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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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My eldest son is planning to be at some 'videogame store' tonight at midnight
to get his hands on the latest pacman or somesuch. When was the last time you went to great lengths for something you love? Preferably something normal people would laugh and point at you for.

Alt: I saw a programme about food the other day and they made a lasagne with pulled pork and bbq sauce. It looked fucking disgusting. What quirky dishes have you tried and liked/hated?

Altalt: Got any salmon?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:45, 267 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I've never been a fan of any pasta.
Pork with barbecue sauce sounds ok though.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:47, Reply)
You are a thread-deleting shitehawk, though.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:49, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:50, Reply)
Also, because of the deleting shitehawk
Imma gonna have to point out to you here that virgin money giving might not take 2% of the donations but it does charge charities a fee to be listed, so swings and roundabouts really.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:51, Reply)
I did not know that part

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:52, Reply)
I think they're all much of a muchness.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:53, Reply)
3rd sector works in much the same way as any commercial entity.
They spend money to make money.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:56, Reply)
B3ta's a demoracy innit, it was judged to be shit, so I binned it.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:53, Reply)
That's not how it works.
Otherwise at least five people I can think of would have been deleted.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:54, Reply)
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:54, Reply)
'ello Swipey.
I like you too. *flutters eyelashes*
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:56, Reply)
I wasn't going to sponsor you anyway.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:52, Reply)
Neither was I

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:58, Reply)
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:59, Reply)
That's okay.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:00, Reply)
I hope your son doesn't get fingered by a fat high end gaming virgin while he's out late
alt: A savaloy shove up your mum's cunt

altalt: sorted
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:47, Reply)
As long as he comes away from it with a valuable life lesson
finger me once etc, etc
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:48, Reply)
"finger me once, shame on you. Get used as a cum sponge by 40 lithuanian dockers, shame on me" ?
kinda thing?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:50, Reply)
if your daily routine doesn't offer the possibility of a half hour narrated nostalgic comedy show in twenty years time
then it's hardly worth getting out of bed

"I learnt a valuable lesson that day, and I think some of those lithuanian dockers did too. And so will Winnie one day....but that's another story.."
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:58, Reply)
I drove all niiiiiiiight to get to you
I was working down in Norwich many years ago and had left Mrs Cow in the house post some stupid, petty argument. I managed to get finished at about 10:30pm so drove home to sort it out with her.

Omelette sandwiches. A few months ago I made an omelette and it got stuck to the pan. Finished it off and stuck it in two lsice of bread. Fucking lovely!

I rushdie'd to the shops but they'd sold out
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:50, Reply)
omelettes are shit
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:53, Reply)
that's very spanish
they love a bit of tortilla in bread
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:08, Reply)
I can't believe that I just wasted time trying to catalogue my shoe collection
And that rotter pookie deletes his thread.

altalt: Vera.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:50, Reply)
Does anyone watch that Vera on Sunday night?
They were filming at the bottom of my street for it a few weeks ago
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:53, Reply)
Never heard of it.
Although I did wonder what happened to her after she left Corrie.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:55, Reply)
Isnt she dead?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:56, Reply)
She came back from the dead when Jack died, so she might not be properrly dead.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:57, Reply)
I'm pleased that I didn't know this

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:58, Reply)
Well now you do.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:58, Reply)
is it about back street abortions?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:56, Reply)
Not even in my top ten made up Italian desserts

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:56, Reply)
You ninjacunt

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:56, Reply)
GTA 5, i think

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:50, Reply)
nah its deffo pacman
or mrs pacman
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:52, Reply)
i am not answering that
you lot laugh at me quite enough as it is

my friend made me lasagne with sweet potato and butternut squash last night. secretly i didn't think that would go so well with pasta, but i was wrong.

altalt: no, but i have a few veras?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:51, Reply)

My pleasure.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:52, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:52, Reply)
Speaking of sickening.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:53, Reply)
all good here
i have 2 m&s side salads for lunch - tasty.

how about you?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:09, Reply)
I have a cold.
I have no toffee choc-dips.
But other than that I am FABULOUS.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
raving or flaming?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:11, Reply)
Undecided. Probably flaming.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
the answer is clearly
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:13, Reply)
I'm too ill to argue.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:14, Reply)
it's the best answer to any question
chocolate: milk or white?
champagne or vodka?
tits or ass?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
White, Vodka, Both are the correct answers there.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:19, Reply)
alt: I tried a colleague's lunch once.
All it was, it turned out, was kind of bolognese and pasta but made with a sachet of fajita seasoning added to the meat. By rights it should have been fucking disgusting but I am ashamed to admit it was absolutely delicious.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:54, Reply)
Not a bad idea that
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:55, Reply)
Colleague's lunch BOX more like gaylord.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:55, Reply)
That's not a beard he has
It's just a collection of pubes he's built up over many years of noshing off businessmen.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:57, Reply)
Your son's into high end gaming?
You must be so proud.

