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So Goths, emos and punks are being offered extra protection under new ‘hate crime’ rules.
What sub-groups really piss you off and why?

Alt:Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
Should all crime be tackled this way?

Alt:alt:When did you last dance and what dance did you do?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:33, 146 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Groups of roving Lads piss me off.
With their polo shirts and popped collars and shitty manners and they fog of Gay perfume that seems to surround them.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:43, Reply)
Are you in London today? Are we meeting for a beer?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:48, Reply)
fuck off back to /calendar

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:50, Reply)
It's all gone to shit in oxford. A guy died, people are losing jobs, I'm already in the pub at 8am for meetings, it's fucking shit.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:51, Reply)
Read this to cheer yourself up
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:54, Reply)
the title alone is enough to cheer me up, I'll save it for after my meeting.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:02, Reply)
one of them used the word fanjo in a serious manner.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:17, Reply)
well that's my new band name sorted

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:06, Reply)
Itchy Fanjo?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:35, Reply)
I prefer
Could it be psoriasis?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:38, Reply)
Nah that's the LP title.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:39, Reply)
I wonder if they will release it on STD

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:40, Reply)
I like how she's sure it isn't Thrust
sounds like she's not getting any.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:14, Reply)
Poor Nakers

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:18, Reply)
alt: www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/14/acid-blinding-postponed-iran-outcry

altalt: I always dance the unexpected smooch tango, chicks dig it
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:50, Reply)
I just dance the Mackarena, to everything.
Seems to work.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:52, Reply)
you know the little fat guy on the soul train video who just kind of points and waits then drops down and does that like spring back up thing only he doesn't actually spring back up?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 7:55, Reply)
I have absolutely no idea what you're blathering about Francis.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:02, Reply)

little fat guy
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:04, Reply)
he appears to have just sat down.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:10, Reply)
but with style
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:11, Reply)
Tee hee
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:29, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)
I'm assuming you've seen Wattstax?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:37, Reply)
I danced on my birthday
Awesome fun. I also danced in secret in my room to Macklemore the other day.

You piss me off a bit.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:12, Reply)
that's my job

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:15, Reply)
Then my job is done

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:15, Reply)
I was shocked when Sophie Lancaster was murdered
But I have a slight issue with hate crime laws. I am of the opinion that the motivation behind a crime shouldn't affect the sentencing. If you get 20 years for kicking someone to death because you caught them shagging your wife you should get the same for kicking someone to death because they are gay/black/jewish/goth/emo/punk etc. Hate crime laws seem to reinforce the view that black people are different to white people and homosexuals are different to straight people when we are all people and the colour of our skin, the way we dress and who we fuck is never going to stop becoming an issue until people stop talking about it.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:15, Reply)
What if you catch a black jewish emo fucking your wife?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:17, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:17, Reply)
So you have no problems with non-cornish people buying houses in your area then?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:17, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:29, Reply)
Bit slow in here today innit?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:33, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:36, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:36, Reply)
As long as they aren't gay black jews

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:40, Reply)
Poor Sammy Davis Jr

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:42, Reply)
Poor Lenny Kravitz

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:42, Reply)
That cunt deserves everything he gets

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:45, Reply)
But not Lisa Bonet

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:47, Reply)
Poor Robert Downey, Jr.
Tropic Thunderlolz
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:46, Reply)
rarest of all the lolz

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:55, Reply)
blah blah blah fucking blah tl;dr

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:17, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:19, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:39, Reply)
Interesting point
but we can hardly scrap hate crime laws and just hope that if we tell the sort of cunts who think it's OK to violently discriminate against minorities to "just give it a rest eh", they will.

I think you're right, that everyone SHOULD be able to live their lives free free threats based on their creed or lifestyle, but a lot people are cunts, and it's important to legislate against cunts.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:44, Reply)
Is this about people from Derby?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:47, Reply)
I know all those words but in context they make no sense
Have they started forcing actual people to live in D***y?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
That would be a punishment
Second only to making them live in Coventry
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:51, Reply)
When I'm Prime Minister
I'm going to construct one-way force fields around them both. Those are totally real things.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:53, Reply)
Talking of real things
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:56, Reply)
I was really hoping for an FNM link there
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:11, Reply)
But you don't say give it a rest
you punish them as you would punish anyone else who violently attacks anyone. I shouldn't make any difference what group you come from. If I am attacked is the attacker going to get away with it because I am not a black, gay, transgender, goth, Jew
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:55, Reply)
Bloke in the warehouse next door punched my boss and called him a 'Jewish cunt'
The police's response was completely different (by their own admission) because of the word 'Jewish'. Punching someone and call them a 'cunt' isn't really much of an issue on its own, it seems.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:00, Reply)
It just jumps up the crime hierachy one notch.
Like the difference between giving someone your wallet when they threaten you (mugging) and them taking it off you while threatening you (robbery)
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:05, Reply)
Just because their response was different doesn't mean that it wouldn't otherwise have been an issue.
I assume the difference with a 'hate crime' is that the perpetrator poses more of a general threat than say, someone who has punched their boss over a petty dispute at work or beats someone up for sleeping with their wife or whatever.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:06, Reply)
Yeah you only have one boss, but there are thousands of jews.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:07, Reply)
Actually I have two, but yes.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:09, Reply)
Nah they said they were obliged to attend in person within 20 mins if there was a 'race' element to it.
They can take their time if someone's gone mental and hit someone - provided they don't say any specific terms off a checklist written up by some handwringing Livingstone wanker.

