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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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You all fucked off for the afternoon then?
Workshy cunts.

I've been tits deep in IT misery. Im not going to moan about it like certain folk on here. Instead, I persevered and sorted my fucking issues out.

What you all up to?
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 17:56, 52 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'm at home in my pants waiting for a call
My IT misery ended up being a simple change of router setting so all is now good.
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 17:58, Reply)
Im installing new software on new pc's. It's been a bit messy.
Im not even IT though things like this seem to be put on me
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:09, Reply)
I'm sorting my it misery out with a telephone interview tomorrow
Fingers crossed I manage to pretend not to be a hateful cunt for half an hour
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:02, Reply)
have a line beforehand.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:10, Reply)
i'm here til 7ish
then lebanese and theatre
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:05, Reply)
I read that as
"then lesbians and dinner".

Now I'm disappointed.
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:07, Reply)
what do lebanese eat?
Fish pate
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:10, Reply)
I've been compliancing all day

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:15, Reply)
keep it to gaz, yer?

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:22, Reply)
sorry babe

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:24, Reply)
Are you two having some sort of affair?

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:32, Reply)
What's it to you?
Quite nosy for a General Practitioner receptionist, aren't you?
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:33, Reply)
he masturbates to pictures of dead children

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:35, Reply)
As does Mrs Dozer.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:55, Reply)
how can a non-existent person perform any physical activity?
You really are a thick-skulled oaf, aren't you?
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:57, Reply)
I'm just glad Im not the thickest anymore.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:59, Reply)
it's close though

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:00, Reply)
yer innit yer
get fucked.
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:04, Reply)
alright Tim
I always suspected you were yet another sockpuppet account of Battered's.
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:08, Reply)
Spending my JSA on fags and plotting out a chart for my downward spiral of introspection and despair in OpenOffice.
It puts the date for inevitable suicide as the first week in August.
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:32, Reply)
I have to get public transport from work tonight :(
and to and from tomorrow.

what woes do you have?
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:32, Reply)
The state of English cricket

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:34, Reply)
Has it ever been English?

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:44, Reply)
The state of the England cricket team, more accurately.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 18:55, Reply)
This is why I don't do sport. The amount of upset it causes.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:00, Reply)
You've caught me on a bad day though.
I'm blaming HH for today. He nipped round the corner and poisoned the pitch.
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:11, Reply)

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:01, Reply)
quick, do a food thread!!!

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:02, Reply)

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:03, Reply)
tell me what you're cooking, I am always really impressed

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:07, Reply)

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:09, Reply)
you ghastly pleb

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:11, Reply)
nah, just had a lick.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:07, Reply)
Shouldn't you be riding a bike or playing with your bird somewhere?
(both of these are euphemisms)
(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:04, Reply)
I have and I am

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 19:05, Reply)
Also, MNIYM.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 20:12, Reply)

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