This week's been all about the Daily Mail and why people love or hate their country. Tell us one thing you hate about Britain, and one thing about why you love it.
This shouldn't be an excuse for RACISTLOLS, or long lists of things you dislike. Be intelligent, be funny, and be interesting
( , Thu 3 Oct 2013, 13:55)
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Love: The surprising space. Even where I live, in the most densely populated corner of this small, crowded country, it's easy to jump on a train or bus and find somewhere, quiet and green.
Fields that look the same as they did 200 years ago and woodlands that are mostly unchanged for the last 1000.
However, most of all, I would suggest a trip to the Scottish Highlands. It's a vast, mostly empty wilderness that has a beauty that rivals anywhere in the world. Globally speaking, it's on our doorstep, yet so few people make the effort. The kind of place where after a few days, you feel much more, well, 'balanced' is probably the word.
And as for the anti-English mentality that so many people down here believe is rife, total bollocks. I only met one prick up there and he was angry at the world, not an accent.
Oh, and the first time I walked into a pub to see an entire wall of whisky behind the bar... I nearly crashed me yoghurt truck!
Hate: The Tories. With a burning, unyielding, energy-giving fury. Fuck them. Don't get me wrong, most of the 'alternatives' can get fucked too, but they will always have a special ink-black place in my affections.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 14:15, 32 replies)

Replace "English" with "Muslims" and you've got the EDL.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 14:22, closed)

I really don't know enough about 'em to cast judgement either way. Obviously there are anti-English/British people in Scotland, probably a lot of 'em, but no country has a monopoly on fuckwits and, thankfully, in most places, the fuckwits don't have the monopoly.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 14:27, closed)

Keeping the hate alive.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 14:57, closed)

They can all get to bollocks then. Still a great part of the world to get pissed.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 15:10, closed)

The SNP are a leftist and inclusive party. They don't want to restrict rights or repatriate anyone. They want political independence for Scotland. Nationalism doesn't necessarily equate to fascism.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 18:14, closed)

They're nationalist; they're socialist. They're national socialists. But not fascists, no. They just want Scotland for the Scottish. Well - not the fucking English, anyway.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 22:53, closed)

They aren't socialist either. You really have no idea here, do you?
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 23:13, closed)

In Germany in the 1930s it was the Jews, in England in the 1970s it was the pakis and the blacks; now its the muslims, in Scotland its the bastard English. The key is the world 'nationalist'.
( , Wed 9 Oct 2013, 6:55, closed)

You're embarrassing yourself here, better stick to subjects you have a working knowledge of, such as dark graph novs.
( , Wed 9 Oct 2013, 8:10, closed)

The SNP are not right wing at all. They seek political independence for Scotland. They are not proposing to kick anybody out of Scotland, to restrict employment rights or to give natives of the country more rights than immigrants to it. They are not intending to ethnically purge or racially purify the country, install a dictator or bring back capital punishment or national service.
There isn't a single measure by which you could gauge them or their policies as fascist or even right wing. You seem to have got mixed up between 'pro Scottish' and 'anti English'.
Which of their policies specifically discriminates against English people?
( , Wed 9 Oct 2013, 8:41, closed)

But then again, the whole left- and right-wing thing is pretty meaningless because it's entirely subjective, but it's interesting to note that the NAZIs were socialist, which is generally seen as left-wing.
I just pointed out that all nationalists are the same - they want segregation based on some meaningless, imaginary border, so that they can have theirs and those people over there can't.More often than not, those people over there are complete bastards.
( , Wed 9 Oct 2013, 8:50, closed)

and there's no shortage of anti-Tory sentiment, too.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 15:20, closed)

there's a picture of maggie on the wall and somebody's written "cunt" on her forehead
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 15:33, closed)

My other half wrote her university coursework on mining families, so it was quite the eye-opener for me when I was transcribing her interview tapes.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 16:03, closed)

But she never peeled the skins from the wives and children of working class people just to make paper.
( , Wed 9 Oct 2013, 10:57, closed)

Has "MAGGIE DEAD" and "FUCK THE TORIES" written on the side of it. Of course, it's really just the sort of club that they talk about on Jeremy Kyle when they discuss where Wayne fingered Sharleen in the bogs.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 21:12, closed)

Especially when you have a thirst on for a beer.
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 15:38, closed)

It looks pretty for a bit and then it sinks in that you are either hours from beer, food, sex....or rescue :-(
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 19:43, closed)

Reality TV, advertising, boy racers, chain stores, WKD, tabloid newspapers, box sets, traffic lights, the internet, oyster cards, concrete and noise.
Worth the risk, I'd say :)
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 20:57, closed)

Or being animal food if we unwisely decide to walk.
It's widernesslols all the way
( , Wed 9 Oct 2013, 3:10, closed)

In that vastly over-rated wilderness you are never far from a cold beer.
( , Wed 9 Oct 2013, 15:24, closed)

the central London lot will be furious. FURIOUS
( , Tue 8 Oct 2013, 23:18, closed)

( , Thu 10 Oct 2013, 10:33, closed)
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