I didn't do it
Chthonic wants to know about awful, terrible things you have definitely never done. But secretly have. Confess!
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 15 Sep 2011, 13:16)
A now very good friend of mine
and I had a small arguement in Year 11 PE. I said something about his mum being fit, he said something about my dad being a mongoloid.
For some reason, after we left the changing rooms, I decided then to prove to him that I couldnt have a monogoloid dad. His sperm was definetly adequate to make a son and whats more, a strong son - infact I was probably strong enough to push him over.
So I ran into him and gave him a right good two handed wallop, and he hits the floor. "BOOM" says I, as he skids along the weird rubber flooring of the sports hall.
Then, I go and start playing basketball, blissfully unaware that I had just broken his hand and wrist.
Our hilariously named PE Teacher Mr Wiffin thought he was joking when he fainted as well, so he just stood there pointing at him telling him to get up.
The cunts fingers are still spazzed, he cant point for shit.
Edit - Spelling was never my fort.
Eyes&Tees Could have, Would have, Should have on, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 10:55,
12 replies)
"I decided then to proove to him that I couldnt have a monogoloid dad"
I'm pretty sure you've "prooved" the opposite :)
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 10:56,
this a ninja-edit I see before me?
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:53,
ah yeah, he's fixed it now
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:30,
Judging by this, your dad is almost certainly a mongoloid.
oneinthepink is at your cervix m'lady, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 10:57,
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:17,
"Spelling was never my fort."
leviticus no longer likes the cut of your gib on, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:43,
in two minds whether that was genius or stupidity...
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:48,
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:21,
He dots his eyes and crosses tees
but cannot use apostrophes.
richardm, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:56,
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:08,
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:09,
As in
"Is it 'cos I's black?"
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:21,