AltAlt: laaaaavley
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 10:55, Reply)
I had to carry loads of boxes through town the other day cos I'd bought some BOARD GAMES cos I'm well cool
That's not great lengths but it's as about as much effort as I'll put into getting something, cos getting things is easy.

Alt: moussakka is shit and I'll fight anyone who says it ain't

altalt: not on me
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:00, Reply)
alt: best sandwich is a vinegar sandwich
slice of bread
fold over
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:01, Reply)
we were quite poor growing up yes

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:01, Reply)
Balsamic vinegar?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:06, Reply)
naw good ol BRITISH MALT VINEGAR god save the queen

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:07, Reply)
That gives me "pickled onion eye"

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:09, Reply)
I've never understood early adoption/bing the first in the queue mentality for stuff.
Not the album, not the machine, not the game. I don't get what the joy is, other than being able to tell others that you were first.

Alt: kangaroo sausages (OK), crocodile ... whatever (dull, chewy).

Altalt: actually yes - two fillets for a dish some time this week. They will be baked in foil with vegetables and some lemon.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:01, Reply)
Early adoption.
Some people might rather adopt a baby than a moody teenager.

Seems fairly obvious to me.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:03, Reply)
Not to me.
I can't stand small children - I'd want someone I could at least try to have a sensible conversation with.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:06, Reply)
I'm meeting your son and we're running off to France to start a new life together as husband and 'wife'. To clarify, he plays the role of 'wife' ie I bum him and he FACKIN LOVES IT.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:02, Reply)
His girlfriend of the past five years is a charisma-free life-sucking glassy-eyed dullard
so even you might be an improvement. FILL YER BOOTS!
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:03, Reply)
You've got it all wrong.
It's your son's "boot" that'll be filled.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:05, Reply)
valuable life lesson etc, etc

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:06, Reply)
On a politics and culture messageboard we've been discussing dowries.
I suggested that what with these new fangled laws for gays, it must be confusing for lesbians getting married as to who gets "given away", and gives the dowry.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:04, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:06, Reply)
I am an ardent aficionado of the Elvis sandwich
but most people find the combination a little too unusual.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:06, Reply)
As opposed to the Tom Jones sandwich
which isn't unusual at all.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:07, Reply)
Oh god
I lolled
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:09, Reply)
Peanut butter and banana, deep fried or something?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
the poor-selling follow-up to breakfast at tiff-zzzzzzzzzzz

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
Peanut Butter, Banana and Bacon
then fried. Generally not deepfried, just shallow in a pan.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:26, Reply)
I've extended Vegetarian Tuesday, to Vegetarian Monday and Tuesday.
Tonight will be sweet potato curry. Beat that b3ta.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:07, Reply)
Tonight's dinner will include sausages
I think that trumps pretty much everything
Since sausages are the best food
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:09, Reply)
most vegetarian sausages are rank
but those glamorgan cheese and leek ones are nice
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
I ate some veggie sausages the other week cos they were in the freezer and I was poor
They were just cheese tubes, so I was fairly happy with that
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:16, Reply)
Best sausages ever.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
They sound ace
We'll be relying on these guys:
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
high end sausages.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:16, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:09, Reply)
i have 2 m&s side salads for lunch
gym tonight, no dinner. i win.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:09, Reply)
+at shittest food today

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
i had a bag of chickpeas for breakfast
how can you say that?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
Read that back and think about what you've said

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
tasty thai sweet chilli chickpeas

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
Honestly it's been a pleasure knowing you on this site, and I'll be sad to see you go.
It'll be a dreadful shame hearing about the first double case of rickets and scurvy in the UK, but at least you'll be famous.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:11, Reply)
silly theoban
they are made of vegetables, so how could i get scurvy?

YOU'RE the scurvy. a scurvy knave.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
She paid two grand to a 'nutritionist' to eat this badly and all.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
how is salad and chickpeas not eating healthily?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:13, Reply)
You misunderstand my criticism
It's more the food that you don't eat that make your diet unhealthy.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
The only things you miss out on a vegi diet is iron and B12.
Leafy green stuff for the iron, yeast extract for B12. Most commercial cereals also contain it.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:17, Reply)
i eat loads of spinach and drink loads of milk
and i've never been told on any blood test that i'm anywhere near anaemic
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:21, Reply)
It seems that Pookso misunderstood me and all

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:24, Reply)
Oh and you won't get much iron or Vitamin B12 from either spinach or milk.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:25, Reply)
Yeah - it's pretty fucking difficult to get iron out of leafy greens
"having iron in it" and "being able to absorb said iron" are not the same thing.

