Alby) and the frequency with which AB posted this pic (not to mention the other links, pics or verbatim text that other posters have posted - again it seems I'm not the only person who finds that a bit creepy and obsessive) - surely this weeks topic was THE FUCKING LEGITIMATE PLACE TO POST THE PIC!.
But no.
Only a few of you seemed to have got that I was taking the piss. A lot of you seemed to get upset with me.
Considering some of the shit that's been hurled my way by AB alone (let alone any of the other shitflingers) - I make a post criticising and taking the piss out of AB, all the shitflingers (and a couple of others) get all upset. And then proceed to try and bully me. Again.
All I can say is -
"comedy website lol" you sad, sorry bunch. I genuinely hope you all have "internet personas" because if you behave even an iota like you do here in RL.... well, let's hope Darwin was correct and there is some form of natural selection.
( , Mon 25 Nov 2013, 6:21, closed)

casual user would know that.
( , Mon 25 Nov 2013, 9:03, closed)

he might be able to help this poor cunt before he does himself a mischief.
( , Mon 25 Nov 2013, 9:09, closed)

historically, when you get to the dissection of internet message board etiquette, you are about 5 minutes away from a massive whining flounce.
maybe just skip to the never-coming-back part?
( , Mon 25 Nov 2013, 9:34, closed)
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