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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I got Napoleon Dynamite out of Blockbuster land last night, as everyone had said it was absolutely brilliant, that I had to watch it, and that it was the best thing to come out of cinema for years. Imagine my suprise when it started out as total and utter monkey wank, and continued in this fashion until I made it stop an hour later. Is it just me and my other half who found it an complete and utter waste of our lives, or are there other people out there who agree?
Thank you for your time.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 20:26, 28 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

I fucking hated it. I saw it on DVD not long after it came out and EVERYONE had raved about how much I'd love it. The main guy just reminded me of a twat I used to work with too much and it just wasn't funny.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 20:32, Reply)

just incredulous that some of our mates who's opinions we really trusted had recommended it to us. There's no plot, the jokes aren't funny, and the characterisation is abominable. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 20:36, Reply)

That and Garden State. About as funny as an unfunny thing.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 20:37, Reply)

Whaddyamean there's no plot? It's all about the little Mexican kid and his presidential moustache. Skeeeeeeellllllzzz!
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 20:54, Reply)

because I know i'll hate it, it just screams "pretentious pile of unfunny shite"
The less said about X men 3 the better as well, ratner by name, crap by nature.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:05, Reply)

I watched an hour of it, then turned it off. In that hour, there was no fucking plot to be found.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:11, Reply)

there's no point debating the point. If ya didnt like it, ya didnt like it. Could be the weight of expectation was too much to bear but when Napoleon goes arse over tit running away from his uncle who is spasming from an accident with a faulty time machine, it's tough to keep a straight face.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:15, Reply)

All my mates who I went to film school with and had shared many a film marathon with were practically cumming in their pants when talking about it.
Such a fucking let down. I did watch to the end to see if there were any redeeming features. But none.
Just don't get me started on Top gun. One hour and fifty minutes of my life that I'm never getting back.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:27, Reply)

Napoleon, I found vaguely amusing, but certainly not laugh out loud funny.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:36, Reply)

is worse than top gun, and out homoerotics it as well.
Watched an hour of that before deciding that cheesegrating my testicles would probably be more fun
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:39, Reply)

The homoerotic tone was about the only historically accurate thing about it, but it was a decent gorefest.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:42, Reply)

You can not have 300. Utterly, utterly brilliant film. The fight choreography is the best ever seen in movies. It's visually stunning and a story old as time.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:43, Reply)

I have read lots of greek histories and miffologies, and thought I would love it, but its just like the 2nd and 3rd Matrix films, stylised wank in a can.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:45, Reply)

But then I wasn't watching it for the plot....if ya know what I mean.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:47, Reply)

I can only assume you're no lover of the old ultraviolence. And I'm repeating myself but it looks fabulous and you cant help but love the David and Goliath nature of the story.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:51, Reply)

After yesterday's revelations I may stock up on the lippy and stockings for when we get the Leeds bash sorted!
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:53, Reply)

I like ultra violence (apart from Ichi ther Killer another pile of arse), but 300 left me cold, wasn't overly impresed with Sin City either.
not doing very well am I? sorry, erm , umm, 5th Element is alright.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 21:55, Reply)

I'm off to watch my limited edition 300 2 CD box set. I suppose it may have something to do with my favourite film being 'Conan The Barbarian' - got me a 'best' page, that did!
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 22:08, Reply)

I love napolean dynamite, not because it's funny or because of hype, but because it is weird
same reason I love garden state, because fuck all happens, but it happens in a nice calming way
300 and sin city are two of my favourite films too
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 22:18, Reply)

Napoleon Dynamite.
I think it is the kind of humour that you either love or hate.
But I'm of the opinion that this is what makes the world an interesting place. We all like different things.
( , Wed 6 Aug 2008, 22:20, Reply)

That means you missed the dance scene! And that is the best bit of the film.
And there is a llama called Tina.
What's not to love?!
Although I do agree with the Top Gun opinion. I found the Top Gun and Dirty Dancing were both HUGE wastes of my time.
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 7:57, Reply)

I hate feckin Napoleon Dynamite!
At least you lasted an hour! I got 10 minutes in, and it was already too bad!
Same with Superbad, only I lasted 20 minutes.
And as for anyone insulting 300, shame on you! It's ace :D
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 9:20, Reply)

The fact its so simple is what appeals to me. That's not to say I'm simple because I certainly am not (I like complicated stuff like avocado and oysters too). The simple fact that the death count is zero and nobody dies in a fireball also add to the allure of the film. It is a bit of an 'anal sex' film - you either love it or you hate it. Using that analogy I'd say it isn't quite up to goatse standards, but its definitely a 5 fingered stretchy-feely film.
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 10:08, Reply)

This film divided me and my gf, I thought it was ok, not brilliant, but she hated it.
In a way it's similar to Juno, not much happens and some people love it while others hate it.
We both agreed that Superbad was terrible when we saw it though- it's a simply shocking film.
Anyone here hate the Disney Chicken Little film? That tops my list of shite films.
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 10:14, Reply)

Ie, The straight story where an old guy rides across america on a lawnmower for most of the film. Everything about that film I adore though and it stands up to repeated viewings. I love all different kinds of films for different reasons, so felt it was only right to watch Napoleon Dynamite all the way through as people had clearly made an effort with the marketing campaign. No substance made for bad viewing though. It just wasn't funny.
Edit: Haven't seen 300 yet, but I have a copy somewhere to watch when I get a chance.
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 10:38, Reply)
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