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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Well I'm not. But the weather is really nice so I'm likely to be sat outside but I'm still not going to the bash as I'm skint.
Why are you not going?

( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 9:05, 75 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

I'm mostly not going as I live in Scotland. Plus I'm playing at a wedding reception this evening.
How are you?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 9:10, Reply)

how are you both today?
I'm at work. Again.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:09, Reply)

is a good reason not to go.
I am good today thanks, as I said the weather here is lovely for the first time in about 4 weeks so I imagine I shall spend the rest of the day sitting in the garden.
*edit* Morning HLT. Work again? That sucks.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:09, Reply)

"here" also being Scotland.
Scotland rocks.
London sucks.
Being skint sucks.
Bashes suck too.
*awaits flaming*
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:12, Reply)

*twiddles thumbs*
*looks around*
*realises is on own*
*puts cheesy music on*
*dances alone*
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:21, Reply)

but I'm going out in about 20 minutes.
Have you ever been to a bash?
I think I would be too frightened.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:24, Reply)

but only because I'm broke and far away.
I am definitely going to the Edinburgh one next April though. why don't you come along to that one, then we can be nervous together?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:26, Reply)

it will need to be in the school holidays.
It's a thought though. I am planning a trip to Edinburgh and combining the two might be an idea.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:28, Reply)

Go on, you know you want to.
*adopts Mrs Doyle voice*
go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:29, Reply)

Sun's shining up here (or down here, confusingly) but I'll be spending half the day in the loft on Phase 7 of Operation 'Sort My Shit Out'.
Aside from the infamous cowboy boots, I have found the ceremonially-cut-off ponytail, a set of shark's jaws, a machete, a collection of shot-glasses and books by the crate.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:30, Reply)

It really depends on me having a job by then and therefore having money.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:32, Reply)

could you do supply for a bit?
morning osok. how's things? and if that's what you found during phase 7, what on earth did you find in the previous 6 phases?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:34, Reply)

I repeat, absolutely nothing that was illegal, immoral or fattening.
I wish to make that quite clear.
*whistles nonchalantly*
*visits dump again under cover of darkness while disguised as Brian Blessed*
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:41, Reply)

*wonders what could be all of those three things at once*
*turns oven on*
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:43, Reply)

illegal, immoral and fattening.
Fat man jerky?
Right chaps and chapesses. I'm off out.
Have fun, see you later.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:45, Reply)

I, too, am at work. I'm also not going to the bash.
The reason for non-attending is a) Don't know where it is, b) Too shy and c) Can't be arsed.
As for it being sunny, I'm working in a shopping centre and we don't have any windows, so I'm hoping it's really raining hard so that I'm not missing out on any decent weather, but in reality I know it's probably really sun shiney.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:48, Reply)

But I am planning stuff, then need to pack the car with PA and drive quite a lot. What fun.
Having fun at work all?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:53, Reply)

1. it's in london
2. so is everyone else, probably
3. fair enough.
yeah, no windows is rubbish. have you got a fire door you can open?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 10:54, Reply)

because my head is up my arse these days. Also, until yesterday I was skint. Now I have more money than I've seen all year. I'm going to buy pizza and beer and a car and then I'll squander the rest.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:09, Reply)

My 4 year old is "helping"..................
An Embra bash sounds lovely as I've only been back to my home town once in the last 15 years, and I got lost on the way out and ended up in my charming former workplace of Wester Hailes.
However I am (a) poor (b) living amongst the Heathen and (c) unlikely to get a pass from the Obergruppenfuhrer after the last 'incident'.*
*I didn't realise that Urinating on a Police Vehicle was actually a criminal offence.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:13, Reply)

ta for the soothing :)
Yep, we have a fire door, but it leads to the service area for the shopping centre. And the place where all the rats live.
I'm only here till one, so I should quit moaning really.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:13, Reply)

Bank job was it?
"On the floor youse English Bastards and nobody gets hurt....except for him, he's carrying a man-bag........BANG.......now, hand over the cash"
Returning all to briefly to coherence, what flavour of car are you thinking of buying?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:24, Reply)

you can't prove that was me - I was wearing a very fetching balaclava.
I'm torn between a Nissan Micra or a Land Rover Defender. I realise these seem somewhat different, but both have excellent offroading capabilities.
I'm a cheapskate so it might be the Micra.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:30, Reply)

