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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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It's the laws of the country.
I don't agree with the death penalty under any circumstances, but if that's the punishment for smugging drugs there, don't smuggle drugs there. It's not difficult.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:46, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
Do you think she did it or got used as one of those unknowing mules?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
I've no idea.
I thought I read somewhere that she admitted doing it though. I'm not really up to speed with how fucked up or not the Indonesian justice system is, but I can't really see she'd be facing the death penalty if they thought she was unwitting.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
According to the article:
Her case has been taken up by the British human rights charity, Reprieve, which said Sandiford was "targeted by drug traffickers who exploited her vulnerability and made threats against her children".
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)
Her children who were presumably in the UK?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)
So she knew she was doing it
but there are mitigating circumstances. Hmmm.

I suppose the point would be "what are the chances those mitigating circumstances would make any difference to case of a local in the same position" ?
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:54, Reply)
I guess the question is, how did you get into a situation where smuggling 5kg of coke
was considered to be what you had to do to stop nasty people threatening your kids rather than going to the police.
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:57, Reply)
Yeah, but Psychochomp threatened my daughter, saying he hoped she died of cot death. So it doesn't have to take much to set someone over the edge.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 14:59, Reply)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 15:00, Reply)
How much drugs have you smuggled because of this?

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 15:01, Reply)
several kilos of meth in my anus

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 15:02, Reply)
well quite.

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 15:03, Reply)
money money money
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 15:15, Reply)

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