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This is a question Lego

Battered wonders, "What amazing stuff have you got up to with Lego?" Or just tell us about the time you got a Lego brick stuck up your privates.

All people referring to 'Legos' will be shot at down. Or dawn. Your choice.

(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 15:13)
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It's slightly odd to be obsessed with character lego I suppose.
I played with Lego a lot right into my early 30's, but I have technical stuff, and (in Mr Bean voice) you can learn quite a lot about engineering from it.

Have to say, when I started breeding it all went in the attic, and rarely comes out now. When my kids are old enough I'll no doubt get it out for round 2.
(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 16:41, 3 replies)

lego my penis
(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 16:43, closed)
Yes, I used to
find time for several other activities.
(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 16:44, closed)

I had lego as a kid but it all got given away when I got bored of it.
I wonder is lego more of a boys toy?
(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 16:52, closed)
No, mine got given away too.
My wife however still has hers*, or at least it's still at her parents house. So I can conclude it's just that my parents and yours were gits.

*I'm pretty certain none of it's been anywhere near her clopper. Just for clarification.
(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 17:08, closed)
I would give it a wee sniff first before letting micro-Badge anywhere near it. - just to be on the safe side.

(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 17:57, closed)
I don't know how to explain this delicately but the wee'n has quite recent exposure to ms badger's clopper

(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 19:31, closed)
as have we all

(, Fri 25 Oct 2013, 9:13, closed)
As it goes, she had to have an emergency exit via the sunroof
so, not so much clopper exposure.
(, Mon 28 Oct 2013, 9:48, closed)
I must say how surprised I am to learn which qftw regulars are lego shut-ins.

(, Thu 24 Oct 2013, 19:29, closed)

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