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I have just eaten a McDonalds and now feel sick.
When did you last chunder?

Alt: due to my hangover I won't be boozing today. What soft drink do you recommend?

AltAlt: What changes would you make to the Catholic church if you were made Pope?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 12:51, 201 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Sunday morning at about 7am.
It was impressive and disgusting.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 12:52, Reply)
I really shouldn't have had a McDonalds. As soon as I'd ordered it I knew I'd made a mistake.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 12:54, Reply)
I had a McDonald's on Sunday. I didn't chunder.
I can't remember the last time I did.

I'd probably abolish the whole damned affair. Which is why I won't be Pope any time soon.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 12:53, Reply)
Maccy D's sunday lunch, dead classy

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:03, Reply)
We were so hungover yesterday that even getting out of bed was a struggle.
Straight back to bed afterwards and didn't stir again until it was dark. All day drinking, turns out it's not as clever as I thought.

Plus I left my glasses on the tube.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:14, Reply)
i hate wasting the weekend holed up with a hangover

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:16, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:20, Reply)
What toy did you get?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 12:56, Reply)
Large big tasty meal & six nuggets.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 12:57, Reply)
The big tasty sauce is rank.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:01, Reply)
I know this now. I didn't an hour ago.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:15, Reply)
No wonder you feel sick.
That's a lot of horse.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:02, Reply)
Irnbru is the go-to hangover drink, even if it doesn't work it comes back out a lovely colour

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 12:59, Reply)
Chocolate milk for me, icy cold
Frijj for preference. Settles my stomach enough for a fried breakfast.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:01, Reply)
Alt alt
I would probably stop the noncing... (only probably mind)
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:02, Reply)
Hi Bartleby!

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:04, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:05, Reply)
Last chunder
I have a bit of an issue with gypping when I brush my teeth and this will sometimes go full blown.

Alt. there are only 2 soft drinks that an adult should choose, tea or coffee.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:06, Reply)
This might help
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:08, Reply)
Last chunder was a long time ago
and probably due to mixing drinks.
Alt: water. And ibuprofen for the imminent headache.
altalt: Allow contraception.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:07, Reply)
banana milk is my hangover drink.
I last spewed a few weeks ago. Dreadful hangover.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:11, Reply)
That sounds like the worst hangover drink ever.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:13, Reply)
it works for me.
I never usually drink it.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:29, Reply)
Flavoured milk is nasty.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:17, Reply)
+ spunk

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:18, Reply)
I feel like shit
Does anyone want their hangover back?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:18, Reply)
I had several beers and wine yesterday afternoon/evening nd wok up feeling fine
I think my new mattress helped
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:18, Reply)
I didn't have any beer or wine or spirits yesterday
and I feel like I did
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:19, Reply)
fist sign of dependancy

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:22, Reply)
Being alive is the first sign of dependency on something, to be honest.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:24, Reply)
My name is Jesus and I'm an airoholic

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:25, Reply)
A nailed on certainty

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:28, Reply)
Oh so you breath Airohol now do you
Pedant lulz
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:53, Reply)
Stir fried beer and wine?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:19, Reply)
I genuinely can't remember the last time I was sick
But I don't think I've been sick because of alcohol for nearly 20 years, because I'm not some kind of absolute bertie.

Alt: I recommend manning the fuck up and getting back on the horse. G&T if you need something "light"
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:19, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:20, Reply)
Science. Right here.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:40, Reply)
Last time I threw up was migraine induced and was not pleasant.
I really begrudge being sick when I haven't done anything to deserve it.

alt: lemonade always makes me feel better. As a general rule, I would recommend fresh orange or diet pepsi.

altalt: add an eleventh commandment of 'don't be a cunt'.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:21, Reply)
Of course you deserve it, because you touch yourself at night.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:22, Reply)
Don't pretend that doesn't turn you on.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:24, Reply)
who says I'm even bothering to pretend?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:25, Reply)
It must be horrible lying there in your own sick waiting for your carer to come with the mop and a hose

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:23, Reply)
Keep trying.
another ninja edit and that might even be intelligble.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:25, Reply)
Done :)
this keyboard is utter shit
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:27, Reply)
As are you

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:30, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:31, Reply)
*cough*bad workman*cough*

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Can't recall
Alt: Man up and drink through it

AltAlt: No noncing
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:25, Reply)
Pint glass, can of red bull (or even better, 'v', the one in the green can)... with the rest of the glass topped up 50/50 with orange and cranberry.
A few of those and it'll sort you out a right treat.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:35, Reply)
Funny you should ask
I was last sick on Friday evening. Prior to that it was some time on Friday afternoon, and before that, probably Friday morning. Also Thursday evening, afternoon and morning at regular intervals going back to Wednesday afternoon, when I was sick at my desk and just managed to catch it in my mug.