The Disco is lovely offroad, until something breaks. Which it will. Also, expect bills circa £1000 every time it goes near a main dealer service department.
Micras are pretty much bombproof, if ugly.
If you want a compromise, the titchy Suzuki 4x4 keeps doing well in the comparisons but isn't very comfy on the road.
How much offroading will you be doing, or this car destined for Johnny-Foreigner Land at some point?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:38, Reply)

I don't think a Nissan Micra fits in with your feisty self at all. You'll be obliged to drive everywhere at 28mph as well, and everyone will hate you.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:46, Reply)

Not a Disco, a Defender - easier to fix :)
If you mean the wee Suzuki SJs, that definitely stands for shitty jeep - they're dreadful.
Yeah, I had thought if I got the Landy I could take it on the rally next year. Same goes for the Micra though.
I'll probably end up with whatever's cheapest with the longest remaining MOT. The archaeologist in me wants something that you can fit wheelbarrows in, though.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:48, Reply)

because I'm in Virginia and can't afford to hop a plane at whim. Dammit.
However, clendrix will be here tomorrow! YAY!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:50, Reply)

is that if you want to tax it or drive it anywhere it's going to suck every penny you have
my advice is always buy something German. they know how to make cars.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:50, Reply)

that is a reasonable excuse.
Also, when I read the words "Virginia" and "plane" in your post, Bryan Ferry appeared in my head.
edit: ^ what vipros said. vorsprung durch technik ftw.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:51, Reply)

I ain't got time to take no fast train
O lonely days are gone
I'm comin' hooooooome
my baby she wrote me a letter...
(I can only hear this in Joe Cocker's voice now)
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:54, Reply)

I'm just getting ready to go to the bash with the inimitable Pooflake (who really IS a bell-end).
Looks like being a great day, apart from my complete lack of drugs.
Ah well, you can't have everything.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:54, Reply)

Never underestimate the power of the Micra!
Last year's Micra:

( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:06, Reply)

Saturday eyesight. A Defender is of course the only proper Landrover, and is basically the world's biggest meccano set. However, they're daftly expensive.
On my list is the Airborne Lightweight version, with a 'somewhat' modified V8 and a rollcage.
However, if you want something that should give you the best longevity/value for money but is unlikely to be exciting, buy Japanese.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:06, Reply)

sorry, but nah. You can't have "Micra" and "power" in the same sentence, unless "pathetic lack of" is in there as well.
Micras are cars for people who don't like cars.
In the same way that James Blunt is for people who don't like music.
that said, your micra up there is marginally cooler than all the other micras.
but only because it's dirty. edit and appears to have the word "feck" on it.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:09, Reply)

He's Bertie Wooster, scrambled around a little bit and transported forward a century. He cracked me up when I met him, and hope to meet him again soon- and you as well, Cap'n.
BGB and I still joke about the "flat cap and weasel shops".
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:12, Reply)

With less than an hour to go, I´m posting this from my friend´s laptop.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:20, Reply)

I have returned from 'town'.
I am now off to sit in the garden while the going is good.
I shall be taking you guys with me though through the magic of laptops and wi-fi.
*edit* as far as cars go get one of these:
I have!
(not as expensive as you might think)
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:24, Reply)

I don't do people so I tend to avoid town on a Saturday. So all I did was meet Mr Inabin for coffee while he was on his break and buy a paper.
I may have also stopped at the old fashioned sweet shop.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:32, Reply)

I have to shoot off again.
* gives hugs to those not going *
BTW: If I´m not too hungover, I´ll be going on a walk tomorrow
See ya!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:37, Reply)

Does anyone have a phone number for the clouds so I can call them and ask them to get the fuck away from the sun?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 12:40, Reply)

That is often overlooked is the Fiat Panda 4x4
Review here
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 13:53, Reply)

Fiat and good in the same sentence?
Sorry, but I'm a bitter man after the bill for the MOT for Mrs O's Fiat came to £700 ish. And it still needs a cambelt and the a/c has gone tits up. Who came up with the idea of putting an Alfa engine in a Fiat, mutter, mutter, mutter.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:18, Reply)

