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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
dunno ... I feel like I ought to be a winner by never having bought a scratch card but I'm struggling to feel strongly about it
Alt: we have support staff to do the mundane stuff
Altalt: cats are cunt
Hope this helps!
lol man river definite greek god, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:29,
1 reply,
10 years ago)
Nah that can't be right, I mean, I've never bought one either and look at me
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:33,
perhaps they're not the reliable metric of social success that I assumed
lol man river definite greek god, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:39,
Dunno, you're the brainy one
is there some sciencey term for something that is true if one set of conditions is present, but isn't necessarily the opposite if they are not?
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:41,
Yeah. "bollocks" as in "that seems like a load of bollocks"
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:45,
That seems like a load of bollocks
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:47,
lol man river definite greek god, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:47,
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:48,
even compared to you? erm...............
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:48,
I knew you wouldn't be able to resist that.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:49,
she's trolled you right up
lol man river definite greek god, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:55,
i know it was self-evident. but meh.
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 12 May 2015, 15:55,