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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I once shared a sleeper cabin with Wolf from Gladiators
Which Jet from Gladiators have you had a few wanks over?

Alt: what about that massive woman in Game Of Thrones, eh? Eh? Eh?

Altalt: Nearly strawberry season. Do you eat rubbish out-of-season strawberries? You idiot.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:28, 110 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
'Member that round where the contestant had to swing across a load of hoops and Jet had to try to wrap her thighs around their head then crush them to death??
I think that's how I'd like to go
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:33, Reply)
brb having a smother wank

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:34, Reply)
I got a bit confused and knocked one out to The Jets instead.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:34, Reply)
Judy Jetson y/n?

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:36, Reply)
sex and food. your wifes french ways are obviously having an influence on you.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:36, Reply)
wait, I should have said "your wifes influence is rubbing off on you"
Then we could have sniggered over "rubbing off"
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:37, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:38, Reply)
I've always been interested in sex and food.
I can't imagine the grimness of a life that was uninterested or squeamish about sex and food.

keywords: sex and food
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:38, Reply)
they should be private pursuits, not fir boasting about like our boorish french cousins

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:43, Reply)
i don't have any french cousins, thank you very much
just one great grandfather. but we don't talk about him, because he was a scumbag who turned out to be running 2 families... 5 miles apart from one another... my grandma got a right shock when she opened the door in her 70's and a half-sister she had no idea about was standing on the doorstep...
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:45, Reply)
sounds like a right sort

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:51, Reply)
i have no idea how a wandering french romeo ended up in the middle of nowhere, yorkshire
but he obviously made the most of it
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:04, Reply)
the last person in your family who ever risked having any fun

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:55, Reply)
if you call cheating on your wife and another woman fun, sure

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:03, Reply)
I agree
he should have got them in bed together... Trick missed I fear
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:11, Reply)
who wouldn't want to think about their great grandparents having a threesome, eh?

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:14, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:23, Reply)
sorry ... I keep forgetting you're a joyless Victorian prude

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:10, Reply)
I don't consider not wanting to shag someone else when in a relationship to be prudish
But if you have an open relationship good for you.

I can't see how it would help you get laid with that face though. Shudder.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:26, Reply)
it's almost as if I'm incredibly attractive

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:32, Reply)
there is something incredible about it alright

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:44, Reply)
you're almost as obsessed about it as you are with my lawns and my kids' hair
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:46, Reply)
it's almost as if i have no idea what any of it is like and just like to chuck random insults at you innit

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:49, Reply)
horrible curtains in your spare bedroom, btw

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:49, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:50, Reply)
and i don't like your socks either

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:52, Reply)
Banning you!

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:53, Reply)
i've never been banned
I'm a good girl
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:54, Reply)
Except that time about the bins

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:55, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:55, Reply)
what's the point of fucking a quiche if you don't do it in the chilled aisle of waitrose?

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:54, Reply)
I bet you smear chickpeas all over your genitals you hummousexual.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:50, Reply)
I had a falafel salad for lunch
I could happily have stuffed my johnson in that
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:01, Reply)
Don t

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:28, Reply)
John Fashnu
John Fashnu
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:37, Reply)
Jet Harris y/n

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:37, Reply)
One for the kids there

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:38, Reply)
I don't know who that is.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:43, Reply)
Ask your uncle Monty

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:07, Reply)
Diane Youdale has aged terribly :'(

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:40, Reply)
she should have taken me up on my offer of regular facials

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:42, Reply)
Fuckin' state of it.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:40, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:41, Reply)
those don't look altogether practical
even for a Mexican
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 12:53, Reply)
I dont know
Imagine you are a ring doughnut salesman with no hands and need a way to transport your goods
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:09, Reply)
who wouldn't want a pair of these for kicking people up the arse?

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:14, Reply)
At that angle they'd be mighty good at kicking people in the taint too.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:44, Reply)
you'd be more likely to kick yourself in the cunt

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:59, Reply)
Leningrad cowboys

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:08, Reply)
Jet Li

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:06, Reply)
I did admire jet as a young un. I rather fancied Hunter as a wrong 'un
alt. don't watch it.
altalt. yep. all the way from Egypt. deeeelicious
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:11, Reply)
You'd like GoT
It's got that guy from Queer as Folk in it.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:16, Reply)
Technically a gladiatrix
I only like British Strawberries
I do not like forrin ones
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:23, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 13:35, Reply)
foreign strawberries are OK if you're in foreign
but they don't travel well so the out-of-season supermarket ones are fit only for freezing and plugging up your butt
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:02, Reply)
Didn't watch Gladiators.
Alt: what massive woman in GoT?
Altalt: British, in season, strawberries are the best, although we get big punnets of those mutant American ones from Costco, throughout the year - the food miles really add to the flavour.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:17, Reply)
Brienne of Tarth
I'd imagine
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:32, Reply)
Nice looking fella.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:36, Reply)
She's not massive, just solidly built.
I can't understand the mindset where Size 6 women are supposed to be normal.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:46, Reply)
The size thing varies so much
My wife is a size 8 but looks completely different to my sister who is also 8. My mate is tiny but swears she's a 12.

Fuck it, they're all fat bitches. Size 6 or under or GTFO
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:52, Reply)
it's also about how your body is built
i had an awesome personal trainer a while ago, and her body was like a fucking advert for the gym, stupid toned blonde surfer bee-hatch. she weighed 5kg more than me. when i found that out, i nearly smashed stuff.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:53, Reply)
Muscle is denser than flab.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:56, Reply)
we know this. but this girl looked like she weighed nothing
stupid deceptive muscles
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:02, Reply)
^ lol size 14

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:02, Reply)
i feel bad for you son

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:06, Reply)
Real women have curves.
Washboard abs don't count.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:06, Reply)
^ lol fat wife

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:57, Reply)
All about the bass

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:59, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:00, Reply)
I you prefer to fuck women who look like little boys,
I'm not going to judge you.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:04, Reply)
Really? You're not going to judge me?

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:08, Reply)
We'll, obviously I'll judge you,
but I'll just be quietly tut-tutting, under my breath. I might write to the papers about the decline of society, but I won't mention you by name.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:11, Reply)
I've just had to spend £1350 on a settee
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:50, Reply)
It'd have been cheaper just to sit in the pub.

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:54, Reply)
This is VERY true

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 14:58, Reply)
We went to a pub once and when we sat down on the sofas, it turned out they were actually OUR sofas from OUR house.

True story.
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:02, Reply)
drinking by yourself does not make your council flat a pub

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:05, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:06, Reply)
nor does passing out on the toilet with your soggy cock in your hand

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:07, Reply)

(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:09, Reply)
Even if I play music really load and piss on the bathroom floor?
(, Thu 14 May 2015, 15:11, Reply)

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