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There's over a hundred replies in that one, so it's NEW THREAD TIME.
Following The Light in Chains' shocking public revelations in this week's Love It! magazine, what's the wrongest relationship you've been involved in?

Alt: Which other b3tans have you encountered a fat version of?
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:43, 109 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
I'd go with "bald" light in chains rather than "fat" light in chains
it's a bit spooky though.

spooky arousing
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:45, Reply)
Yeah but I'm looking for an excuse to bust out the Fat Gonz photo I'd forgotten about.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:46, Reply)

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:53, Reply)
The time is right.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:00, Reply)

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:01, Reply)
Broken image :(

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:02, Reply)
I fixed it in UNDER A MINUTE, damn you!

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:02, Reply)
Have a good night out on Friday? I think we left at the right time. He fell asleep on me on the bus home.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
Yes thanks.
Lab pulled The Man With The Mole, I got moar drunk, Clenders judged EVERYONE - good night all round I think.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:06, Reply)
I saw his comments and lol'd heartily.
I'm afraid this weekend only saw me get more ill. I'm trying not to move too much as I think I'm going to throw up.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:07, Reply)
My throat now feels like it's been blasted with hot sand, but otherwise I think I came through the weekend remarkably well.
I have a quiet week planned, which should help.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:08, Reply)
I have an essay that I miiiight have left a little too late.
Oh well. I might take it easy again today, and do a little prep.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:10, Reply)
Is your essay about exciting things?

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:20, Reply)
Oh god why

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
are we sure that's not *actually* Gonz?

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:05, Reply)
More certain than I am that you're not actually "Ian".

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:07, Reply)
It's like welcoming home an old friend.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:05, Reply)
You said you would never show anyone.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:07, Reply)
I think that last time I posted this Kristine genuinely thought I'd talked you into a topless photoshoot.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:09, Reply)
Haha, even I did a double take.
No huge scar though, and he can grow those bits down the side that cOnnects a beard and mustarsh. I can't grow that.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:14, Reply)
I wish I could grow those bits.
Damn you, puberty, one day I'll get there!
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:17, Reply)
Just tell people you're part Cherokee

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:31, Reply)

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:45, Reply)
...chicks dig injuns?

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:54, Reply)
Fair enough.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:56, Reply)
W T F ?
I mean, WTF?
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:46, Reply)
Look up LiC in the flickr pool and tell me he's not the spit of him.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:47, Reply)
That is not the WTF part of the above really
is it?
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:49, Reply)
Not really.
At least, I wasn't surprised.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:50, Reply)
What? There's nothing unusual about having two horrific Jacko/Bratz doll hybrid inflatable girlfriends.
We've all done it at one time or another.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:51, Reply)
Yeah, but we don't like to talk about it
The first rule of "fucking a terrifying, weird toy doll" club, is we do not talk about "fucking a terrifying, weird toy doll" club
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:51, Reply)
What happens on tour (of DisneyLand) stays on tour
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:52, Reply)
I'd like to point out at this juncture
that my upcoming visit to Disneyland does not involve fucking a cushion
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:53, Reply)

a cushion all severn dwarfs whilst Micky rims me.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:54, Reply)
Hence no cushion

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:00, Reply)
I didn't know the dwarves lived in a river.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:02, Reply)
everyone else is ignoring this
so I'll have to say "top pedanting" there, Lampers. Exemplary.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:45, Reply)
I concur

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:47, Reply)
I liked it

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 13:04, Reply)
I would like to go to Disney if, you know, you'ld like some company.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:56, Reply)
Which DisneyLand?
I'm going to the one in Paris for a Ballroom competition in December. Yes, it's a conscious effort to raise the gay bar (Gay Bar! Gay! Bar!)
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:00, Reply)
Paris one

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:03, Reply)
Can I come? Disney at Christmas sounds ace
I want some friends with young kids and win the lotto so I can take them without being arrested.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
You're more than welcome mate
You have to watch me and the missus dance and pretend to enjoy it though
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:13, Reply)
Do you recon you could do it on ice instead? I don't mind that one.
Or maybe you could enter a Paris robot wars instead?
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:16, Reply)
Using all their ballroom skills
to waltz around the opposition?
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:22, Reply)
That is a brilliant idea
Killer robots in berets with garlic around their necks, running away from German robots and looking haughty the whole time.

And no, I can't. Anyone who can ice skate has my respect. And mockery. How gay is that?!
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:26, Reply)
I don't see the point, if your going to make a girlfriend out of a toy, why don't you get a toilet roll, hot water bottle and one of those toy things that are hard to catch.
You know, one of those toys that are tubes filled with gloop.