'Fat cunt' - see you in a bit
'ginger freak cunt' - we aim to reply to your letter within 14 days
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:10, Reply)
There's got to be a way to catergorise crimes and direct police to them based on the danger or consequences.
It's never going to be perfect, but I don't see your problem with it.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:12, Reply)
I don't like Jews.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:14, Reply)
10CC's Far right traZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:15, Reply)
The Boomtown Ratszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz surely?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:17, Reply)
Wonder if they'd attend quick if two white guys were fighting cos one had called the other a "nigger"

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:12, Reply)
Or indeed two black guys
or a self hating Jew
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:23, Reply)
Yeah this is a very good point
and will it lead to the victims of attacks attempting to press hate crime charges out of spite, claiming that the odd earring they were wearing identified them as a goth in the eyes of the attacker, etc.

Nonetheless - people are entitled to not feel threatened based on their appearance. And we both know that the main reason why, if you were attacked, the assailants might get away with it is because they probably won't get caught. If they were, they'd get a decent amount of CS hours despite your non-minority status.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:02, Reply)
The point is that people are entitled not to feel threatened,
regardless of the specifics of the threat, surely?

Why should some rhinestoned screamo spacker get different treatment from a fattie or a ranga?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:06, Reply)
No offence, like.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:06, Reply)
Oh, none taken
I'll be alright anyway I'm fucking nails mate

Obviously you're right, the laws are being adjusted to greater protect those who feel they're discriminated against more. Which obviously opens up the question, are rhinestoned screamo spackers actually getting more kickings per capita than normals, or are they just making more of a fuss because they feel they're being discriminated against?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:14, Reply)
Someone will claim they've been attacked for being a 'chav' I expect.
That's kind of a youth subculture isn't it?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:19, Reply)
I like to think that if a bunch of goths, famously the weediest of all subcultures, kicked shit out of a chav
the police would give them a round of applause once they'd finished laughing, but you're right, that's the logical endgame; EVERYTHING is a hate crime and we're back to square one.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:25, Reply)
Where does it end though
Currently Furries are not covered by hate crime laws
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:07, Reply)
Yeah I'm with you on this
I made the point below in fact
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:13, Reply)
I don't hate people based on a particular 'sub-group' they may fit into, that's silly.
I just generally loathe most people.

Alt: Of course it shouldn't, you silly man.

Altalt: I haven't danced since before my kids were born. No one wants to see someone's dad dancing.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
Alt:alt dancing dads are the life and soul of every party TRUFAX

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:52, Reply)
'member Dads?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:54, Reply)
Anyone who wears a baseball cap sideways
Could be interesting. How would it work though? If I keep Kylie as my sex slave would my punishment to be kept by Kylie as a sex slave? I could deal with that

Probably to some random pop song bollocks with the kids
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:54, Reply)
Alt: I like your thinking
The big winner would be Paul Gadd
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:57, Reply)
I've long believed that we could improve the nation's IQ by just blowing up a Robbie Williams gig
On a serious note, this is potentially something of a tipping point for the judicial system. The difference between black or gay people and goths, emos etc is that black people can't help being black, and nor can they disguise it. No-one should have to disguise their hair, piercings or whatever else they choose as part of an alternative lifestyle in order to feel safe so I'm all for this ruling, but nonetheless it is a choice.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 8:58, Reply)
A velvet tipping point?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:00, Reply)
I'm taking the missus to a Robbie Williams gig in June
It's got that Olly Murs fella at it too! YAYS! The things we do for love (the things we do for love)
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:01, Reply)
*Builds a Bomb*

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:03, Reply)
If indeed you actually do have a missus

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:04, Reply)
You're in a rare mood today
Who has pissed on your chips?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:06, Reply)
Old meme
But let's be honest, if Mr Clay is going to a Robbie Williams gig he's either a bender, deaf or the world's best husband
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:15, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:21, Reply)
The worst part of the whole affair is that I have to step foot in the Etihad to see it

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:25, Reply)
Fucking HELL mate
You should insist on blowies from here to eternity for this shit
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:27, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:36, Reply)
I saw the Chili Peppers supported by James Brown in there
The bars are shit
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:35, Reply)
Robbie Williams fans might be black, gay jews.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:08, Reply)
Don't be daft
Jews are clever an' that innit
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:15, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:20, Reply)
Shit, they're all lawyers as well aren't they
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:22, Reply)
Having said that, my dad used to go to a Jewish bakers off Penny Lane, making the most incredible bagels, strudels and cream cheeses
But, ironically, they had to close because they weren't making enough money. Silly Jews...
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:24, Reply)
Scallies, regardless of the area they're from. Put them in the army, or some team sports or something.
Altalt: I danced to the Safety Dance a few days ago. Aaww yeeeee!
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:16, Reply)
You're taking being unemployed and unwanted pretty well alan