You'd think I'd be used to the taste of spunk by now.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:35, Reply)
you get ill quite a lot I reckon

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:37, Reply)
I've got lovely smooth skin though

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:38, Reply)
Well, I hope you're not spreading your filthy pestilence around here.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:40, Reply)
Actually I vommed into my USB port before going home Wednesday
so you've probably all got it
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:41, Reply)
I know where you live.
I will hunt you down and kill you.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:43, Reply)
No you won't
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:45, Reply)
Alt: There are several soft drinks that are alright
For example Greene King IPA is about 3.6%

Altalt: All cats must be forcefed alcohol on Sundays.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:37, Reply)
Greene King
is one of my favourite session beers, it never sneaks up on you unlike the higher volume ones. You can just drink away at a steady rate
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:56, Reply)
You know what? You're alright Bonzodog29.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Geee whitikers
Thanks tangles

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
AltAlt: New front page to be included in all Bibles, as follows;
"To my dear Cindy. All characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to any real persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental"
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:43, Reply)
I don't get you lot
Most of the time you're all "pulled pork" this and "I've got a cracking recipe for chorizo-stuffed pheasant" that, "poor people are shit and eat shit food" and all that other stuff.
Yet you all seem to think eating at McDonalds is acceptable.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:43, Reply)
Eating pretty much everything is acceptable.
Can't be dealing with picky eaters.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:43, Reply)
There is a bit of food snobbery that goes on round here though.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:44, Reply)
Yeah, well a bit of everything snobbery.
Bunch of sanctimonious pricks on this website.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:45, Reply)
I hate the lot of them.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:46, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:46, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:54, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:00, Reply)
Oh man you should see my windows on my new place!

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
He won't be able to from out there in the rain.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
McDonalds is not acceptable. That's the problem.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:48, Reply)
You ate it.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:49, Reply)
And immediately regretted it.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:50, Reply)
To be fair, I'm probably the least snobby person here.
I don't care what anyone thinks about stuff I like, if I like it, then I like it.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:58, Reply)
I accidentally drank rather a lot of Southern Comfort one evening, and was quite poorly as a consequence
Alt: Mars milk drink
AltAlt: Star Wars
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:46, Reply)
Did you catch benderitis?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:46, Reply)
Don't think so
but then how would I know?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:47, Reply)
did you inexplicable try and shove your nob up your arse?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:48, Reply)
Nothing I do is inexplicable
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:48, Reply)
I haven't been sick for ages,
Unless you count that sort of little bit of puke that springs up sometimes, then swallow back down. I do that more than is probably normal.

Alt: I have ginger ale a lot, lovely stuff, great with a cheap whisky.

Altalt. I'd make it gladiatorial, so the bishops are all like cage fighters and can challenge for Pope whenever they want, and throw down a challenge. Televise it. Sorted.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:47, Reply)
is that what keeps your hair so shiney and healthy looking?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:50, Reply)
I didn't have a shower yet today, so it's a bit gross at the moment.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:52, Reply)
What's it all about Windy?
Eh? When you really think about it...what's it all about?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:52, Reply)
I think my stomach acid is just a bit of a cunt

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:53, Reply)
Well that's your reflux problem taken care of
but what about everything else? Where are we going? And why?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:54, Reply)
you know, I've had a think about just these set of questions,
I'm going to the fridge to get a beer.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:58, Reply)
Good plan

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:03, Reply)
it's worked a treat.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:11, Reply)
To hell in a handcart, TH.
I know not why.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:59, Reply)
It's terrible is what it is

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:02, Reply)
I tell you - it's no wonder I drink.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
To the dogs, Tee Aitsche.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:04, Reply)
And gypsies.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
And tramps.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
I heard that gay marriage was to blame
and something about horses
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Damn those gay Romanian horses with AIDS, claiming our benefits.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
The problem is that they don't WANT to work

