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Train thread!
Was alright today weren't it? Weren't it not, do tell us whys?

Alt: best Marvin?
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:27, 132 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'm still having today. it's been alright but I reserve my judgement for later.
alt. Marvin The Martian.
or Hank
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:29, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:33, Reply)
Where's my train friend frog?

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:38, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:41, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:42, Reply)
on his way to kensington!

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:44, Reply)
riding the rails
...to rail the ride....
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:45, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:45, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:59, Reply)
Didn't travel on a train today
I don't generally travel on trains*.
Alt:The paranoid android.

*Because I'm not a London worker/wanker
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:41, Reply)
the android is correct
my vogon t-shirt arrived today, I shall be wearing it to the poetry night later this week
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:42, Reply)
What's vogan?
Is it a vegetarian bogan?
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:43, Reply)
they are an alien species who do bad poetry
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:46, Reply)
Don't panic!

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:55, Reply)
Your definitely not a worker

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:42, Reply)
Probably not
Still get paid though
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:46, Reply)
there are other cities aside from London where commuting is necessary to receive a higher salary than offered locally.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:47, Reply)
I understand this
However, on the balance of probabilities and taking into account the 'London is bigger than blah blah' thread from earlier today, it is more likely that a commuter - particularly a train commuter - is commuting to/from London.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:51, Reply)
As nobody commutes to Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Southampton, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Swansea, Bath, Winchester, Stafford, derby, Nottingham, York, Cheltenham, Reading, Swindon etc.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:55, Reply)
and Coventry

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:03, Reply)
I might get a job in Folkestone but move to London just to mix it up a bit

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:04, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:08, Reply)
you forgot Aberdeen

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:07, Reply)
He'll be commuting to Edinburgh soon

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:08, Reply)
unless he gets a job in Edinburgh Castle as some sort of runty tourist guide

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:10, Reply)
Let's look at the 'balance of probabilities' thing
Approximately one million commuters to London each day. You quoted 11 other cities, most of which are less than 1/10 the size of London either in standing population or commuting population - therefore on the balance of probabilities, it is far more likely that a commuter, particularly a train commuter, is commuting to London.
Do try to keep up.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:08, Reply)
lets 'not', you're full of shit, mostly wrong and if that wasnt bad enough you have a testicular noggin
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:10, Reply)
and that there are about 10 people who post on here
and all the regular train-using ones are in London
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:10, Reply)
no, they aren't

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:11, Reply)
Today has been fucking shit.
For reasons already shared.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:44, Reply)
I've not read everything, ease spread your pain out for me to lol at
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:46, Reply)
Should have micro this afternoon as I normally do on a Monday. Ex refused.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:47, Reply)
Just read it, stoopid bitch

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:49, Reply)
today was alright
definitely not hank. I could eat a monkey's miscarriage. stupid diets.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:44, Reply)
Alt: Gaye
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:46, Reply)
That gin is called The Botanist.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:48, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:49, Reply)
I have no idea.
How long is gin generally aged for?
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:55, Reply)
Don't think I've ever seen a gin described as being old.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:57, Reply)
neither have I
Most white spirits are pretty young, right?
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:06, Reply)
No YOUN area

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:50, Reply)
My name isn't Marvin

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:51, Reply)
today was bollocks, but its none of your business why, you nosey pillock.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:58, Reply)
I'm here for you baby

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 17:59, Reply)
you always are, badmon dukaz

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:02, Reply)
*power fist*

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 18:21, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 19:12, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 19:22, Reply)
captain placid likes pthc

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 19:26, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 19:30, Reply)
and pre teen hardcore

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:15, Reply)
ahhhhhh I wondered what that PTHC stood for
knowing you there was no way I was going to google it
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:12, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:37, Reply)
I'm depressed Frog.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 19:32, Reply)
Join the fucking club.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 19:42, Reply)
So I read.
That sounds shit mate. Hopefully you can make some progress with this.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:12, Reply)
I think this is where I say 'cheer up!'

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:00, Reply)
Thanks. I feel better now.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:00, Reply)
Pleased to help.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:19, Reply)
It's been alright.

Alt: Marvin Timpson who runs the butcher on cowley road. Top bloke.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:16, Reply)
Does he also cut keys?

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:24, Reply)
I dunno.
I'll ask him. I bet he'll love that.

Why is battered so sad?
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:30, Reply)
Like a 1980s credit card that hasn't been paid.
Access denied.