I suppose all the cool kids are bashing now.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:29, Reply)

I've come back inside which makes me think about doing housework.
I really should clean the bathroom, but it's not much fun!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:36, Reply)

no one else is at home.
The sun has gone in.
And if I sit here and read then that dirty bathroom is just going to be tapping away at my brain.
As I'm not working Saturday is like any other day but without Jeremy Kyle.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:48, Reply)

car crash telly at its best.
you just can't not watch!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:51, Reply)

I sit and watch it in the bath in the mornings. (my bathroom is en suite so I can see the TV in the bedroom from the bath)
My problem is that after next week Mr Inabin will be working in schools too and, once I have a job, I won't have days off on my own.
He looks down his nose a daytime TV so I don't think I'll get to watch it!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:55, Reply)

that sucks
just pretend you've lost the remote. then he'll get sucked in like the rest of us.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:57, Reply)

You can watch them all online but I can't get it too work!
yay, got it working!
Hurrah. Wall to wall Jezza!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 15:39, Reply)

I've only been exposed to his show courtesy of the NHS, and I was left with a few thoughts:
1. If you're legally allowed out without a responsible adult or carer, you should be clever enough to realise you'll be exposed to the world as pikey trash.
2. Could someone not tell them to wash their hair before going on national TV. Bob on a bike, you'd be able to scrape the grease off their pillows and make candles.
Anyway, since the cool ones are off vomiting on each other, it seems a bit tumbleweedy, even for a Saturday. HLT will be still pretending to work, Mrs L will be being a domestic goddess, and Vipros might even have finished the tiling.
I'm desperately avoiding work, and have even managed to dredge up a not very funny story, but have just had a phonecall I've been expecting and dreading for a while so will probably go and do something physical for a while to take my mind off it.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 16:34, Reply)

because I'm in the wrong country. I've been checking for cheap flights the last few days but there all around E200. The mind boggles why planes will leave with empty seats.
However, we are having a Hibernian bash on 5Sep to which you are all, of course, invited.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 16:34, Reply)

I had Jezza playing while I cleaned the kitchen.
It makes cleaning out the cupboard under the sink a far more acceptable thing to do with your time when you know that some pikey scum are having a shitter life!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 17:02, Reply)

and head down to Victoria as it's not far from me at all, but I'd be relying on other people to buy me drinks and my stupid pride wont let me do that. So instead I've been sensible and come home from rabbit sitting and studying all day. Going to watch a film now and relax for a bit before recommencing Operation brain cell: Activate, as I seem to have mislaid some along the way.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 17:39, Reply)

I got a phone call from BGB, Captain Placid, Pooflake, Chickenlady and PJM. All sounded like they were having a blast. Wish I could be there in person... but at least I got a glimpse of it!
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 19:04, Reply)

BGB called me rather than the other way around. But it was only a five to ten minute conversation, so it shouldn't have been too bad...
It was wonderful to hear from them, though.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 19:26, Reply)

I only live a short distance away, but I am very poor due to a recent move and they will insist on having these things at the end of a month's pay.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 19:35, Reply)

of people have found the end-of-the-monthnes to be a problem.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 19:39, Reply)

Seems there's no-one here at the moment.... But we're stopping in to say hi!
Rotating Wobbly Hat
Herr Doktor
Captain Placid
X x x
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 21:35, Reply)

It seems like it's just me, BECAUSE EVERYONE IS AT THE BASH. Not that I'm bitter.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 21:41, Reply)

I am not going as I am saving up some cash for next month.
How is everyone?
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 21:47, Reply)

is stretching it a bit.
Seems like it's just me and thee.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 21:50, Reply)

our extremely attractive personalities make up for what we lack in physical size.
*thats what I usually tell the ladies
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 21:54, Reply)

I don't think they're having any fun at all.
I bet they're having a really dull time........or something.
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 22:15, Reply)

We are the life and soul of the party so I can guarantee* they are having a boring night out
*Guarantee like an extended warranty
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 22:21, Reply)

talking to no-one in particular "I'm off to bed".
( , Sat 23 Aug 2008, 23:58, Reply)
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