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Passive agressive lols; Someone at Chompy's hospital wished death on the person who ate their rice
tell me about your run in's with passive aggressive bullshit, or do you engage in that kind of behavior or do you openly explode with rage?

alt: Thursday is the new friday, i might drihnk some wine, what are yo up to?
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:16, 111 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
alt: drowning my sorrows down The Cheese

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:17, Reply)
What sorrows old boy?

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:19, Reply)
Good one Nakers
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:20, Reply)
thought it might be a new one

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:21, Reply)
I wish. I'll delete it in a minute when you've all had a jolly good laugh.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:22, Reply)
That's like someone discovering a new colour
Or a "rare/undiscovered" Beatles B-side that anyone with more brain cells than fingers actually wants to hear
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:23, Reply)
There is a Quarrymen acetate 'worth' £200,000 out there.
Two hundred grand for a crackly recording of a teenage Lennon/McCartney. BARGAIN.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:29, Reply)
Like...a projector thing?
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:30, Reply)
Nah like a test pressing of a record

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:40, Reply)
I'd be interested if it was The New Originals

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:34, Reply)
That raised a smile which is no mean feat today.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:41, Reply)
The fact that you got it is thanks enough
All the best, old man.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:44, Reply)
I'm going to be cooking a big curry and then drinking beer with friends.
Girlfriend goes back to norwich tomorrow
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:18, Reply)
what sort of curry?

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:19, Reply)
Chicken and lentil with bombay potatoes

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:19, Reply)

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:20, Reply)
AA never got to say that :(

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:21, Reply)

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:22, Reply)
That's a great deal better than 'picture of a fridge'
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:23, Reply)
Alt: I was all set to go home at 3 o'clock today
Then it turned out that it's Thursday, not Friday.
Ruined my weekend, that has.
I'll be rehearsing tonight.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:18, Reply)
For your solo sex show?

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:19, Reply)
It's more wanking on the top deck of the bus than a show.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:22, Reply)
*submits for Turner Prize*

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:37, Reply)
I'm eating some Sugar Puffs
Waqqi eh?!
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:21, Reply)
Gosh yes.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:24, Reply)
alt: if we get the snow we're promised,
Thursday really is the new Friday. In fact I shall go to the supermarket to buy wine forthwith.

I'm crocheting
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:21, Reply)
what are you crocheting?
mini ape needs a new hat and some mittens if you are feeling generous
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:22, Reply)
i'm making a baby blanket
baby hats are easy (not done mittens) you could probably manage them by yourself
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:23, Reply)
Yes, Nakers could definitely manage that.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:24, Reply)
*sets fire to london*
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:24, Reply)
the fire bit was where you went wrong
still, it was London, so no loss
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:26, Reply)
fuck you Welshy
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:40, Reply)
that's a harsh thing to say
after you tore my heart out by dumping me over the pickled eggs and houmous incident
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:27, Reply)
There is a great baby viking helmet crochet design out there.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:24, Reply)

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:26, Reply)
that's the one

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:27, Reply)
bit larpy

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:37, Reply)

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:42, Reply)
that's pretty cool
it's got some fancy bits, though, so I'd need a pattern
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:27, Reply)
I simmer with rage like a pressure cooker
The problem is that everyone who gives me shit in this job is in a position to make my life very difficult if I piss them off. And none of them can admit when they're wrong. So I have to wait until I outrank them, at which point I will rip off their heads and shit down their necks.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:22, Reply)
I have been out a lot recently and I'm going to be up late all weekend
tonight is my one free evening this week, so I shall be sleeping lots.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:23, Reply)
I can't deal with passive agressive behaviour
It makes me far too angry, it's why my Stepmum and I don't get on too well, as she specialises in it.

