This week Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, died. A whole generation of pasty dice-obsessed nerds owes him big time. Me included.
So, in his honour, how nerdy were you? Are you still sunlight-averse? What are the sad little things you do that nobody else understands?
As an example, a B3ta regular who shall remain nameless told us, "I spent an entire school summer holiday getting my BBC Model B computer to produce filthy stories from an extensive database of names, nouns, adjectives, stock phrases and deviant sexual practices. It revolutionised the porn magazine dirty letter writing industry for ever.
Revel in your own nerdiness.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2008, 10:32)
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We used to have this group in the 80's in which we used to act out our own Dungeons & Dragons. In the town I lived, there used to be a very large thick wood with grass patches open to the sun interspersed throughout. We used to split up into 2 groups and we would both have missions to accomplish, treasures to seek etc. The mission was created by a master who would set the rules, place the treasures etc and provide us with clues as to the location of this treasure to both teams. This was a fantastic time as we would carry backpacks with lunches and sit eating lunch after hours of adventuring. One time we decided to do this at night-time which made it even more atmospheric.
On other nerdiness. I have had a reasonable collection of computers in the past.
Amstrad CPC464 + green screen monitor + TV modulator
Commodore Amiga (introduced me to the tracker/demoscene)
IBM Ambra 386 SX 25 with 512k RAM + 40MB HD (got this to play Doom, didn't work too well)
Home built 496DX4 100 with Rightoues 3D graphics card and a rather large HD
and several machines upto the
Apple Powerbook G4
and now
the Macbook Pro 17" + 30" Cinema HD display
it's orgasmic :-)
So, I guess I'm still kinda nerdy.
I'm also a big fan of Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Tolkien, Salvatore etc
( , Tue 11 Mar 2008, 9:32, Reply)
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