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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Just got in from a workout at the gym and have made myself one of those pasta meals with a pour in sauce sachet.
Now I'm halfway through munching away, thinking "The quorn mince in this tastes a bit odd" so I retrieve the packet from the bin.
'Contents 21% Beef'
I've been a vegetarian for five years...
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:34, 22 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

But I will do occasionally... I suppose that makes me not a vegetarian as such, but I haven't eaten red meat since 2003.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:45, Reply)

I did give up fish for ages but started eating them again. They're only fish for God's sake. It's more the principal of eating meat than the actual taste or anything. I didn't feel sick when I had eaten the samosas but it still jarred a little.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:52, Reply)

...But the thought of red meat is something I find wholly distasteful. I just can't face it.
Also, the meat tasted worse than how I remember it.
As for fish, it's a toughie. I enjoyed a swordfish steak with chickenlady last weekend and it was absolutely lovely. I'm partial to mussels and squid too if I can get it.
Edit: Thanks Al! Erm... I think...
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:57, Reply)

I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat leaves.
Burgers for dinner tonight! Woo!
Sorry, I'm an omnivore and will likely stay that way.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:02, Reply)

No need to apologise... I wouldn't dream of condemning anyone for their choice whether to eat meat or not.
The way I see it is this - if we didn't eat meat, then the amount of cattle, ovine and porcine in the world would be much reduced. In many ways, eating meet guarantees the future of species.
It's a personal choice, enjoy those burgers.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:06, Reply)

I just don't like the way the animals are kept before they go to the slaughter house.
If I could eat free range meat now then I would but it's been too long for me to go back.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:08, Reply)

She went vegetarian a few months back after watching Sweeny Tood.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:09, Reply)

At least fish are free to roam about till they're caught.
And don't get me started on battery eggs.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:16, Reply)

no meat, no fish, nothing that had once walked or swum as I just didn't like the taste of it. Then I woke up and my flatmate at the time was cooking bacon sarnies and for some reason I ran into the kitchen and started feasting on the ones she'd put on the plate already. Since then I've turned carnivore again, but wont eat certain meats like venison or tongue or veal. Never tried steak as it just looks a bit wrong to me.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:20, Reply)

I don't miss the taste as much as the smell.
I bought some of those Quorn rashers recently, hoping for a guilt free bacon sarnie experience.
Don't do it kids. Not only do they look like insoles, the fuckers taste like insoles.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 21:46, Reply)

But I'm totally a carnivore. Prefer to eat free-range meat though, just makes me feel a bit better. Proves a bit expensive for the student life sometimes though.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 22:28, Reply)

but I've had some pretty good Notbacon before.
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 2:00, Reply)

As a matter of interest, why no venison when you'll eat bacon? Is it just that you don't like it, or has the Bambi-effect claimed another victim? Honest question...
I'm not having a go at anyone's dietary choices, but the life of a deer living wild until it meets it's sudden demise doesn't even compare to that of a pig reared intensively in Denmark.
As for veggie 'Bacon Substitute', just why?
(before I get booed, I probably eat 50-75% veggie if cooking just for myself, and only occasionally viciously slaughter a fluffy in cold blood before ripping.......
I need to lie down now. The voices....)
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 11:26, Reply)

I'll be dining on veal tonight just so you can have your milk.
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 11:30, Reply)

Venison has never appealed to me as a dish worthy of consumption. Nothing to do with bambi, I'm just a fussy eater. If something doesn't smell appealing or look good to me then I won't eat it.
I worked weekends on a farm for four years and saw many animals being slaughtered, either for food or because they were too old, but never found it greatly upsetting as that was the purpose they were reared for. I suppose I might have a problem with it if I had a pet pig and someone wanted to slaughter it for food when there were plenty of others to choose from.
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 11:50, Reply)

about you still eating chicken...
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 12:02, Reply)

When I was 16 on a Saturday and Sunday morning.
It was the worst job ever.
I'd get picked up in town and taken out to the farm, usually a bit hungover. I'd take a deep breath, boke up the previous night excesses, and then have to take a trolley between the cages and pick up the eggs, getting pecked every minute or so by rogue chickens. The smell was unbelievable and there was often rotting corpses or full skeletons still in the cages.
The worst bit was having to carry a bag of dead chickens down to the farmhouse fo disposal. The bag was moving as I approached it. I grabbed a hold of the top and lifted. The bottom broke and I got rotting chickens and maggots all down my lower.
I ran around screaming for quite a while.
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 12:08, Reply)

And my conversion was triggered by a very specific event:
A school friend of mine lived on a farm and used to have great parties in the fields, which would always be very drunken affairs.
One morning, with hangovers crawling around our heads his Dad informed us we were going to help him. He didn't ask us if we would, you understand, he told us that we would, and we had no choice.
So, with queasy stomachs we were herded into a barn where we sized up the queue of cows waiting by the door.
The purpose of this exercise? To remove the the stubs of the young cows' horns. Apparently a standard procedure, but one that wasn't pleasant for anyone involved, particularly the cows.
We were all assigned jobs and I was given the unenviable task of holding the device that was used to gouge them out. The first time it was passed to me; fiery hot with bits of cow horn slowly cooking on its tip, I vowed never to eat meat again.
I lasted seven years until bacon & chicken conspired to sufficiently weaken my resolve.
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 12:22, Reply)

Now you're just being ridiculous. You're still a vegetarian.
Cows are just concentrated grass.
What's your problem?
( , Sat 19 Jul 2008, 14:22, Reply)
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