Or we could all eat nails.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 12:03, Reply)
When it makes you have an attack of 'the vapours' and faint like a ninny.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
Turning Japanese.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
I really think so

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:17, Reply)
D'you know what Jeff? I really think so.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:17, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:43, Reply)
*shakes head*

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
I do like sweet potato in a curry

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
Sweet potato is mega.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:13, Reply)
I've extended it back over 24 years now

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:10, Reply)
Bloody hell you must be as weak as a new born lamb
with polio
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
Veggie for me as well
thai red curry with king prawns
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:11, Reply)
This is winning^

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
home made, it's a piece of piss

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:14, Reply)
for clarification the recipe does not involve any piss

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
if it contains prawns
which often feed on or around sewage pipes, then you are Wrong my friend
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:19, Reply)
how the fuck is that veggie??

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:12, Reply)
there is no meat in it stoopid

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:13, Reply)
i'm so confused

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:14, Reply)
probably delayed concussion

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
How isn't it?
I think you got a harder knock on the bonce than you thought.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:17, Reply)
i have to go and buy new glasses today
i look like harry potter, with my cut forehead and my nhs-taped up specs. i thought i might get away with it, as i only wear them for driving, but the lens dropped out on the way to squash last night. sigh.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:19, Reply)
HA HA Speccy Twat

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:20, Reply)
HA HA Commodore 64 Cunt!

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:21, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:22, Reply)

Four eyes.

Fucking hell. I'm almost starting to feel sorry for her.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:21, Reply)
you go and look in the mirror
you need all that sympathy for yourself
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)
he'll also need a step ladder

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:31, Reply)
it's because my eyes are so beautiful that god thought it was only fair on the rest of the world to stick them behind two mm of perspex

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)
My eyes are so beautiful that god thought it was only fair on the rest of the world to stick on a fucking ugly face.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:30, Reply)
i heard she looks like someone stuck two boggly eyes onto a baboon's arse

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:32, Reply)
he was talking about himself
be nice

also, you didn't answer my point about prawns being full of piss. this was a fucking GENIUS point.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:34, Reply)
It's a classic look.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:35, Reply)
I need to get some new bins as well.
Bloody arm fell off, didn't it. Stupid fucking eyeballs, why can't they both be spherical?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:33, Reply)
because you are genetically deficient

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:35, Reply)
Only two years ago I was at the peak of genetic perfection.
All of a sudden, my thirties hit and I starting coming apart at the seams. The brightest flames always burn out fastest :(((
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:37, Reply)
and yet they survived me chucking them off a second floor balcony in pissed state
and you failing to catch them like a flailing mong-armed flid
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:36, Reply)
Actually those were my other pair that her indoors was responsible for
getting left on the last tube back to the city.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:38, Reply)
You're stupid.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:13, Reply)
How many more can you snare?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:13, Reply)
; )

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:25, Reply)
Prawns are vegi?
As is chicken I suppose.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:15, Reply)
nah, chicken's meat you retard

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:16, Reply)
What's bread then? It's not meat OR veg

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:16, Reply)
It's one of those weird things that is neither like a mushrrom

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:19, Reply)
No a mushroom is veg.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:19, Reply)
Mushroom ain't in the food category

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:20, Reply)
Is it you that only eats potatoes?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:22, Reply)
well he IS Irish

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:23, Reply)
I eat the whole variety of foodstuffs
Just mushrooms ain't food
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:23, Reply)
Way to upset the Irish guy

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:23, Reply)
I'm not Irish you guys
you guys!
you guys :(
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:26, Reply)
Did you say that twice
to be sure?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:27, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:27, Reply)
I shall be having chicken curry. So I win.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:19, Reply)
Doing a full Sunday dinner tonight as didn't have time yesterday
Roast chicken, roast potato, roast sweet potato, parsnips, savoy cabbage, carrots, stuffing, Yorkshire puddings.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:23, Reply)
Roast beef yesterday.
Roast sweet potato, roast carrots, Yorkshire pud, broccoli, broad beans, marrowfat peas, boiled onions. Fucking ace.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:26, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:27, Reply)
marrowfat peas?
Crazy Northerners!
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)
Did you get some good food in Poland?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:29, Reply)
Bar food was better than the wedding dinner.
Nice sausage. Oooer, Mrs.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:31, Reply)
boiled onions, why wouldn't you roast them with teh beef?
Is this a nothern thing?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)
I'd do roasted red onions with beef

