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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Every fucking week
Frankly, I'm surprised Rob would show any support for your fucking archive of wasted time, which, at its heart, undermines a large and active chunk of his website and its loyal (often donating) users. The sheer hypocrisy of promoting stories one week by including them in the newsletter, then shooting them down by endorsing your pathetic witch hunt is baffling to me.

If your wanky list only targeted the truly worthless posts, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but you also shout "failure" at stuff that the rest of the site thinks is pretty good. To use just one example from your contemptible archive, SpankyHanky is a character on a web site; as far as I know, none of us has ever met him in person. The character in those stories is obviously not entirely real and the writer has never stated that *every* story is true (although I'm sure some of them are, some people just lead interesting lives). SpankyHanky's stories are simply a fucking funny diversion from the drudgery of work. That's all they need to be, 'truth' would add nothing to the entertainment factor. Since SpankyHanky arrived, QOTW has been a better place for it as evidenced by the huge number of posts he's got on the 'best of' pages. He's not the only one on your list who doesn't belong there either.

You spectacularly FAIL to see the point of QOTW. It's not a forum for dull accounts of precisely what happened, because the topics usually lack the scope for writing a true story that is also amusing (take note, mods). QOTW is a place to write funny, interesting anecdotal answers to the question. Some are true, some are made up. Why the fuck do you care if the plot comes from Real Lifeā„¢ or from someone's imagination?

The only important criteria for QOTW should be "is it entertaining?". In that sense, you, not the posters of QOTW, consistently FAIL to deliver anything at all. Worst of all, you seem to be obsessed with creating resentment for a cherished place where bullshit, belly laughs, ridiculous bragging and occasionally, some very amusing truths live quite happily together. Your idiotic crusade is tiresome, pointless and it makes you look like a needy cunt. Too much time spent licking JMG's online balls has wrongly convinced you that you too can be a self-declared arbiter of what is and is not worthy of being accepted. JMG is at least pretty funny, for his sins.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 6:06, 24 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
haha, gutted.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:05, Reply)
To be honest,
I think it's you who's missed the point on /QoTW.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:07, Reply)
At least BGB and Althegeordie are taking the dignified option and sulking quietly.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:10, Reply)
I think althegeordie 'gets it'

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:11, Reply)
Oh you massive cunt.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:09, Reply)
Well done.
You just made the prime reason for the list.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:10, Reply)

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:12, Reply)
I'm considering changing my name
to this. I rather like it.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 5:05, Reply)

(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 14:53, Reply)
I see what you've done there
I'm based in Tokyo, so you could have said 'CHINKY CUNT CAT' which would have been more amusing, if racially inaccurate.

Do let me know how you get on though.
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 16:06, Reply)
I tried to read that post, but after the first line it just became
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:12, Reply)
Haha, you massive cunt.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:12, Reply)
is the best you can do. Not a question, it's a fact.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:36, Reply)
Haha, you're a total cunt.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:18, Reply)
Crippling undiagnosed Asberger's right here.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:22, Reply)
So 2007
Do keep up
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:31, Reply)
If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
If the QoTW doesn't apply to you, why give in to the sweaty, nervous need to post something? No-one will think any less of you for it. Chances are they won't even notice.
Don't make up some crap just so you can sit and constantly refresh the page and see if anyone has replied to it going "OMG that's so funneh! you're so cool!"

You're a bunch of needy, self indulgent, whining, emotionally retarded fuckwits (with the exception of "normal" posters) and you all seriously need to stop getting so upset if someone dares to criticize you or tells you to stop telling your filthy, dull lies.

Ps, You're also a cunt.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 18:23, Reply)
In all fairness here, it's only Chart Cat who's had a massive case of Unwarranted Self Importance over this.
He's a cunt though.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 20:04, Reply)
Self importance?
You have to be kidding. I'm defending QOTW, not myself.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:33, Reply)
Oh dear.
Top self-importanting there.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 12:49, Reply)
That's like, only one step down from Jesus, or something.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:54, Reply)
I half agreed with you
but then you subtracted all credibility from whatever point you were trying to make by joining in the name calling. Better luck next time.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:39, Reply)
haha prick.

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 20:30, Reply)
haha ym
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:33, Reply)

(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 22:28, Reply)
Sorry, I'll be more brutal next time

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 11:34, Reply)
Why not call it Fiction of the Week then?

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 12:09, Reply)
Same reason /talk isn't called /cuntzoo
it wouldn't apply to everyone.

btw: it's not called 'true story of the week' either

3/10 must try harder
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:11, Reply)
ha, I like that; /cuntzoo

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:19, Reply)
I like the fact you clearly spent a long time writing this about someone wasting their time.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 12:51, Reply)
Not really
I'm so fucking awesome I can knock shit like this together in minutes.

The flaw in the logic is the part where you tried to connect "waste of time" with my excellent and correct reply above. The volume of /talkhate it has generated is evidence that it was anything but a waste of time.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:19, Reply)
It's weird that you spend half of your time being a cunt, and the other half of your time whinging about people calling you a cunt.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:22, Reply)
Why is that
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:26, Reply)
haha, wow
you've really taken this personally
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 12:59, Reply)
Imagine me waving my hand just over my head
while making a 'whoosh' sound. You just missed the point.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:22, Reply)
I mean, it's like you don't even realise how much of a cunt you are.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:23, Reply)
As the resident expert cunt
Please elaborate.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:27, Reply)
Ha ha ha, you massive sweaty prick.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:54, Reply)
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:05, Reply)
I was sort of nodding along until
Too much time spent licking JMG's online balls

You fucking crip
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:14, Reply)
No, I'm completely right on that one
A cursory glance through JMG's post history reveals AB's filthy brown nose. Pick any day you like really.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:19, Reply)
Oh dear. The point is flying over your head and you haven't even figured that out yet.

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:21, Reply)
I thought I understood irony
If it's all some massive joke, it's way too subtle. He just looks like a good old fashioned sycophant.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:27, Reply)
You can accuse JMG of being manythings
but subtle he most certainly isn't.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:36, Reply)
Clarity failure... Sorry
I was referring to the non-sublety of AB's attempts at emulating JMG's posting style, and his many congratulatory replies to JMG's missives
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:45, Reply)
Oh my poor darling, you REALLY don't get it, do you?

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:49, Reply)
I guess not
It's all some hyper-layered in-joke that I'm far too stupid to understand.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:56, Reply)
It's really not that hard.
It's basically a Special School version of Speak You're Branes or Lamebook, done really, really lazily.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 15:16, Reply)
Look, shush you
he's wittering on about you and JMG now, not your list.
(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 15:59, Reply)

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 18:21, Reply)
I have great affection for JMG
How dare you
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 3:34, Reply)
I don't think you're a cunt

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:26, Reply)

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:38, Reply)
It just goes to show you can't be too careful!

(, Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:42, Reply)
that link in the middle doesn't work... you cunt
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 14:52, Reply)
*beano guffaw*
It's just underlined text, but I can see how it's confusing... for some.
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 16:04, Reply)
(, Mon 2 Nov 2009, 16:24, Reply)
Ignore him Badger, you're doing God's work.
(, Sun 11 Jul 2010, 23:34, Reply)
If he FAILS to miss the point of the QoTW
doesn't that mean he gets the point of it?

Surely that is a good thing?
(, Thu 15 Jul 2010, 15:42, Reply)

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