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This is a question Mix Tapes

Everyone's made a mix tape (or CD, USB stick, or whatever kids do these days). Mostly to get in someone else's pants, but we're sure there are other, lesser, reasons too.

So, who did you make it for and why?
And... what was on it?

(, Thu 7 Feb 2008, 13:41)
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heh, I suppose not technially a mix "tape"
however it was a CD
I felt horrible about this one after I made it
tracks from various stuff, nothing all that interesting.
but its the context of it that was great
there was this girl that I met during this summer trip thing to Massachusetts, a few years back, she was from Pakistan and had an IQ over 80, so immediately was better than most of the other girls there. However she did have one minor thing, all she ever talked about was her life back in Pakistan...regular beatings, rapes, that sort of lovely thing, I tried to talk to her as much as possible through it all, but quickly turned the situation from "ooh isn't she nice" to "please god don't let her kill herself."
Anyway, there was one particularly horrible story she told me where her older brother was playing baseball with her, and when she failed to hit the ball, being about 10, he, obviously in an effort to make her feel better, broke both of her legs with the bat, calmly walked away, and never got in any sort of trouble.
anyway mix-CDs, right, nothing really, I just made some for a few of my friends I had made, she was one of them.
how can I put this discretely...
last song on the CD
"Beat on the brat
Beat on the Brat
Beat on the Bat with a Baseball bat!"
I didn't even notice it untuil we were listening to it together...she'd never heard it...needless to say she loved it....the cover was nice and sharp for throwing.
can't say I didn't deserve it, although it was a complete accident.
we still talk online a lot, shes no longer in Pakistan, and no longer in contact with her family, and is one of the most intelligent people I know. despite my influence.

Length...shut your mouth bitch! /takes out slugger/
(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 3:04, Reply)

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