Alt: Pub, methinks.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:24, Reply)
Stoopid alive step mum, YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:25, Reply)
I raised a helpdesk ticket as both of my machines are using the same desktop and they should be separate
I got one response, "That doesn't happen, the XP machine uses the local profile and the Windows 7 machine the network one." Fairly passive-aggressive, given that the bug I'd raised was that it WAS happening, which I then expanded on in my reply. I haven't heard anything on that one for several days :(
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:34, Reply)
Alt: I've got tomorrow off so it really is my Friday
Today I learned that English does in fact have a word for "the day after tomorrow" - it's overmorrow. What are people up to overmorrow would be my question.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:35, Reply)
Either one's on the domain and the other isn't, or they're both on domains but different ones, or you've got two separate log-ins.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:36, Reply)
this is what i thought

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:38, Reply)
Same login, the XP machine is the main one and is supposed to use a local profile except it isn't
The point being that it used to.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:39, Reply)
Oh look an IT person is confused about fixing something they're paid to fix.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:41, Reply)
Thankfully I'm not paid to fix his, because it sounds WELL shit

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:42, Reply)
"We cannot replicate the issue"
That doesn't mean it does exist you pasty faced IT virgin
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:36, Reply)
this is IT speak for
"oh do please fuck off"
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:52, Reply)
I ain't had a drink in three weeks
Someone come down the pub.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:34, Reply)
Our boss never asks us to do owt, he just announces that it'd be 'super awesome' if 'someone volunteered' to 'tank' this 'project'
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:35, Reply)

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:37, Reply)
yeah innit

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:37, Reply)
I will assume that he says this while
Pointing suggestively towards his groin, and waggling his eyebrows in your general direction
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:38, Reply)
guy's french so probably

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:39, Reply)
yeah baby
Tank my project
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:40, Reply)
My boss likes using "take ownership".
I long for the days when bosses would just say "do this, you dick".
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:39, Reply)
they did that for a bit, but now the buzzword is 'tank'
fucking ridiculous, might kill them all
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:40, Reply)
what does tank even mean?

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:43, Reply)
see below

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:43, Reply)
put your withered old cock away boyce

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:44, Reply)
they mean in like an MMORPG sense
I dunno they must've read a book or sutin
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:45, Reply)
Stand there while the healer DOES ALL THE WORK?!?!?

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:20, Reply)
fuck knows man
I long ago gave up any chance at understanding anything anyone says round here
Just keep me head down and try to not get bothered
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:25, Reply)
No no they are Paddies - they mean 'thank'

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:43, Reply)
nah you can tell when they're saying that
cos it's not just 'thanks' it's 'TANKS A MILLION, JAYSUS LOVES YOU'
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:45, Reply)
Do they shake your hand for a bit too long and when they let you go their sweat is on your fingers
cos I went to 'Cark' once and that happened about 50 times.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:49, Reply)
Give or take 48

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:49, Reply)
nah they never touch me
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:57, Reply)
Right you are.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:08, Reply)
so it is

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:10, Reply)
Me either mate
No booze since 2012. Let's annoy everyone by being smug teetotallers, until we drown in self-loathing.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:36, Reply)
Ok, while I'll be a smug drinker, enjoying a nice cold beer at the end of long day

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:37, Reply)
Aint beer brilliant

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:39, Reply)
To be honest it's been dead easy
Just fucking dull, makes me realise how much I love PUB
Although I already loved PUB
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:39, Reply)
Yeah I don't miss it as much as I thought I would
but I do miss PUB. And as we all know, there is no point going to PUB and not drinking.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:40, Reply)
it's making me realise that I don't need to drink less, just better
I miss really good beer from the good beer PUB on the way home
man I love that place
lets go
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:44, Reply)
This is proper /qotw
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:47, Reply)
Are you me?
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 16:49, Reply)
I'm fucked if I'm going through today's threads
but everyone seen that US guy who outsourced his job to China?

Fucking funny
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:08, Reply)
Yeah saw that, stroke of genius/idiocy

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:09, Reply)
He spent his days 'watching cat videos on YouTube' LOL
Sounds like a b3ta prick.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:10, Reply)
he really does, can you imagine how bored he must have been
I've liked the Mark Bridger story, where he says that "he probably probably killed April Jones" or the Richard Marx defence as it's known.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:12, Reply)
I assumed it was someone on here

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:30, Reply)
Brilliant idea
Do you want to do my job for $$$?

Well more like $
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:11, Reply)
I'm very patient
Quite laid back too. It takes a LOT to piss me off.
In which case I'll either rant at you, bitch you down or shit in your cunt.

But only in extreme cases.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:15, Reply)
i look forward to it

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:30, Reply)
Oh I would never on here!
I know how this place works.

Kind of.
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:34, Reply)
oh :(

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:34, Reply)
so fuck you, you shit eating thundercunt!

(not really)
(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:44, Reply)
you are about as terrifying with your insults as me

(, Thu 17 Jan 2013, 17:47, Reply)

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