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Is it just for the moment we live?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:55, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:01, Reply)
alright Boyce.
Decent weekend?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:02, Reply)
I made the best of it, but I cannot lie, I am not in a good way at the moment.
You? Non-stop work?
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:03, Reply)
Friday and Saturday worked through.
Saturday night was a fucking nightmare, 2 fights and a sea of dick heads. I don't know where they came from. Spent a lot of money though. Then as I was leaving a girl got knocked off her bike by a taxi. Nasty accident too, so had to hang about with the police till nearly 3 to get CCTV for them and give statements.
Sunday I got pissed and watched the rugby.
Still no word from her to the mediator? Turns out also I got my dates wrong, I'm in London end of march, not Feb.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
That doesn't sound very good. Unlucky mon.
Well my solicitor had a letter on Friday in which the ex said she would not deal with the mediator I've engaged, but she (the mediator)'s going to call her today so try to convince her otherwise. Even when I can get the cunt to a mediation session she's hardly going to agree to anything and I am so fucking angry with her there's no fucking way I'm going to back down on what I think should happen either. I fear it's a mere formality before I take her to court again. The fucking poisonous cunt.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:16, Reply)
it was one of those weekends, they happen.
I can see why you're so angry, at least you're doing everything properly, so if it does have to go to court you will appear the most reasonable. Just don't flip out and kill anyone.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:25, Reply)
Did she give a reason why she wasn't going to engage with the mediator?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:28, Reply)
Oh god I forgot to mention right, but I was in the deli this morning and they had a whole side of smoked salmon skin that they were just gonna bin so I asked if I could have it and they gave it to me.
I'm going to turn it into the most amazing snack, crispy salmon skins.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:53, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:53, Reply)
* bokes *

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:00, Reply)
I thought you were a food consiure ?
Can you not see how crispy smoked salmon skin would make a really nice snack? Millions of asian people can.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:03, Reply)
Just cos he's the same height as them doesn't mean he *is* one, Gonz.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:05, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. I tend to remove the skin from fish.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:05, Reply)
I like the skin, esp if it's fried.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:06, Reply)
You're welcome to it.
I made some fantastic saute potatoes yesterday; with rosemary & garlic.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
I love sauteed potatoes.
also 'dolphinwarz' and stovies. Familiar with stovies? A jockanese dish.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
Damn those Nazi porpoises

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:12, Reply)
I've had stovies. Pretty meh.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Reminds me of my childhood.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:16, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
Was that pretty meh too?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
I assume that stovies
taste of cock... hence the memory
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
In parts.
I seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time in school for some reason.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
'zackly man, it'd work well good I reckon. It's already scaled too !

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Don't McDonalds already remove it from their filet o fish?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:08, Reply)
I didn't have the filet of fish.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
What about your wife?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
I didn't invite her.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Oy vey!

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Not for a couple of years now
Alt: Dandelion and Burdock

AltAlt: Stop the moving/protection of priests accused of noncing up the choir boys.

I ended up having a hot pork sandwich for lunch, it was pretty damn good.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:59, Reply)
Thanks for that "Just William"

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:02, Reply)
The only good D'n'B

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:29, Reply)
I am trying an electronic cigarette.
It's making me cough more than a real cigarette would.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:02, Reply)
shove it up your cock end and shit out a cancer lung

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:03, Reply)
I hope you get testical cancer.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:04, Reply)
Ape is Kyle?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
steady on now

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:12, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:11, Reply)
How are you getting on with them?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Fucking electronic cigarettes you pair of flouncing Jessicas.
Just fucking quit, you nancies.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)
They just can't help sucking on something

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:16, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
It looks so sad
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
"Why won't Kroney love me for what I am?" :'(

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
Hard to say.
I keep forgetting I have it.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
What make are you using? I'm trying skycig.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Mine is the Tornado Turbo
Only because some bloke in work has tried 3 different ones and he reckons this one is best.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:26, Reply)
Ape bless the Double Decker
My headache is going \o/
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:14, Reply)
but diabetes is brewing instead

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Fuck that
I'll do that tomorrow
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)
I discovered Lucozade Revive yesterday.
It really works on a hangover - I was rough as your mum, one bottle, and I really was revived. Fantastic.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Do you work for GSK?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
The rapist guy?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
Glaxo Smith Klein

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
The digraced sex-addict French politician?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
Glaxo Smith Klein

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
Glaxo Smith Klein.

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
The guy who did Clerks?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Product placement has come to OT.
A sad day.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
Sad day?
Time to reach for a cooling Peroni.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Or keys to a new Bentley
I get this now.
(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Is there a new thread yet?

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:59, Reply)

(, Mon 11 Feb 2013, 15:00, Reply)

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