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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Here's hoping it all works well for you Gonz.
When you win Masterchef, you'll be all set for opening your own restaurant, in the full knowledge that you won't be spending half the time in the bogs.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:35, 1 reply, 14 years ago)
he will
just shoving stuff up his nose rather than watching it fall out of his arse.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:37, Reply)
oh man, that's got me thinking, right. Imagine if I could create a meal that had a sniffing element to it.
Does sniffing _anything_ sting, or just some things? I've snorted palma voilits before and it stang but you can taste it in the back of your throat for a little while, I wonder if I could include that element into a desert or something?

It would be the next stage of when you lift up a covering plate an aroma comes up using dry-ice.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:40, Reply)
Don't do it Gonz.
It's too Heston Blumenthal, and so last year.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:42, Reply)
Yeah', that american bloke last year totally got dibs on the gastromony stuff.
I'm backing the Hairy Bikers/Valatine Warner/Nigel Slater school of cooking; stuff anyone can do.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:55, Reply)
there's a difference between sniffing and snorting, mate.
But I'm with Bartleby. Actively setting it up is pretentious. Most of taste is smell anyway (try eating while pinching your nose)
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:45, Reply)
Yeah', it's something like 80-90% through smell, it's not something I'd really do, more just wonder about, and maybe do the once to see if it works.
It's more of an idol thought than anything.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:57, Reply)
Some twat has already done it.
Lines of asparagus. Twas in ye papers last week.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:48, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:49, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:04, Reply)
You wouldn't necessarily need dry ice, just steam (for the visual effect) and some artificial flavouring that's got a high vapour pressure (for the smell to be carried with the steam.)

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:52, Reply)
Yeah', there are these Oxygen Bars that do that, never been to one, but heard of them.
A guy last year wanted to create the smell of a pub, minus the fag ends, so combined dried ice with (I think) a beer reduction, and I *think* he used newspaper or some sort of paper to create that liberyish smell. There might have been sweetened tobbaco in there. All in all, if the rest of the food wasn't up to scratch, it woudl have been a waste of time. But as that extra 'wow, that is unusual' factor, then maybe possibly it could nudge over the edge.

But I was thinking of some sort of sweet or desert, like maybe a strawberry dust, more flour in consistancy than grainy like sherburt. It would have to be PH Nutural, I imagine. So as it hits the wetness in the top of your nose, it trickles down the back of your throat. It would be in combination with something such as maybe a strawberry mouse. I saw soemone on tell make a mouse out of red peper to go with strawberry, I thought that would be an ace flavour combination.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:01, Reply)
Ok, here's an idea that I can't see me ever doing but it possibly being quite nice maybe.
A line of the flour-like strawberry powder, not thick at all, maybe like a tea-spoon over the line, that you snort using straw made using flattened and dried strawberry puree thing (like a brandy snap, only straw like, using a strawberry gelitine reduction)

Followed by a suringe, without needle ovbously, that is filled with a mouse that changes eaither flavour or temprature, as you squrt it into your mouth. Something that expands would be great to fill the mouth, almost like whipped cream from a can. I'm thinking out loud now, rather than practaclly.

Followed by the eating of the straw thing from the first part, maybe with some sort of dip.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:14, Reply)
Temperature changes wouldn't be that hard to do.
Some salts generate or take in heat when they dissolve in water; as long as you kept the mousse absolutely water-free and used the right combination of salts to be effective without being dangerous or spoiling the flavour, that could work. Changing the flavour would be a lot harder though.

Whipped cream from a can has a lot of compressed gas in it, and expands because of the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the can - basically, if you want your mousse to expand it'll have to come in a pressurised can.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:32, Reply)
Yeah', or maybe some sort of heat-effect by having something containing high and low scoval units? That way flavour wont' be effected, using extreamly diluted caspiam extract could do that.
Or rather than that, cook it in 3 batches with increasing the chili in each one, a below-room-temprature would help hold the mouse together and decrease the intencity of the 'heat'. Or maybe some sort of geltine sheet between each 'temprature', although that won't go through the seringe well unless we can get it to desolve and make sure nobody shakes it up.