It would be easier to put it in your bag and you _know_ it puts out.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:55, Reply)
I thought it was a sandwich
bag full of warm chopped liver and vaseline?
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:24, Reply)
That is lunch

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:26, Reply)
link please

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:53, Reply)
Do I look like Chompy?
Don't answer that.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:54, Reply)

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:57, Reply)
I am impressed! You've taken the frankly stale creepy puppet sex doll thing and kicked it up a notch with some same-sex action.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:59, Reply)
This was the photofit put together for BLACK rapist Delroy Grant

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:02, Reply)
The balaclava is black

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
I'm not judging, you find attractive what you find attractive.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
...who raped really old, usually blind, people at night
and you're suprised the photofit is rubbish?
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:40, Reply)
Sex with Miss Piggy?
Surely Jeff Brazier is the authority on this matter
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:47, Reply)
Not any more

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:49, Reply)
that is an uncanny resemblance

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:48, Reply)
There was much rejoicing in the House of Wookiee when that article was discovered.
A welcome return to form for Love It! magazine, I feel.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:49, Reply)
Best. Weekend. EVARRRRRRR

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:53, Reply)
Including Labs's 10 hour trip home.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:54, Reply)
3 and a bit
Fuck Fulham.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:41, Reply)

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:45, Reply)
I love you wookiee
x x x x x
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:50, Reply)
Alright, you Dingle yet?

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:51, Reply)
The pikey family from Emmerdale?

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:56, Reply)
Do you mean single?
Not yet, Monty has an incredibly high tolerance to various poisons.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:56, Reply)
Damn it, hurry up, masterchef is on the telly this wed and I don't want to be single while watching that.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:02, Reply)
Right back atcha.
*trigger fingers*
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:52, Reply)
That is just horrific
Why would anyone use Flickr, it's so shit
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:52, Reply)
The guy who made b3ta made that site, true story.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:06, Reply)
"Caley couldn't speak so I talked dirty to her and did pretend voices back"
Seems perfectly healthy and well-adjusted to me.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:57, Reply)
I found that the most disturbing.
And the names. Oh god, the names.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:59, Reply)
There's absolutely no way that this man
has the required detachment from the humanity of women needed to become a serial killer.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:01, Reply)
No siree.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:09, Reply)
although selling your story to a glossy rag
probably isn't the first lesson in serial killer 101. At least not until after you've been caught.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:47, Reply)
'Light in Chins' surely?

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 11:58, Reply)
Very good.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
'I customised the sex scenes with biro' is my favourite bit.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:06, Reply)
+ up the arse

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:09, Reply)
I hope to God
you're sat there thinking 'why did I bother posting that, it was shit. Should I delete it? Yes - but then if I do that everyone will laugh and point even more, so may be I'll just leave it there. Yes, I'll do that...'
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:11, Reply)
I was going to add something about blowing drugs up it but couldn't be bothered. Just imagine it was funny or something
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:11, Reply)

(is that OK?)
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:12, Reply)

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:13, Reply)
You owe me, now.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:16, Reply)
I promise to laugh heartily at the next unfunny post you make
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:19, Reply)
You will discharge your debt very, very soon, then.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:20, Reply)
My debt spooge has been milked all over your post below

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:21, Reply)
"I tried having a relationship with a real woman
but after a while she started to smell and attract flies."
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:17, Reply)
So I had to kill her

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:18, Reply)
Did you? And now puppets.
Oh LIC, you have a problem.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:18, Reply)
strapped down and heavily medicated in a secure facility.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:21, Reply)
The quotation marks aren't fooling anyone.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:19, Reply)
I was literally just trying to put this into a sentence.

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:20, Reply)
There you go
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:20, Reply)
Oh noes!

It was his last day on the force too
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:23, Reply)
Poor Baz :(

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:29, Reply)
Its like some bad cop buddy movie
Lethal Warehouse II
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:29, Reply)
my mrs just emailed me this link saying
"you'd think they could find a better photo of the killer than one of him topless and riding a rollercoaster"

she had a good point
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:24, Reply)
The first rule of Chompy club is that you don't post two news links in a row

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:26, Reply)

"you'd think they could find a better photo of the killer than one of him topless and riding a rollercoaster" Look! They've got some other poor sod for it, so it looks like we've got away with it again.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:27, Reply)
+ keep digging
Those girls don't bury themselves you know
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:28, Reply)
Swindon is such a shit place
I wouldn't even go there to murder someone
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:30, Reply)
I'm not sure a post on here counts as an alibi you know..

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:41, Reply)
I did wonder about that.
although, good to see another bit of meaningless mob mentality kicking off over it, too.
(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:39, Reply)
It's informative and sexeh, it's a winner

(, Mon 28 Mar 2011, 12:41, Reply)

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