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:32, Reply)
Dunno about the Northern thing.
Just like them.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:32, Reply)
Sweet potato is horrible.
Yorkshire puddings should only be served with beef. Unless you live in a council house.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:27, Reply)
Yorkshire puddings technically should only be served with gravy

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)
Unless served as a pudding with jam & sugar.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)
I make them the proper Yorkshire way,
in a flay tray, rather small round ones.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:33, Reply)
I use a muffin tray

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:37, Reply)
This is how one guy tried to make chicken and yorkshire pudding
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:35, Reply)
That'll be gonz.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:36, Reply)
Not enough cheese or brown juice

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:37, Reply)
+roast gravy

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:33, Reply)
Does anyone know if Chompy has topped himself or not?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:20, Reply)

know care
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:21, Reply)
For clarity, can you confirm if you'll smile or not (if he has died).

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:23, Reply)
he's not funny in life or death

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:25, Reply)
surely we would have heard about it in bbc news if he had

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:21, Reply)
How though.
Without someone posting me links to their website, I'd never be able to find it.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:24, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:25, Reply)
I for one no longer have any idea whats going on it the world.
And I only watch 'Dave' at home so don't get the news.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)
I'm in Chompy's corner, I don't care what the rest of you have to say I like the prick OK

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:45, Reply)
Go and get a proper job instead of wasting time here.
You've got a wife, son and mistress to support.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:47, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:47, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:48, Reply)
You knows

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:54, Reply)
Money, work, an ex wife, a daughter and happiness.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:48, Reply)
A very small Happiness
Tee hee
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:49, Reply)
*waggles little finger*

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:52, Reply)
Pity he can't stand you.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:49, Reply)
Just like the rest of us.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:49, Reply)
wait.....what..thats a bit of a low blow
basically I'm saying you're a midget that sucks off people
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:51, Reply)
I can use his negativity to better mankind

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:50, Reply)
I've been working on an application for a job in Sweden
Almost finished, just need to cross the Øs and dot the Üs.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:27, Reply)
oh Jeff

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:27, Reply)
You stole this from somewhere, I saw it over the weekend.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:28, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:29, Reply)
I too read it on the weekend and thought it was worth sharing.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:29, Reply)
I honestly saw it and thought it was something YOU would come up with.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:31, Reply)
Please. Let's not have another day of your puns. PLEASE.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:29, Reply)
Oh that's good, I wish you all the best!

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:30, Reply)
make sure to take into account their high taxes and booze prices when pitching for salary

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:33, Reply)
So he's planning on coming home and playing the game straight away?
Wow...what a life he must lead.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:30, Reply)
I'm very proud of him
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:33, Reply)
Why did chompy go anyway?
Was it something someone said, can't remember now?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:42, Reply)
I'm still here in spirit

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:44, Reply)
well this is confusing

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:48, Reply)
No, this is fake chompy/AlphonsoLuxuryYacht

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:51, Reply)
yes i got that
but he is pretending to be psycho without having changed his name. it's like there's no effort in there any more.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:54, Reply)
Lazy socks

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 12:00, Reply)
Basically, Rory was mean about somebody that it now turns out was his best mate
Chompy couldn't handle being stabbed in the back by somebody he thought was basically his brother and has thrown himself off the MK NCP car park (just by Argos).
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:45, Reply)
wait what? When was this
I thought it the psychochump QOTW answer that did it
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:46, Reply)
That was Rory, you dolt.
Still, Chompy's now in a better place, looking out of the great dual aspect window in the sky :(
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:47, Reply)
over a garage conversion and a roundabout

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:47, Reply)
I know that...but what's with the friend bit?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:47, Reply)
rory's lonely

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:48, Reply)
Well, Rory considers anybody that doesn't actually revenge-stab him as a close, personal friend, you see.

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:49, Reply)
Rory was mean to someone online?
Blimey, that's a first.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:48, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:46, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:47, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:48, Reply)
through your mouth
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:49, Reply)
New life into this old place

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:50, Reply)
Would someone please start a new thread?

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:50, Reply)

(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:51, Reply)
I have already posted a thread today.
Why don't you start one instead of attempting to be critical? EH?
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:52, Reply)
Did one on Saturday, din'I?
I only ever do one a month, it's in my contract.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 11:53, Reply)

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