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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Serious pondering..
for once :D

I broke my collar bone exactly two months ago on sunday. Yes it hurt like a bitch. No the accident wasn't funny, it was just a bit tragic in it's patheticness :(

But to the point. Pre-breakage I was working out a lot. I'd made huge progress in strength with weights and things.

And now Im managing to go back to the gym, stubborn as I am, because every gym session leaves me in crippling agony for a few hours while my shoulder screams at me for being a bitch. And it's a little depressing because now I can't lift half of what I used to be able to on the affected side.

So, does anybody know of any serious physio or weights exercises I can do to help my shoulder build back up? Otherwise I'll be lop sided for life.. :(
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 18:46, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
swimming is great.

I've seen some public swimming pools host a weight-swim therapy thing.
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 19:08, Reply)
weight swimming
sounds interesting. Do you know more about it or should I google?
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 19:12, Reply)
Sounds to me
like it's too early for you to be doing strenuous exercise after your injury.

Have you spoken to a physiotherapist? They'll be able to recommend a course of exercise suited to recovery from your injury and help you gradually get back up to strength.

Good luck!
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 19:27, Reply)
indeed I have not spoken with a physio. For Norway is the land of 'do-it-yerself-yer-weak-foreign-bastard' when it comes to medical treatment ;)
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 19:30, Reply)
cant tell you much more. Looked like semi-underwater aerobics with dumbells. Seen it two or three times in pools around Manchester
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 19:37, Reply)
My friend did just this three months ago
in the states and is still finding stuff difficult to do as she teaches pilates. She's had all the physio and still goes twice a week (thank god for medical insurance). Please ask your doctor for a referral to a physio as I know from my own back problems in the past that you need to see someone qualified in that field or you can end up with a shitload of problems. I've still got residual nerve damage in my shoulder and neck that flares up from time to time as I left it a couple of months without doing proper exercises.
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 20:15, Reply)
speak to an instructer at the gym, they can probably give you a regime to work the shoulder back into fitness, or a physio, but don't just carry on regardless!

I did that years ago and my knees are officially about one twinge away from fucked
(, Wed 10 Dec 2008, 20:51, Reply)

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