Yeah', I know what you mean about the pressures, I was thinking of another way of doing it, something that'll expand when it hits the air in the mouth, or the temprautre in the mouth, without causing any flavour change. It would have to be created inside a vacume I imagine.

And double points for the suringe-mouse to emit a heavy/light gas to change the voice for a few seconds too.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:40, Reply)
One thing you could do is put a second flavour inside an ingredient which dissolves in the mouth,
and as it dissolves, it releases the second flavour and changes the taste.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 19:06, Reply)
Could it not be done off a powdered gelatine?
The concept is similar to sherbert - unless I'm reading this wrong.

It needs to be activated by saliva rather than heat. I don't pretend to know the properties of gelatine but surely that's the key compound.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:41, Reply)
If memory serves, gelatine is a biopolymer.
The dry biopolymers I've come across (guar gum, xanthan gum, cellulose gum) tend to clump together when directly added to water; if the same happens with gelatine it would wind up very sticky and unpleasant.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:57, Reply)
So it would be a very fine dry powder which remains dry until it hits your mucous membranes,
where a significant part of it dissolves and carries the rest of it down into your throat. Perhaps tiny water droplets with some kind of solid coating that disintegrates on touching the membrane and allows all the water to run together.

It sounds feasible, if not easy.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:22, Reply)
Yes, I think so, I think the powder would be easy enough, I've never used scientific dehydrating machines before, I'm sure there is one that would work...
.... but I think a conventional oven at a low temprature for a long amount of time would work, followed by some sort of grinding process, I'm not sure if a pestol'n'morta would be up for it, but maybe a coffee grinder? Followed by the finest siv (siv? syve? no, no squiggly line there, erm, 'very very very fine mesh') that's possible to get.

I have no idea about the second part, or even if the second part is nessersary, it wasn't for the razor-grinded parma voilits, but they did sting, where is a flour-like fineness in powder, rather than grainy, might have sorted that.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:34, Reply)
I reckon you'd need industrial milling to get it that fine.
Also, if you've got enough powder, and an anti-caking agent, you can add plenty of water into the mixture and have a fine powder at the end. No need to heat or dehydrate it.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:39, Reply)
Hmm, seeing as this is all theortical, could you get some sort of 'industrial milling' machine in an average labatory?
Cool, I'm not sure about the water into the mixture, wouldn't that turn it into a paste? Is it something thats nesersary? I mean, isn't the natural moisture in the nose enough? Or maybe, if it might make things more practical, maybe have a spray before the snort, like some sort of PH nutreal fruit juice?
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:45, Reply)
I think, before turned into a powder, maybe make a syrup/sauce/puree and dry that out, as that way we can make sure there aren't things like seeds in there, which would be harder to break down to that level

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:46, Reply)
A blender would work well on a lab scale.
As I said, if the powder is porous enough it'll hold onto the water on the inside, and if you grind it down small enough, the water will remain inside the powder.

Give me a few minutes and I'll post up a diagram of how this stuff might work.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 19:02, Reply)
Here you go.

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 19:30, Reply)
dry ice wouldn't work
cold minimises smell and flavour.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:02, Reply)
That's what I was thinking, it would probably freeze out all but the most volatile parts of the smell.
Whereas if you use steam, the heat will help mobilise it.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:11, Reply)
Doesn't coke make you constipated?
Maybe this is the treatment he's getting anyway.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:43, Reply)
it's never made me anything but more of a cunt
if that's possible.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:44, Reply)
*thinks possitively*

I'm sure you could be a bigger cunt if you tried.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:46, Reply)
*admires your attempt*

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:48, Reply)
Oh man, I reckon you'd be a right prick on coke.
You've got, in the times we've meet and online, the perfect balance of self confidance/attitude, 'cus you're rather succesful I imagine if you were on the coke it would tip it to arrogant prick, which would make me uncomfortable, which makes coke heads hulk out, and you hulking out would take a meat wagon to stop.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:55, Reply)
summat like that.

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:01, Reply)
Not in the slightest.
Plus, one of the most commonly-used cutting agents used is an Italian baby laxative...
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:47, Reply)
Thanks for the info.
I was mixing it up with the side effects of Codine.
(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:49, Reply)
Opiets are the bunging-up kind.

(, Fri 5 Aug 2011, 18:02, Reply)

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