Hotdog asks: Ever been on TV? I once managed to "accidentally" knock Ant (but not Dec) over live on the box.
We last asked this in 2004, but we know you've sabotaged more telly since then
( , Thu 11 Jun 2009, 12:08)
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Growing up in Los Angeles I had tons of oppourtunity for my five minutes of fame. Being the spawn of a child actor I was intentionaly kept away from "The Biz" that had turned my father into a terribly sucessful buisness man as a result. However there was one thing that television and more specificly a game show could offer a 10 year old Anotherlogan.
A Nintendo Entertainemnt System.
My mother flat out refused to buy me one as I already had an Atari. My pleads were met with a "Why don't you read a book?" But books couldn't shooot fireballs and stomp on goombas. One of my neighbors was a producer for all kinds of crap syndicated television and his latest venture was a children's gameshow called Skedaddle! He invited me down to the studio for an audition. My mom was deathly against me acting, but I guess she figured a gameshow wouln't result in me robbing liquor stores by the time I was 15.
I aced the audition and was invited back the day of the show. My Mom and I arrived at the KCAL5 soundstages around noon. To think I was in the very place where they taped the shows Small Wonder, Mama's Family, and Star Search did nothing for me. I cared for nothing but the Nintendo I was about to win. The 30 kid contestants were separated from their parents and we were corraled into a soundstage. We changed into our bright red jumpsuits and matching Converse All-Stars on the Jeopardy! set (much smaller than it looks.) We were lined up by team and told which episode we were to be on. I was to be on the first run.
The gameshow was one big clusterfuck. I couldn't explain it if I tried, so I just did a copypasta from the 'pedia.
One team selected one of three dinosaurs (named Slam, Dunk, and Seymour), who would come out from his lair with a small object, such as a top hat. The object corresponded with a question which had a numerical answer. To answer the question, the team had to toss the object back and forth from player to player within a certain amount of time. As soon as the number of passes equaled the team's guess, the player with the object ran to the middle of the studio and honked a bicycle horn.
We were tossed our first item, I think it was a toaster. Whatever the question was, the mong that honked the bicycle horn got it wrong. So then this happened.
If the team's guess was correct, they received points. If they were wrong, ran out of time, or threw the object out of bounds during play, they received nothing; in addition, the chosen dinosaur spun a "wheel of torture", which caused that team to get slimed with some by-product poured into the sewer.
We got slimed with the by product of rice pudding and Cherrios. Then we had to stand there for another 20 minutes covered in crap while the other team ran ramshod over us. We didn't make it to the bonus round. No trip to Spacecamp. No Huffy BMX bikes. No Nintendo Entertainment System. However we did get a $50 gift certificate (no cards back then) to Toys "R" Us. I parlayed that, some birthday money, and some good old fashioned whineing into my new Nintendo that i bought a week later.
A few months later I told all my friends and family memebers to watch channel 13 at 7:30am to see me. My episode came on and everyone watched me get a bucket of crap dumped on me and then fiddle with my pecker through the buttons my jumpsuit for the next 26 minutes. Whatever, I had my Nintendo.
Length? 4 years. Then I got a Sega.
( , Sun 14 Jun 2009, 21:48, Reply)
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