Poor fella.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:33, Reply)
Well, that's fucking shit.
Any reason or just her being a dick?
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:37, Reply)
I haven't spoken to him, but it sounds like his 'crime'
Is wanting to be an active, committed and loving parent.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:42, Reply)
The bastard.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:43, Reply)
Yeah. What a rotter.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:47, Reply)
Oi, Jeff
tell me some good advert catch phrases from the 80s, preferably for cheap 80s food like crispy pancakes and stuff
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:12, Reply)
So what the fuck am I then, chopped liver? :(

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:13, Reply)
you didn't seem like the type that would know that shit

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:15, Reply)
Sadly I do, I'm waffley versitile

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:17, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:19, Reply)
In YOUN FACE bitchtits

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:19, Reply)
in your tits, bitchface

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:20, Reply)
Don't remember that one

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:32, Reply)
I am not a waffly versatile poster.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:18, Reply)
damn you both
I had that one, also it's REALLY annoying
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:19, Reply)
Two birds with one stone then
"Marvin the mountie always gets his man"
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:21, Reply)
what's that from? i kinda recognise it

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:21, Reply)
Labbats* Larger
I think I've spelt it right?
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:22, Reply)
The sweet you can eat between meals without ruining your appetite.
Which was taken quite literally by a huge number of shut-ins.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:21, Reply)
i need something you could chant
also a milky way
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:22, Reply)
Too orangy for crows.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:22, Reply)
Try saying Mattessons without saying 'Mmmm'.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:23, Reply)
You and your bloody dog

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:23, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:26, Reply)
This then
They drink it in the Congo
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:23, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:25, Reply)
It's the business, it's the fizzness
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:24, Reply)
not with milk it's not

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:25, Reply)
They're tasty tasty very very tasty they're very tasty

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:24, Reply)
also good
i thouoght you were too young for this
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:25, Reply)
Nope born in 71 my dear

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:26, Reply)
i'm mixing you up with someone else then

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:26, Reply)
If it's that cunt Al, I sear down Imma gonna shank you

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:28, Reply)
You could just YouTube 80s adverts.
If you are lucky you might find Russ Abbot smoking a Hamlet cigar.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:27, Reply)
Hahaha I just remember the one with the guy on the outdoor toilet

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:28, Reply)
Ohhhh god and it was Rab C Nesbit with the comb over

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:33, Reply)
Hello Tosh got a Toshiba?

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:27, Reply)
And re-record not fade away.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:28, Reply)
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:29, Reply)
Brains Faggots. So good, you'll wish you'd tried them.......years ago.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:28, Reply)
My tummy says it's time for tea
So let's down tools for Dairylea.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:30, Reply)
Milk? Eurgh. Got any lemonade?

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:33, Reply)
Tetley make teabags
Make tea.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:31, Reply)
Acrington Stanley, wheres that?

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:34, Reply)
I had to google this one, I remembered the first bit of it
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:32, Reply)
Countrylife butter
Had a catchy song.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:31, Reply)
So too did Tizer.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:32, Reply)
Yellow Pages did some cracking ads back then.
JR Hartley and his fly fishing
The Hornby R186 signal box and indeed the kid who wanted a new bike, 'like sittin' on a razor blade'

I were right about that saddle.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:12, Reply)
It's just possible you could save my life

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:15, Reply)
The red car and the blue car had a race.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:16, Reply)
I bet 'e drinks Carling Black Label

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:18, Reply)
I no longer have to ride the polyester pullman.
Hank Marvin was a good guitar driver for his day.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:39, Reply)
you broke up with dozer?

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 20:51, Reply)
^ This deserves MOAR credit ^

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:10, Reply)
I love Mondays anyway, so it could have been shit but I would have still loved it.
alt: Hagler not sure if he was the best but he certainly was marvelous
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:05, Reply)
Shut up HH.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:06, Reply)
You're quite enjoying this aint you?

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:07, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:08, Reply)
Sozz I ent clicking that it could be a link to donkey porn

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:09, Reply)
And you'd be disappointed if it wasn't.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:26, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:30, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:33, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:51, Reply)
u ok hun?
im hear for u
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:52, Reply)
How is Coventry this evening?
Listening to an album, having a bottle of ale and a crafty joint I wouldn't wonder.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:55, Reply)
Just got in from rehearsing for a little gig on Wednesday

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 21:59, Reply)
What I want to know is why you didn't rehearse before you recorded your album.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:03, Reply)
Dunno didn't think of it at the time

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:06, Reply)
Maybe next time, eh.

(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:09, Reply)
We've still got a couple of songs to record for the new one
Might suggest it for those
(, Mon 10 Mar 2014, 22:17, Reply)

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