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Patented hangover cures
I think we touched upon this in HSH a few weeks back.

Today I feel rough as a badger's arse*

What are your hangover cures?

* not a grammar badger's arse - that's quite smooth. Apparently.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 8:07, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
alka seltzer
can't beat it

and lucozade, but not the original flavour because that mings
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 8:16, Reply)

A bottle of Irn Bru, or failing that, just start drinking again.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 8:18, Reply)
Just stay pissed.
You never see an alchie with a hangover.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 8:49, Reply)
Definitely hair of the dog
And lots of fried grease, and a massive spliff.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 8:54, Reply)
(A decent, simple cup of filter coffee, none of this latte or americano shit)

And whatever's left of the curry from the night before.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 9:59, Reply)
The best by far...
A Bacon & Avocado sandwich(Trust me on this one, it tastes great and the salt/Vitamin C combo sorts you right out...)

A glass of Orange Juice (Freshly squeezed & on ice where possible) - The Vitamin C thing again, also tastes yum whilst rehydrating you.

A glass of flat Coke (Icy, icy cold!) Same as above but with added sugars in to pick you back up.

If it's a REALLY bad one, couple of Ibuprofen to reduce the pain, on top of the above will round it off nicely.


(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 10:06, Reply)

Waking up sporadically through the morning, drinking the bottles of cold water by the bed.

Getting up at 1pm for a full fucking fry up washed down with copious amounts of tea.

Collapsing back into bed to watch shitty Hollyoaks/Eastenders omnibuses while rubbing your belly and drinking fresh fruit juice.

Throw in a cheeky wank or 3 and you have yourself a winner...
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 10:07, Reply)
I think I love you.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 10:58, Reply)
that is all :)
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 11:16, Reply)

A can of cold baked beans with peanut butter, tinned sardines and tabasco mixed in.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 11:50, Reply)
With the mutual love between us Mr No3l...
Perhaps we should try it together as a team although being a straight fellow I'm not sure if bed-sharing and in-the-same-bed wanking would be acceptable....
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 12:52, Reply)
I went to the doctor with my baby cos she had the shits
the doctor prescribed her diralyte.

The Doctor informed me that a litre of if is a perfect hangover cure.

Pros -


Cons -

Takes 5 sachets
Tastes like salty shit
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 12:58, Reply)
Legend mate. I didn't realise I had left the webcam on and you can see into my room?!
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 13:29, Reply)

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