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:28, Reply)
Positivity's the name of the game, chief.
That and I've got a temp job helping out an in-house solicitor with his stuff. Kills the boredom while I keep applying :)
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:34, Reply)
It's probably far too late but do something that won't lead to a lifetime of grind like conveyancing or civil lit
tax, insolvancy, IP THAT SORTOF STUFF
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:37, Reply)
AltAlt: look who you're asking
I'm dancing right now. To iVardensphere. Doing the "desky bop"
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:19, Reply)
Does office airdrumming count?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:22, Reply)
contingent upon what you're drumming to
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:23, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:36, Reply)
Oooooooh this could go one of two ways
Track? Actually, scratch that. Pre- or post-91?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:37, Reply)
Black album

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:39, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:40, Reply)
Reporting this as 'hate air drumming'

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:41, Reply)
Morning all
Battered's itchy private parts link above lead me to this - www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/woman-504/sex-contraception-48/551092-lichen-sclerosus.html which contains the excellent phrases "like I was chewing toffees with my bottom" "galloping vag rot" and "leprosy of the tuppence".

I wonder what happens if a mumsnet outing runs into a netmums outing. Do they rumble?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:23, Reply)
My understanding is that mumsnetters look down their noses at netmumsers.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:25, Reply)
I don't like the poor, can we hoover them up and put them in special towns outside our cities, where they can chew the cud and make their incomprehensible noises at each other in peace?
Alt: No it's stupid and inhumane, unless it's poor people then who cares.

altalt: I danced on Sunday night then I got bored and went and bought some chicken then went home and ate the chicken. 100% FACT.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:26, Reply)
altalt: it's stories like this that keep me coming back to this crazy old place

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:29, Reply)
I lost both my mates who I was out with and one ended up buying chicken and also going home, the other ended up getting chucked out by the bouncers and sleeping in a shed
I just thought I'd lead with the boring chicken part and get your interest, chicken lover
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:30, Reply)
Now I'm properly enthralled!
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:34, Reply)
I finished eating the chicken and went to bed

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:40, Reply)
What sort of shed?
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:34, Reply)
Actually I dunno, he lives a million miles away and I can't be arsed going out there

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:40, Reply)
Should have cooked the chicken before you ate it. You feeling well?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:37, Reply)
It was actually a chicken burger from John's Chicken, that's John's Chicken, Cork. John's Chicken - for all your chicken needs.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:41, Reply)
Do John's Chicken corks stop eggs from coming out?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:45, Reply)
No but they're doing a special on John's Chicken Bungs
The corks weren't strong enough and got pinged across the room
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:47, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:48, Reply)
People in general piss me off, but I think Windy has hit the nail on the head
I'm glad to hear about it tbh, my friends and I had a load of shit when we used to fit into the above subgroups. I look at it now and think we probably didn't help ourselves by walking round with scowls on our face the entire time, but there was still no need for some of the shit we got.

Alt: No, because what if the crime was gay rape? How would that be a punishment?

AltAlt: I don't dance.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:32, Reply)
alt;alt: calm down Phil Collins
Edit: You cant believe a word that Windy says

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:34, Reply)
alt: have an elephant carry out the punishment

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:35, Reply)
but ben fogle, I thought elephants had long but quite thin penises?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:36, Reply)
They do, but you get the elephant to finger the criminal first!

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:36, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:36, Reply)
Ummm...are you feeling OK this morning Fogesy?
Not been on the acid again I hope.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:40, Reply)
tired innit

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:42, Reply)
i was a bit tired this morning and not really paying attention and ended up driving to the wrong town

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:34, Reply)
this would be more exciting if they were a hundred miles apart and not like two

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:39, Reply)
20 miles apart

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:42, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:43, Reply)
auto driving

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:43, Reply)
That's one long cable even for you.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:43, Reply)
He took the RJ-45 and he wanted the M45

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:44, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:39, Reply)
I like this.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:39, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:40, Reply)
That's a talent

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:40, Reply)
I've done that before, Nakers
*solidarity fist bumps*
*watches as Nakers misses fist by twenty miles*

Oh, Nakers, you bent spastic.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:48, Reply)
Me too
Didn't get that far, though, only about 3 or 4 miles.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:57, Reply)
you silly boy.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:56, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:54, Reply)
Christ almighty Harters,
I fucking hate meetings. Especially ones involving the Police, just don't stop yammering on. We could have had it all wrapped up in about 15 mins, but sergeant waffle-on wouldn't shut his gob. I wonder if his wife still talks to him.
(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:55, Reply)
Did someone actually die in the pub?

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 9:59, Reply)

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