Doctors, Nurses, Dentists and Hospitals
Tingtwatter asks: Ever been on the receiving end of some quality health care? Tell us about it
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 11 Mar 2010, 11:49)
this should probably win
so more people get to read it and hopefully take it in.
Vipros. clever got me this far, then tricky got me in, Fri 12 Mar 2010, 10:54,
1 reply)
It should win because it's ME.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 12 Mar 2010, 10:56,
Myalgic encephalomyelitis?
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Fri 12 Mar 2010, 11:07,
do I get points
for not having to look that up?
Sextant goes to him is emotionally erect, on this day, Sun 14 Mar 2010, 3:39,
Good post...
and deserves to win entirely on its' own merits.
disasterprone "Pyjamas caused the Holocaust", Tue 16 Mar 2010, 8:20,