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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Is 7 minutes enough or do you prefer the European 16.2 minutes?
Interesting article in the Torygraph suggesting that the European male has more than twice the "lasting power" of the American male!


Comments welcome from our cousins over the water

(, Sat 8 Nov 2008, 17:21, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
It's not how long you last,
it's what you do with it. Seriously, if I've had a couple of orgams before you enter me, you can take 7-16 minutes for all I care. Anything more than that just gets boring.
(, Sat 8 Nov 2008, 17:35, Reply)
Much depends on the people involved, I'd say- I've been with women who are almost impossible to get to orgasm, and I've been with ones who hit it within thirty seconds.

For my part, I prefer to get the woman either to orgasm or pretty damn close before actual penetration occurs, then make sure she gets there before I do. How long that takes depends on the woman. How long it takes for me to get there once she's done depends on how tired I am or if I've been drinking.

Can't say that I've ever really bothered to time it, though...
(, Sat 8 Nov 2008, 17:38, Reply)
To be fair
The article does say that the times are based on estimates from those surveyed.

And if my personal "estimates" were to be subjected to the harsh glare of a stopwatch I think there would be some slight inconsistency!

I mean ..... 16.2 minutes ..... how many baseball stats or images of Margaret Thatcher would you have to think of to get to 16.2 minutes!
(, Sat 8 Nov 2008, 18:17, Reply)
@ TRL: This ^
The choice of winners.
(, Sat 8 Nov 2008, 19:45, Reply)
I just find
it amusing that the media puts so much emphasis on this sort of thing.

If you both enjoy it and are satisfied, who cares?
(, Sun 9 Nov 2008, 13:26, Reply)

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